
Saturday, November 7th. 1942 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE TABACO PARA PIPA COLONIAL OL ons AUSTRIAN MORALA FARMACIA LOPEZ CRACKING Licenciado LUIS ALEJANDRO LOPEZ LONDON, Nov. There are Propietario. Regente definite signs that as Germany Atiende justamente los pedidos de sus amigos de la defeat moves nearer, the principal Nazi leaders are concernZona del Atlántico.
ed about the morale of the AusSURTIDO COMPLETO DE MEDICINAS FESCAS trians. The German press reports what is described as Frente Biblioteca Nacional wave of propaganda meetings Apartado 1730 Teléfono 5674 throughout Austria. The Nazis SAN JOSE are holding one hundred and fifty meetings aimed at expos ing to Austrians the intentions TRANSLATION OF MR. FERNANDO ASCH SPEECH of the enemy. This campaign is regarded as specially significant in view of a report which appeared in the German press AT THE AGRICULTURAL MEETING IN TEATRO ARRASTY recently, that no fewer than twelve Austrians were executed ON 12TH. OCTOBER ULTIMO within the short space of two or three weeks for treasonable activities. The Nazis know, of course, that in the last war the realisation of defeat spread in (Translated from El Trabajo by special request Austria even before it brought about the final collapse of Germany. They are, therefore, turning on their propaganda full Help us to petition the Pre dia, consists of the following blast to counter the dangerous sident of the Republic, the Pre that there be installed in Limon signs of defeatism in Austria sident of the Nationaj Congress, a Mill for the production of Bact now.
as well as all the national Re nana Flour. This will assist presentatives to accord this pro, the farmers by paying them one DRITONS ACCOMPLISH vince the protection it needs as colon for each nine hand bunch, a part of the national territory, seventy five cents for each eight GRIMM TASK Such help is for our agriculture hand, fifty cents for a seven especially for the Cacao and hand, forty LONDON, Nov. The British the Banana. There is a present thirty cents for a five hand and cents for sixes, people today realise the grimm loss of not less than five hun fifteen cents for anything smanature of the task confronting dred thoussand bunches of ba ller them, and they are firmly renanas each week, solved to carry on with ever Flour is not the only article increasing sacrifices until vic How can we effect this help produced from the banana TOBACCO tory is won. stated the Cape and protection and thereby save there is alcohol, vinegar, oil, Argus. published in Capetown, the farmers, both large and candy and bread also to be obin a recent article. The news small, who are being ruined tained while the busk can be their immense efforts to keep today. This can be obtained by used for its bitumen. Hope, the sea rutes open to resists installing in Limon a Mill for bags and ink can also be obtainaggressors at every possible extracting the flour from our ed from the rush, while the point, no matter how distant, Banana, which because of its leaves can be usefully employand to produce war material for vitamin, is of great nutrimented in many ways. With the ins themselves and their allies, the The e tablishment of this Militallation of such an industry, people of Great Britain have wxuld give much work, not only imagine the amount of worke laboured with an energy and to the labourers of this Zone which would be available to spirit that will be aceleiraed ly but also many of those of the both Costarricans and foreigall future historians. No nation interior. The Supreme Govern ners, and the aid it would also has so ungrudgingly stripped it ment would also gain in com afford national revenue.
self of its wealth or mortgaged its own future so heavily in ral be benefitted.
merce and everything in gene It must also be borse in maind order that everything it possesCosta Rica that the greater the reveune ses may be thrown into the would then have a Flour in the more the expenditure. Gestruggle. Any complacency that dustry produced from the nati neraj revenul from taxes would ve grown Banana. We should also increase as property owners restricted all out activity in the early days of the conflict has accustom our selves to the food will be able to collect rentals long since vanished.
obtained from our products, and while commercial activities so demonstrate our love of coun would improve.
try. When the loors of Limon (Concluded in next issue. DESERT RATS were open and our products ex hardy band of nomadic ported and others imported, Cos TEATRO MODERNO British fighters are carrying on ta Rica experienced a Lunes de Noviembre of BARCELONA IST DIVISION CRUMBLED BEFORE the desert rat traditions set happiness and prosperity. ToEL TREN CORREO by the late Brigadier General day, due to the war as well as (Mail Train)
LIMON JUNIOR John Jock) Campbell, past administrations, our provin Gordon Harker famed desert fighter. These men ce has suffered greatly, econoLast Season Champions could only muster one goal Martes 10 de Noviembre who wander from place to place, while the Juniors accumulated Four mically, EL INGLES de los GUESOS scouting German and Italian Arturo García Buhr positions, are known as the Sev Costa Rica was thre fint of the It happened on our play. intervened when Hall the Miércoles 11 de Noviembre CUANDO MUERE EL DIA ground last Sunday afternoon formidable left wing, was ben enth Support Group of the Sev Latin American to declare war against the Axis, combine and (Sundown)
The Champion Team crumbled ched by the Referee for repeat enth Armored Diviison.
has suffered the consequences Gene Tierney and has been placed in very ed infringements.
The victorious team eftected TOMORROW BASEBALL. the San Pablo, which precarious position in connecJueves 12 de Noviembre brought us food, etc. was coEL CURA GAUCHO toin with the remainder of the a leading position from the first wardly attacked while at anchor Jague engagemants.
Enrique Muiño CONTESTS half, and despite all the deter.
alongside our wooden dock, and Viernes 13 de Noviembre mined efforts of their opponents According to the information the lives of twenty three Cocvery EL CURA GAUCHO uneven Tre Juniors brought into play to change the originating from our sporting arricans and one American atEnrique Muiño every possible energy and skill state of the scores, nothing was circle, all is in readiness for token. By this pretext the enemy Sábado 14 de Noviembre out stripped, out wrestled done and the Juniors won the morrow Baseball contest bet of our democracy contemplates PROA AL PELIGRO out witted the Barcelonians game with a total of four goals ween two selections from the to destroy us but will not suc(Torpedo Boat)
every turn, and Fate also against a single.
Capital and two home teams. ceed as our government is obliRichard Arlen It is understood that the for gated to help us in this hour of Domingo 15 de Noviembre encon natch will be dedicated to anguish and danger.
EL RENEGADO Good Business for those who can supply don Francisco Urbina (Pancho) The protection we are solicit(Hudson Bay)
WANTED. WANTED and that in the afternoon to the ing from the dignified governPaul Muni Captain of theS. Crusader. ment of Dr. Calderon GuarFISH and SHARK LIVERS We take this opportunity of OIL of SWORD FISH (Manati. LIVE TURTLE extending a most cordial wel.
come to our expected visitors.
Children are specially attended to at APPLY. CHAVEZ Box 332, Limon we anticipate a red letter day Dixon Barber Shop Stanley knows how Residence in front the Public Bath tomorrow in our Sports Calen to treat their tender scalps. West the City Market.
der. oz. por 00.
Manufacturado por REPUBLIC TOBACCO Co.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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