
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE more If the wheel of life, which rolls silently along, passed on through undistinguishable uniformity, we should never mark its appragaches to the end of the course. If Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 the parts of time were not so variously coloured, we should never discern their departure or succession but YEAR VI Limón, November 7th. 1942 N: 349 live thoughtless of the past and careless of the future; without will and, perhaps, power to compare the time which in already last with that which many probably AXIS FORCES BADLY FURTHER REPRESENTATION BY MUNICIPAL FATHERS remain.
BEATEN 000 After two weeks of intease Pursuing their unfaltering Messrs Sole and Barrantes LET UP PREPARE fighting in Egypt the forces com zeal for the revival of the are said to have stressed the manded by Marshal Ronimel economic life of this pro fact that there is every po o0o have been so terribly chastiser vince, our Municipal Fath sibility of Corn, Rice, and The Season of Cheer and Goodwill fast approaches; and disorganized that they are ers deputed Messrs. Alfon other useful crops being ret this but forty and seven days more and the dawn of Christreported fleeing westward to so Sole and Alberto Barran gularly produced in mas will be with us. Compared with the years avoid a possible complete anni tes, their Vice President and Zone.
which Treasurer, respectively, to Don Julio Peña, the Mana hilation. Hundreds of tanks, canhave passed, our economic condition shews up most unmake further representa ger of the Banco Nacional, non, airplanes and other matefavourably, but we are sanguine our long established rial destroyed by the furyg of the tions before the Central Go is stated to have also cordia vernment.
lly received the representa and widely regarded magnanimity will not be permitted Allied attack cover a frontage The deputation visited tives, and to have expressed to suffer the slightest decline.
of 65 kilometros while San Jose last Monday and his profound interest in the Despite all else, the Story of the birth of the Godtahn 9, 000 soldiers have been ta discussed matters with the deliberations, especially that man in an obscure stable continues to illumine our souls ken prisionere.
Secretaries of Agriculture with respect to the creation and keep us ever mindful of the first grand Message of laborators, General George von also the Manager of the Ban cao.
Deprived of his two best col and National Property, as of a minimum price for CaCheer and Goodwill. Let us commence our preparations Stummel, killed, and General for the Dole which will be tendered our need y ones at.
co Nacional, who, we under The question of the InterRitter von Thoma, Commander stand, were much impressed American Institute promise Christmas; and in view of world wide happenings, if we of African Corps, taken with the facts placed before to receive our prodi was will, on this occasion, effect some change in our disposiprisoner, Marshal Rommel is them. The principal subject also argued, we understand.
iton for the hoarding of material things and display a believed to be experiencing seri of their representation was We further learn, in paslittle more liberality to those less favoured than ourous difficulties ot etricate his the question of intensifying sing, that the National Con selves, we would thereby demonstrate our conception of what critical situation. THó the agricultural activities of gress has approved, in its exhausted men from a some. the Cahuita and La Estrella first reading, the the sublime words. Peace on earth to men of goodproject what critical situation. They are regions; the establishing of for the assignment of the will. as well as our belief in christianity controlling being closely pursued and inces a minimum price for our Ca Maritima Lands, in lots. For Scharacteristic. Charity santly attacked by Alhed air cao, compatible with the this, our highest and since.
units. two fold cord possez ses som estrength, but a four cost of cultivation and rea rest gratitude is due don fold one may not be as easily broken. Let us, Nazi offensive in Stalingrade ping. the therefore obtaining, by Francisco Fonseca Chamier, and the Caucasian region have rental from the Costa Rica and don Daniel Zeledon, our effect, if need be, the necessary sacrifice to contribute also been parallized and their and Penshurst Companies, Legislative representatives, a bit more generously to the Funds our Religious denoforces obliged to evacuate im of the tramline between Pen as also those who have de minations, our social organizations and our charitably portant points.
shurst, Hone Creek and Ca: monstrated their co operadisposed citizens will be accumulating for the humaniThe North American and Au: huita, an dthe instituting of tion on behalf of our strug tralian forces are also stated to tarian purpose of affording some Cheer at the Festive a scient. fic plan in combigling province.
have registered additional im nation with the production We a wait with interest Season to the unfortunates with us.
portant gains in the Far Eastern of Cacao on the Maritima the out come of this further battle fronts and the Japanesse Lands and the rearing of effort on the part of our City UNITED FRUIT CO TO EXTEND AGRICULTURAL experiencing the loss of many cattle.
more naval units.
ACTIVITIES The opinion is already spread CHANGES IN AIR MAIL RATES o0o ing that the destruction of Marshal Rommel army may be From the Official Gazette of nama 0. 40 to the Canal Zone It has been stated that the dy established, is amoug the followed at no distant date by last Wednesday we note that 45, to the United States of United Fruit Company propose Eastern products, and those to the long discussed invasion of various changes have been made America 0. 60 and to Jamaito intensify their agr cultural tfollow will, we glean include Durope.
in the rates connected with our ca 85.
The Large numbers of troops are International Air Mail Service, changes will activities in our Central Ame Rubber Peruvian Bark, and the take The rates for letters, not in effect on the 15th. of the prerican countries for the purpose Senegal plant from which palm being rushed from the Russian of specializing in the cultiva oil is extracted. This will fur fronts to the aid, if possible of excess of the usual weight of sent month.
Marshal Rommel.
tion of the many products for ther aid our efforts toward the five grammes, will pay, to Pamerly imported from the For province economic resu, titaEast.
tion. We hope for an early CAIRO The Abaca cultivation, alrea start of activities.
REGARDING JAPAN NAVAL LOSSES Whenever we thought it neces. olo sary to express approval of some Under date the 2nd. instant, ships of large tonnage were also one or other of the posals SERVICIO Washington reports that since reported sunk and twenty seven promulgated in connection with their attack on Pearl Island the seriously damaged.
our economic resuscitation proJapanese have lost three hundrWith respect to the Mikado gramme, we have always stresed and thirty three ships. This aerial fleet, the operations in sed the general benefits of a com large total include one first line theSalomon Island area are munal nature which would nebattle ship, six airplane carriers said to be alone responsible for cessarily accrue therefrov.
twenty two cruisers and the destruction of more than We see evidence of the cortwenty submarines. Forty other five hundred and twenty five.
rectness of our forecast by what is taking place at Cairo and adA partir de esta fecha y a causa de jacent districts along the Old la situación anormal, cualquier informe BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT Line. Consequent on the intensif respecto a reservaciones de pasajesy esied activities of the Goodyear Rubber Corporation, employ. pacio para carga, no pudiendo atender. ment is being found for an inlo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado creasing number of our people.
and as these have to reside in personalmente en nuestras oficinas en los Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
the neighbourhood of their work bajos del what may be termed a colonizaEvaporated Milk, tin 40 Big Sugar Head 35 tion movement is making steady Salt, lbs. 35 Tuna Fish, tin 00 progress in that locality. GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA Rice, lb. 30 Potted Meat, tin 75 Progress of a similar characSapolio 95 Perlina, pq.
ter is also to be observed at the 40 Monte Verde and 25 miles reKlim, tin 00 Wire Sponges 25 donde nos esforzaremos como de costumgions as the result of the dev.
We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh elopment of our Abaca Iadus bre por llenar sus necesidades.
Merchandise try. The latter locality is destined, we are assured, to become LA PROVEEDORA an important center, as it is will be undertaken.
these activities and prove valuLIMON there the work of preparing the General communal improv able factors in the economic life product for the foreign markers ements are bound to follow of our Province.
PROGRESSES UNITED FRUIT COMPANY DE VAPORES LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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