
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE BOX 199 Let him who desires to see others happy, make has te to give while his gifts can be enjoyed, and to remember that every moment of delay takes away something from the value of his benefaction.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS N: 350 YEAR VIII Limón, November 14th. 1942 our THE ELEVENTH OF NOVEMBER SENSATIONAL WAR ACTIVITIES The The circumvolution of the years brought us last Wed destruction of the in the Stalingrade and Cau Axis forces who operated in casian sectors, where the lesday to one more anniversary of that day in the year 1918, Egypt under the command cold has now dropped bethen, under the guise of an Armistice, the nations of the of Marshal Rommel, follo low zero.
rorld were assured lasting peace. Subsequent happenings, wed so rapidly by the invaIn the Far Eastern region nd more especially the raging interno have undoubtedly sion of the French territory the American and Allied aid bare the insincerity of those who sought it.
in North Africa have plac forces continue to severaly in ed an entirely new phase on castigate the Japanese The Armistice, now four and twenty years old, was but the activities of the war the Salomon and Aleutian plan, apparently, designed to afford Germany sufficient ti and considerably augmented areas and to improve on ne to replenish her losses in man power and war material; the difficulties with which their victorious advance mo or it was she who in the yaer 1939, on the near approach the Nazi combine have been vements.
of its twenty first anniversary, launched a well prepared and contending recently.
Following on their subju ar more gigantic warfare.
By this sensational move, gation of Argel and other This anniversary finds a world compassed with unprecent the Allied nations are said important points, the Allied in the blood to have gained their preli forces are advancing on the 2d hardships and privation a world deluged minary objective that of strategic position of Tunez spilled from innocent women and children a world whose compelling Hitler to face where it is expected the Ger age old civilization is threatened with extermination and its them in an area in which he mans will offer every resispeople menaced wth enslavement.
is militarily weak. He is tance possible.
The wheel however turns and recent events indicate reported to have already Admiral Darlan, who is rushed more than Genl.
the MONTGOMERY of with sixteen now the that the herculean efforts of those who have borne the brunt American divisions from the Russian Command has called on the Allied Forces in Egypt and of the unwarranted totaltiarian aggression during the pastfronts to the south of Fran French fleet to join that Libya three years are about to earn them their reward. It is ce. His occupation and con of the Allied nations in the sincere hope that the day is not far distant when a real, lasttrol of the unoccunied por North of Africa Destructive Conflagration ing Peace will be available when Germany and those who tion of France being a di General Nogues is repor side with her will learn to give due regard to the liberty of rect violation of his 1940 ted to have placed the!
The numerous friends and others and to maintain just and honest relationship with all treaty with the Vichy govern French forces under his com acquaintances of don Rafael ment has been protested hv mand in Morocco at the dis Beeche, on this side of the peoples.
Marshal Petain and will, posal of the Allied Com Republic, will very much re it is thought in certain cir mand and will be operating gret hearing of the heavy cles, react favourably for along will Admiral Darlan. financial loss he has sustai the Allied Command.
Late advices indicate the ned in consequence of the The Nazi offensive on the hurried retirement of the fire which his Russian fronts have destroyed been German forces from Tunez gasoline station and deposit controlled and their forces in view of the near ap in Puntarenas last Tuesday compelled to give way both proach of the Allied troops. night. 000Not only was the building THE TOMAS GUARDIA SCHOOL EXHIBITS which housed the station The closing of the School from qualitative and quan destroyed but a large quan Year fast approaches, and titative viewpoints. In this tity of gasoline destined for in keeping with the establis youth the ability of a genius use in connection with the hed custom the doors of the is manifested. Mrs. Cha interAmerican highway Tomas Guardia School, un vez who teaches the draw construction, were also lost.
der the able directorship of ings and paintings must be The financial loss is placed don Juan Peralta, were highly satisfied with the at between seventy and on Monday and Tuesday knowledge she is moulding eighty thousand colones.
last thrown open to the ge many artistes. We tender our sincere neral public in connection Our genuine congrats are sympathy to don Rafael as with the exhibition of the extended don Juan Bta. Pe also to his son and others work of the scholars prior ralta, the moving spirit of who suffered personal inju to the final exercises. this educational centre.
ries from the fire.
The manificent work exe cuted by some of our boys evoked the highest admira tion. The department of wood work and other material is under the direct supervision of Miss Nelly Vega Brenes and to her and TANK EXPERT IS in FORCES IN EURO her scholars belong the niosi PEAN WAR THEATRE.
sincere eulogy, more espe SERVICIO cially to Jose Antonio Ama PICTURE SHOWS: Lieutenant General Dwight Eisenho dor, who excelled in the la wer, in C, United States Forces in the European Theatre king of an airplane and Me of war. He is a recognized tank expert and won the xican baskets. The DrawM. while serving with the Tank Corps during the war of ing and painting Depart1914 18. He was General MacArthurs Chief of Staff in the ment also earned high apPhilippines and helped to organise defences there. From preciation. Marvellous was 1940 he was Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations Division the portrait of Dr. CaldeA partir de esta fecha y a causa de of the War Department.
ron Guardia with the flag of Costa Rica resting majes la situación anormal, cualquier informe tically overhead, accomba respecto a reservaciones de pasajesy esnied with those of the UniVISITORS FROM SAN JOSE pacio para carga, no pudiendo atenderted States, China and Ruesia. These are the splendid lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado Limon had during the week Drawings and Manue Work accomplishment of Raul Mal personalmente en nuestras oficinas en los in course the very welcomed of the National Educational donado. Miguel Bejarano visit of several bajos de!
distinguis Department. This educator, ac was supperb in his drawings hed uersonages from the Ca companied by our genial se of President Roosevelt, Pripital. Among them were ñor don Juan Peralta in ad mer Jose Stalin and GeneLic. Francisco Fonseca Cha dition to their official inspec ral Chaing Chek and of Cris GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA mier, our Congressman, Attor tion effected courteous visits tobal Columbus and his ma ney Rodrigo Odio of the Costa to soine of the private schools rines aboard the barque Rica Banana Company and of our city. It was a source which brought them to this donde nos esforzaremos como de costumseñor don Juan Manuel San cf honour to the writer to ha Continent. Excellent is the bre por llenar sus necesidades.
chez Technical Director of ve met Sr. Sánchez.
rating accorded the work of Clarence Brown both UNITED FRUIT COMPANY DE VAPORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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