
Rubber Reserve Co.
In order not to deviate from: Liverpool, and Sarah Fairc ough the duty of extending honour to of this city. Kingston, which sewhom it is due, and in keeping cured third place was sponsored with the additoicnal information by Miss Susana, Allen, outstan.
obtained regarding the activities dingly aided by Mesdames of those who exhibited much Henry, Gordon and Henry The Cacao Farmers Friend zeal in ecuring the exceptional Fourth was St. Ann, with Mis ly large number of votes, which Gillings as leadress and man WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO exceeded three figures for seve vellously supported by Miss ral of the parishes of the Island Williams Mrs. Catherine Me of Jamaica on which was based Kenzie and Lena, steered Westthe Rally held in the local Bap. moreland into fifth position. Cla tist Church on the night of Tues rendon, represented by Mrs. day the 20th. ultimo, we give Smith, with the ardent go gett this supplementary report. ing assistance of Mrs. Rupant WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR The parish of St. Elizabeth followed in numerical order.
which earned the first porition The seventh in order of meri: was championed by Mrs. Mc was St. James, sponsored by Rae, ably assisted by her hus. Miss Gourzong with the band, Mr. Oscar McRae, and her wholehearted support of Mrs.
brother Mr. Chas. Gourzong. Tr Spence.
CINE MUNDIAL lawny, which came second, was Mr. Oscar Mc Rae, adop. this LIMON under the leadership of Mrs. Sa medium to express his personal rah Bowerbank, who was zea. thanks for the very generous ously aided by Mesdames Ruth support he received from many Gourzong. Sarah Ricketis of members of our Chinese Colory. DRAMA BY ST. MARK NEW STYLE OF NIGHT LIFE IN MOTHERS UNION (Condensed from En Guardia. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO 000 We have been afforded the EGBERT POLSON information that the members Specializes in taking photographs for Residential of the St. Mark Mothers Union United States of Millions of persons in the tions. In many factories, the America night tasks are effected und Certificates enlargement of portraits are effecting regular rehearsals are presenting a new style er long fifes of artificial The filling of Petitions to the Nation Executives preparatory to the staging of a of night life. The jollifica lights, but this does not imfor Declaration of full citizenship also undertaken. drama entitled Joseph sold in tion, the laughing and the pede the mounting, with raModerate Rates.
Slavery. The cast of charac diversions yet occupy a pla pidity, the sections for landOffice Room 11 in front the Cathedral Limon ters have been specially selected ce in a nation at war, being of bombing planes or We understand. The night of cause the liberty of senti bombs, nor the connecting the 16th: instant has been set ment or amusement is abso of the wings.
SALVATION ARMY A MID AUTUMN DANCE for the portrayal in the Parish lutely necessary as in times It is said that the United Hall. Admission wil by by of peace.
States commenced the train HARVEST FESTIVAL tickets at fifty cents each. For a great majority of ning of her human stock The residence of Mr. and Mrs the populace, the hours of fence or skilled labour in Coleman provided the 39tfing the night are now hard the war industries with a Majer Lynch, the Office is for the enjoyable mid autumn work, of brisk vigilance in cal for nine million perscharge of the local Salvation dance given a fortnight ago by YOUTHFUL COASTAL some solitary advanced post ons. The armed forces are Army, has release the informa. Mr. Cleveland Jackson. Messrs.
or other enumerable trusts participating in all classes tion that the Army annuel Ernesto Barley at the saxophone GUARD in relation with the great of manoeuvres, and with spe Harvest Thanksgiving Services Asie Brown with the trumpet effort of the war, which cial importance to night com will take place on Sunday the Ferdi Brown on the guitar We are in receipt of the very continue by day and 15th. instant and be followed, Gumbs rattling the drums, by bat, hundreds of thousands interesting report that little six night. More than ten mill of troops keep moving in the next night, by a well prepar White on the bass and Hall year old Elena Chambers in ion persons are dedicated to military array on land, of ed drama entit:ed God llar a: the crooner, supplied the mu Nine Miles was recently seen the production of tanks, air the air and on the sea. The vest.
sic which blended harmoniously patrolling the coast line of that planes, ships, guns and oth troops are transferred many and certainly sent the trippers vicinity armed with a wooden the armed forces, and many ness over all types of terrier material necessary for kilometers in complete dark SIQUIRRES ANGLICANS TO to Town.
rifle. On being asked the rea of them work throughout, tory. In many cases the only We understand this was the son for her rather unusual exer the night tasks. Four and a light visible is the reflecCELEBRATE HARVEST second public demonstration of cise. She unhesitatingly replied half millions voluntarily gi tions of the giantic projec FESTIVAL the Barley instrumental lineup we are assured that she was on ve their time and efforts tors of the 800, 000, 000 can and the results seemed to have the Watch for Germans.
to the National Civil Defendle power which operate the appesled to the dancers who dis This certainly is evidence of ce Meaures, which function anti aircraft batteries of the As previously announced the played the greatest enthusiasm the manner in which the minds principally during the night defences and explore the fir Anglicans at Siquirres have throughout.
of our youths are being instilled to protect the civil popula mament for approaching arranged celebrate their with the knowledge that the tion against enemy surprise enemy planes. By these prac annual Harvest Festival in the Nazis are our worst enemy as action. Other millions main tices in the dark, more than St. Mary Church tomorrow a rich afternoon programme, in well as a serious menace totain the functioning of the 1, 200, 000 volunteers have the 8th, instant. In addition to which the Young People will humanity, generally. Bravo little enormous systems of natio been tained for eventual the regular services we learn participate, will be presented. Elena.
nal transportation, with aerial incursions. It is said out which the essential ma that from the vaulted roofs, terial could not reach the the hilltops, the beaches factories nor could the pro and the plains, the mascuduced articles reach the ba: line and feminine vigilants ttle fronts. This phase of the keep in touch, by telephone, fighting spirit neither per with the central offices. Dumit days of festivities nor ring the entire night. rain, pause day nor night. Of all snow, or good temperature CACAO the phases of the national the vigilance of the antifighting efforts, one of the aircraft is maintained. scru most preparative is that of tinizing and listening. The HULE duction. In the airplane, activities of the anti airank, cannon, and munition craft are supplemented by factories, or in the ship the mission which extricate RAICILLAS MEDICINALES yards, production has not other millions of persons been interrupted. Through from the squadrons of desout the day and night the truction the police, the medical chains of the mounting arti fire brigade, the COCOS COPRA lleries continue in move staff and the First Aids.
ment; and the new planes, While a portion of the potanks and cannon are increa pulace sleep another part sing, outstandingly, the maintain the onward march strenght of the United Na of the machine of war.
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LIMON For a better Hair Cut go to Stanley Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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