
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, November 7th. 19 SEVERAL RECENT DEATHS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Among the deaths which have GO TO THE VOGUE Chip ATLANTIC BAR AND RESTA occurred recently, in the San ZUÑIG S FURNITURE of the Pioneer, Rogers URANT. Best and highest Juan de Dios Hospital, San Jose.
Transcendent knowledge in up grades native and foreign liquor. are the following of persons who to date American Cutting and Ne adulteration Short Orders were connected with this Zone.
Fitting, Opposite Limon Elec at Nights Courtesy and reliable tric Light Office. EDWARD service our Motto. 4th. Avenue Joaquina Cespedes Ulloa, 26 OGERS.
and 7th Street. CLEMENT years old, late of Germania, the ROBERTS, Proprietor.
daughter of Joaquin Cespedes WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Rojas and Florinda Ulloa Mora ECONOMY. Everything in ma NEW HARLEM BAR AND and wife of Narciso Fernandez chinery made or repaired, from RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Leon. She entered the institua Pin to a Crane. See us. We prepared by Crawford and tion on the 11th. Septeinber and carry an assortment of Beds, Grant, Genuine native and for died on the 20th October Despite the war, Zuñiga still offer their furniture for Ca Springs and other useful things eign liquors stocked Our Cusior on monthly instalments or weekly payments in combinatie at all times. Building No. 89 ne service the most up to date with the National Lottery. We do not compete, we excel. Hones North Fifth Avenue CRAWFORD Ramón Villalobos Villalobos, AND GRANT, and punctuality our Motto. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Proprietors.
38 years of age, formerly of this city, a son of Jose Villalobos CABINET AND UNDERTAK LA BERTANA. Clean com Campos and Adelaida Villalobos BERESFC ING SHOP. Specializes in mak fortable lodgings.
Ventilated Salas and the husband of Enri. See our Stream DUNCAN ing and repairing furniture and Rooms, Clean Linen. Guests exqueta Herrera.
He entered the line dining tabRepresentat every other branch of Wardrobes wood. tended every courtesy. Modera institution on the 21st Septem les Zuñiga Bros.
work Coffins always stocked. te Rates. You cannot ber and died on the 19th. of last Dressing Table: escape Opposite See as before going elsewhere. seeing the Sign on approaching month.
Wooden Beds la Peña Ci Prices moderate. 4th Street, Hollywood Store. RED.
with deep sleer Sucs.
entrance to Gamez Lumber GUARDS, Proprietress.
Francisco Brenes Solano, 67 mattresses, etc.
ALFRED Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, years old, late of Siquirres and HAZEL Manager EDIBLE OILS a son of Jose Maria Brenes and Agent, Josefa Solano. He was ad ritted ARCHITECT AND BUILDER of the Costarrican Oils and to the hospital on the 5th. Sep.
Years of practical knowledge, Grease Company (Alajuela) tember and died on the 21st Oc efficient, neat, accurate. These Enquire regarding quality tober.
EXPRESSION OF CONDOLENCE BY FRATERNAL SOCIET my bighest ambition Any design and Factory prices of in wood turned out with grati Paris. Ando. 537 San Tnce William Thompson Thompson, iying results Office and shop 70 years of age, a foriner re000 5th Avenue, North NIA sident of Madre de Dios and CHAS RODEN.
JOSE ACHION Ng. the husband of Alberta Thomp Whereas, God, our Supreme Resolved that we the be THERESETTER WITH IM Comerciante Detallistason. He entered the hospital on Grand Master Mechanic of the members of this Lortze in PROVEMENTS clean up to Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, the 7th October and died on Universe, has, in His wisdom, sion hereby assembled this we 18th.
removed from this date Barber Parlour Centrally Artículos de Ferretería y Elécterrestrial nesday night the 28th Octobe globe our dearly beloved sister in the year of our Lori located on Commerce Avenue tricos; todo se encuentra en 09 Gustave Chambers, 52 years Mrs. Isabella Thorpe, whose ir thousand nine hundred and fort almost opposite Teatro Arras este establecimiento of age, formerly of Pacuarito. reparable loss has left a vent, two, bow our heads in two mi ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous PRECIOS DE SITUACION service. THOMAS PARCHMENT he died on the 26th ultimo in our hearts and created a va nutes meditation; and be it fur Hair Specialist cancy in our Lodge which we ther Resolved that the Dispensa shall ever brood over in soli tion of the Lodge be graped tude: THE ORIENTAL BARBER mourning for a period of thre Whereas as Secretary of this months, that the mourning te SHOP. The only one its kind with a service beyond com fraternity, the Scotch Lily Lod galias be worn during the ses ge, affiliated with the Grand sions of the same period, and petition. All sanitary arrangeLodge of the Independent Unit that a copy of this Resolutio: ments Situated corner 7th Street and Commerce ed Order of Scottish Mechanics, be placed on the minutes of the Avenue, QUE front the Football Ground, Low Edinburgh, Scotland, she had Lodge. a copy mailed to the HORRIBLE Prices. LIONEL MONDOL, served with interest, integrity Grand Lodge of Scotland Specialist TUNZADA and zeal from the days of the insertion in the Yearly Report Social up to the time of her in. a copy sent to her surviving capacitation which finally resul grandson and another to thie ted in her death on October ATLANTIC VOICE for publica2nd. 1942, be it.
DEPARTURE OF ANOTHER MÉXICO DECLARA LA GUERRA 4L EJE Don SPORT ENTHUSIAST Cut your hair at Dixon Barber Shop and enjoy, as well, a confortable and cool shave.
By tne transfer of don 1:a.
West of the Limon Market el Ruiz, an employee in the office a the Second Alcalde in this city, our sportingent cle suffers another great loss. He goes, we under stand. to Puntarenas.
WITH THE METHODISTS Rafael was of a very courteous, cordial and friendly character, and occupied the o0o position of Secretary to the Administrative Personnel at Word has been received from The annual Harvest Thanksthe outset of the present Siquirres that the Women Lea giving services will be observed Foot ball League Fixtures.
gue associated with the church in this city tomorrow. In addiHe is also possesed of wide in that township held its Missio tion to the usual 11 am and experience and a general nary Meeting on Tuesday night p. services, a Young Peop.
WALSURI knowledge of the exercise.
the 27th. ultimo, and that it was le programme, with which will We wish him every success most satisfying in every respect. be interwoven the presentation Talburt en el Washington News on his new field of labour.
The Rev. Mr. Holmes, the Minis of the offerings will be in evter of the Circuit presided. idence in the afternoon, unde the guidance of Mr. Angus On the evening of Tuesday che 10th, intsant a rich program Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back me will, we also, learn be prede su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: sented. Two short dramas entiEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before tled Ladies Aid and Ruth the Moabite. are slated for pordentro de los prmeros 10 días the 10th of the month troyal.
de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not On the following Thursday Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which evening, the 12th. the Men de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take Association will be in session in the Hall of the School. strong appeal is said to have been issu ed to the members to attend meetting COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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