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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, November 7th. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN GREAT VICTORY WHAT BRITISH 10000 AMONG FLAMES GERMANY MANPOWEN BRITAIN EXPANDING IN EGYPT TON FREIGHTER CAN MAST HIGH BLED WHITE IN RUSSIA NAVAL STRENGTH HOLD When at 10 o clock at night Paying a tribute in London to LONDON, Nov. German boys LONDON, Nov. Youth has on Friday, October 23rd, the the wonderful spirit of the Mal of sixteen years of age are being a great chance now that the vast British 8th Army launched its Both in the United Kingdom tese in defying Avis attempts to used for actual fighting on the programme of warship constructremendous offensive against and ind Canada the shipyards subdue them, Sir Edward Jack Russian front as the result of tion takes more men to man Yield Marshal Rommel Afrika are working day and night in son, Lt. Governor of Malta, de the German army being bled them. and more goods. Eighty Korps and its Italian auxiliar the construction of huge cargo clared: You can be perfectly further and further in its impos per cent of the colossal war proies, this initiative of the Allied vessels of a standarised 10, 000 sure the island will be in the sible task to vanquish the Sovietduction is going by sea, declares High Command did not come on tyle with a view to keeping fight to the finish.
forces. The manpower of the the naval expert McWhinunexpected. What the Germans Britons at home ani the fight. Sir Edward recently return Reich is definitely giving out, nie in a recent article. quarter apparently did not know wasing forces abroad suoplitd withed to this country because of and the German illustrated of a million British sailors are what was in store for them. The arms, eauipment and food Thayillhealth after nearly five years weekly Die Woche describes now escorting convoys in the attack in the heavily fortified are simple, sea worthy vessels continuous service in the island. in one of its recent editions the Atlantic alone. Behind that reve enemy positions which stretch which can be built in record He gave this example of hero work of the so called Young lation made recently by th ed from the Quattara Depression time and many of them are al ism during the recent magni. Men of the Labour Service in British Home Secretary, the to the Mediterranean along a ready doing yeoman service on ficent effort of the Royal Navy Russia. The article reveals that Right Honourable Herbert Morforty mile front were covered by the Seven Seas.
and the Merchant Navy in get these boys whose ages were rison, is the story of the new a massed artillery barrage, the The hull of one of the 10. 000 ting the convoy through. recently given by Goebbels as and vital expansion in toe move intensity of which surpassed tonners is like a great steel box, captain friend of mine was from 16 ot 18 are as much a that is being made to keep the anything of its kind yet seen in with heavy steel walls dividirigit carrying a cargo of aviation part of the fighting services as world sea rouies open for BritNorth Africa. Reporters describ into sections. It provides thou spirit, and was steaming a length any of the regular solliers. One ish and Allied shipping Another ed it as a wall of fire laid down sands of cubic feet of cargo behind another ship with a si of these boys is reported as say chapter in that story will be unby the synchronised batteries. space.
milar cargo. The ship in frontling: managed to kill threefolded within the next few days, The effect on the defenders was An indication of the carrying was hit and, following the ex Russians with my revolver. when Britain 18 year old tremendous, and although the capacity of such a 10, 000 tonner plosion, the sea was covered Another said: We were actual youths are registering for serreports which came through may be gained from considera with blazing petrol.
ly at firing practice when the vice under the from Cairo were couched in the tion of the mixed cargo one ship My friend had no time to attack started. We threw ourARMED FORCES ACT inost cautious terms, there can can carry on one trip, stowed in swing out but, with the flames selves into the fray and rushed be no doubt now that the High the various holds and on deck: as high as the ship masts, ne forward to stop the enemy. FurBritish naval construction are Command had planned the at Enough flour, cheese, bacon, swung his helm over and order. ther evidence that Hitler is de tack with the utmost care and ham, canned and dried foods to ed his men into the bows, while termined to drag the whole Ger coming into commission at such that it was successful right from feed 225, 000 persons in Britain he crouched in a corner. man youth down to death with a rate that the Royal Navy is the beginning for one week; steel and other No one knows how the ship him before he is finally destroy now able to absorb all able bodiThe information now avail war metals in slabs and bars came through. Some of the men ed is contained in a German ed and intelligent men who voable indicates that the new Bri amounting to 2, 150 tons; enough dived into the sea when a des News Agency message which lunteer with their age groups for ush pounder and 25 pound motorized equipment (universal troyer, noticing what was happen states that the German military sea service. The Admiralty durer field guns were in a great carriers, trucks and motorcy. ing, backed in among the flames authorities are appealing for ing the past few days have made measure responsible for the ini cles) to equip a full infantry and, finding channels not on volunteers between the ages of it perfectly crear that they want tial success of the offensive, and battalion 1, 900 tons of bombs, or fire, picked up the men. 16 and 18 for traing as non as many as possible of those 18that later on the high quality enough to load 950 medium bom Sir Edward said that up to commissioned officers.
year old youngsters, who express and offensive spirit of the inen bers for attacks on their preference for the naval weestern the end of July just, over 1, 300 servic. This is an entirely new of the 8th Army as well as their Germany, or to load 225 heavy civilians had been killed in the magnificent equipment for this bombers for attacks on Berlin; bombing and 1, 600 seriously in. FLAGS OF THE ALLIES departure, and it is only possible becaus eof the new British naval Lattle proved much superior to enough lumber, plywood, wall jured. That was higher, in prostrength. Earlier in the war only That of the Germans. This supe board nails, to build ninety four portion to the population, than Hority was also apparent when room cottages, one in three who chose to serve GUATEMALA row of the casualties in Britain. Malta with the Royal Navy could be at the beginning of November dwellings nine blocks long; two has 270, 000 civilians against the armoured tank forces of both complete bombers stowed on the Britain 45. 000. 000. The Guatemalan flag, intro accepted. The others were div.
ismies met in their fierce three deck; and enough aluminum in Lady Jackson, in a tribute to duced in 1871, consists of three erted to the other services. Even those who were accepted by the stay clash. This time Rommel the holds to contribute to the the women of Malta, said that vertical bands, the middle one Panzer divisions met an ene building of 310 medium bom there was no conscription and being white and the other two months before getting their call Navy had often to wait for my worthy of their steel, but the bers or 640 fighters in England, the women did all and more light blue, The colours represent Writish tanks came out on top up papers.
While bilding men o war of than was required of them peace between the two oceans.
aad the Germans a very bad various kinds for Canada Navy The coat of arms on the white EAGER VOLUNTEERS sccond as shown by the result. is not so vast an undertaking, band consists of a beautiful bird WANTED The Afrika Korps suffered a it is probably more colorful than TOWARDS NEW DAY of exceptional plumage, known major defeat. More than 300 building cargo boats. It is ceras the quetzal, symbolizing Li Only the knowledge that there German tanks, or about half of tainly as vital a job. Corvettes, berty, for it is said that this bird lare warships to which those the enemy strength in tanks, minesweepers, destroyers, and The spirit of Britain to day is, does not live long in captivity. youth can be posted after compwas destroyed, more than 10, 000 more than 1, 000 small craft for as is should be, both progressive The quetzal is perched on a lete training makes the new exprisoners of war have fallen into many warlike uses are involved and conservative. This is not the scroll of parchment with the fol pansion of the Royal Navy posEritish hands at the time of go here. The total expenditure runs contradiction it appears. We are lowing wording: Libertad 15 de sible. There will be no lack of ing to press, and the rest of the very close to 200, 000, 000.
united in an all out fight to con Setiembre de 1821. Two crossed volunteers. The youth of Britain Once powerful German army. is serve the treasures of our herit Trifles and two golden swords are realises that their country Sea streaming back into Libya in age. But we battle, too, so that incorporated and all these em Power welded with Air Power isorderly flight. Not even the BACK TO HEINE the progress of civilisation shall blems are surrounded by two will be the deciding factor in Nazi generals could stay the be hastened, and not retarded, as sprays of laurel tied at the bot the war.
Sea losses may have retreat of their troops, and one an Axis victory would retard it tom by a ribbon of the Guate taken the fathers, brothers and them was captured while two by hundreds of years.
malan colours, blue and white.
friends from them, but the Jan Masaryk, Foreign Minister others are reported to have fal of Czechoslovakia, recently said, store the past. We are determiNone of us wants only to reyouth of Britain does not swerve len on the field of battle.
at a reception given in his honorned to progress to greater days COSTA RICA from its determination to fight This is indeed a worthy rev. in London, that, when this war of security and well being. We on the seas. Those who have sufenge for the sudden fall of To is over, the United Nations will shall learn the lessons of peace The flag of Costa Rica consists fered loss seek revenge for those iyruk earlier in the year, and have to deal with the Nazis the and war.
of horizontal bands of blue, in their families who have been the newspaper correspondents way the latter have dealth with with the 8th Army report that th peoples of Europe.
We see already looming through white, red, white, blue, the red posted as casualties. Thousands the mists of the future a nobler band being double the size of of boys have already enrolled in the British are treading the heels the others.
Admiralty Y Scheine of the retreating Germans and We cannot kill eighty mil Britain, worthy of the best which earmarks them for naval allow them no rest by day and lions Germans, he explained; our history, but rising higher SAYINGS service when their call up time isy night. The chances are that but we will have to supervise yet to greet the sunrise of a new comes at the age of eighteen.
comradethe whole enerny army in the them a long time until they go day of equality and ship Desert will be annihilated within back to Heine. The slogan of the blitz days, Yes, have done all can.
the next few days, they assert. The writings of Heinrich We can take it. is never heard Lord Mottistone.
This great victory in Egypt Heine were banned hy tue Na GARDENERS now in London. Instead, there is comes at a time when it will be zis. a recognition that only the capa. In my judgment the Stalinwelcomed by all the United city to hand it out will bring grad front is as much a British Nations, and it is worth men.
victory. Lord Haliiax, Brit and American front as a Rustioning that contingents of Free keeping the enemy air forces out Vegetable gardens cultivated ish Ambassador to the A, sian, because this war is global French, Polish, Checoslovakian of the sky, so that they couid by the Army and in in nature. All fronts belong to and Greek soldiers participated gather no information as to the Britain now cover 11, 000 acres.
the allies and no nation can af in the battle, while American strength of the Allies and the Last year these gardens produc For total war there must be ford to become individually se aviators and planes cooperated preparations made for the BIG ed enough to last 70, 000 fighting total saving, and every man and protective. Mr. Wendell Will.
with the Royal Air Force in PUSH.
Imen in rations for a year, woman must be able to say: kie.
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