
Saturday, November 7th. 1942 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 Costa Rica Cocoa Company goal This cern.
RIO HONDO Producers of Fine Fermented Machine Dried Cocoa known widely as BARCELONA 2nd. DIVISION WIN SEASON FOOTBALL CACAO DE RIO HONDO CHAMPIONSHIP Jupiter 2nd. Division, the last opponent, was Reference Lindo Bros, San Jose threshed by a score of goals to Pouncing upon the Jupiters. With four goals against during the afternoon last their nil, the Jupiters were Sunday, the Barcelona se presented quite an uphill VERY UNFORTUNATE DON JUAN PERALTA, DIRECTOR OF THE TOMAS cond division of Footers em task, but taking advantage erged the leaders in the com of the brief rest period, they INCIDENT GUARDIA SCHOOL, ADRRESSED PRIVATE SCHOOL pleted half of the Season resumied with greater vigor, TEACHERS Fixtures which automatica but the leaders had the hed The news of the distra: lly gives victory of the Lea ge on them at all stages of trous conflagration, which gue Second Division Fix the play. On came a volley is reported to have 003 tures to the team.
down the west extreme and At the very start of last don Fermin again won his rred alew days ago at Monte Verde, was received in lege to have been present at whatever maner it may It was our pleasing privi all times, assist our cause in Sunday match, Jupiter spurs. The seventh be this city with sincere regret, a meeting to which the tea consistent. Don Juan furthfirst was effected by a center dri both because of the heavy chers of our private tuition er stated that during goalie registered the goal against his side in an bble by Alfredo Salazar.
the attempt to block a shot from The Jupiters only goal was well as for the probable sus don Juan. Peralta the Di tion system has been operafinancial loss it entails as system were summoned by forty years the private tuileft wing.
19, Alfredo Salazar added the limeted remaining time, pension of some of the ones rector of the Tomas Guarating in the country truction programme on.
another by a college bump the Jupiters were obviously count of the destruction of never was such a wholehear with the head. In a few all out. The champion The session was held atted appreciation as material and which now, will four on Monday the and he gave it as his opinion more minutes the same kic: team had things at will, and ker repeated the trick which finally don Fermin clicked of our men to again join the presented our Private School revision mean the return of many 2nd. instant. Don Juan re: that at some future date a earned the third goal for the eighth point and the rank of unemployeds. With Teachers at the National would be effected in order of the method Barcelona. The fourth was match terminated.
ocean transportation still 30 historic sittings of the Natio to harmonize it with the naa rapid shot from left wing We by don Fermin left wing terminated the first cond Division of the Barce. Ishing of the material miglit San Jose on the 24th. and me. In the meantime he sugbe a matter of much half time.
lona Sport Club for their con 25th of the month just past. gested that all private teaachievement.
We hope the way will be ing discourse by the Presi cide on the immediate He reported that the open chers get together and demade clear at an early date. dent of the Republic was of quirements they would like a silvery nature and marve to have inserted, on their HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA llously capped the very illu behalf, in the proposed LIMON CITY AT THE minating educative agenda. new Constitution of the Edu He further stated that the cational Association. He also CATHEDRAL Offers its service to its esteemed patrons and at reduced entire feature of the confe mentioned that the general rence is indelibly impressed fundamentals of the Assorates, Rooms with baths, fine sea view. Excellent casine on the minds of those who ciation are in circulation in service. Every confort for those who seek it.
Sunday, October 25th. was fell within its embrace, and book form and promised to Personal attendance by the Proprietress, the Feast of Christ, the King; the general background was secure copies, if MARIA AURELIA AURTENECHEA possible, instead, however, of a Solemn a magnificent achievement for affording private educaPontifical mass being celenrat by the Founders, that its tors first hand knowledge.
ed, His Lordship the Bishop said growth would surely lift the He finally declared the Asso one for the children who receiv standard of the National ciation will live as Dr. CalGOOD NEWS OF LIMONENSE ed their First Communion Ai Educators and that the pri deron Guardia has promised the close of the Mass. the chil vate school teachers would a yearly financial assistance.
dren, who numbered about ni. be participants in view of a promise which will be nety, were treated to coffee in their membership in the As backed by an the Government Girls School sociation.
anticipated Decree to the National ConWe were also assured that gress.
Believe it or not friends, in his chosen social pastime. by Mis Olimpia Trejos, the Direc but it is true that despite the recent report releases the tress, and several other ladies. don Barrantes Mora, the InOn behalf of the teachers Block out. if Leonard Dob information of his having tion was also conducted during ges and Schools, has a very ralta was tendered a The acrament of Confirma spector of the private Colle assembled, don Juan Peson were with us our theatri obtained another triumph vote the afternoon.
cal artists would not have when he participated in a warm spot in his heart for of thanks by Mr. Jos.
entitled gone on the shelf, for that Show His Lordship the Bishop be us and our interest, and has Thomas. Miscella funny fellow would have neous Theatrical. staged at ing absent at the Cairo Mission pledged his wilingness to, at produced some side splitting Gamboa on the 19th. ultimo. the celebrations connected with comedies. When not in ad. Two other Limonenses, Mr. the Feasts of All Saints and All tion as the Sports Manager Bruster and Miss Ines West Souls were impresively perform ed by the Rev Fr. John.
of the St. Anthony Burial ney, who also took part, Most well thinking persons trim at Dixon and Sick Aid Association, he were favourably mentioned.
because he delivers the Goods.
would either have placed West of the Limon Market his Harlem Amateurs on the have promoted the Gamboa English Tweeds Sergs stage of the Teatro Arrasty, Juvenile Club which carries can still be had at or be seen in some funnies a membership of more than Reasonable Prices at at the St. Mark Parish Hall sixty youngsters and is said JACK ORANE Sucs.
or on one of the rostrums of to be a brilliant figure in the our fraternal organizations. Aggrey Literary and Social THE PEOPLE HOUSE NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA Our loss has been the Ca Club and Les Sing ChavaLimon nal Zone gain and we are lier glad of the knowledge that An Admirer.
The best assortment of first class lumber Leonard is hitting the traill OUR COAL AND PETROLaurel and Cedar LEUM DEPOSITS SASTRERIA MODERNA Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnous NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS It is mentioned that very favourable impression prevails Saw Mill in Siquirres We buy Logs We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, regarding the presence of coal Elegant Fittings.
and petroleum in certain reNext Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East gions of this Zone, beadway. We were shewn a spe It is understood that another Unidad Sanitaria.
The exploration work, which cimen of the coal discovered in important Oil Company has SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES commenced some time ago is the region of Cahuita by a great applled for permission to con said to be making appreciable enthusiast, duct exploration activities.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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