
WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR Rubber Reserve Co.
CINE MUNDIAL LIMON SOM SOLUM HELFAYA PASS a be GOURKHAS IN THE WESTERN DESERT BATTLES Gur LA PISTA POR DONDE CORREN LAS HUESTES DE ROMMEL khas from Nepal are among the Indian troops fighting in the Western Desert. They have their own ways of fighting and their own weapons, and have bee in many battles, PICTURE SHOWS: Gurkha cleaning his knife after being in action. They take great care of their weapons.
TOBRUK For a better Hair Cut go to Stanley Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market Sidi Rezegh GAMBUT CIVIL MARRIAGE We wish the newly weds a BARDIA long and happy union.
On Monday, a fortnight FORTHCOMING HARVEST ago, the civil marriage SED OMAR FT CADUZZO Miss Hyacinth Delevante to SERVICES Mr. Hilory Harris Viditor was performed by the GoServices at 11 a. and vernor of the province and and p. have been an was witnessed by Messrs. nounced for observance in Joseph Friesly and Fred. conjunction with the Metho Forde of North America and dist Harvest Thanksgiving Una gráfica clara de un sector del frente del desierto, donde se están desarrollando las Fernando Asch and Carlos at Siquirres tomorrow.
últimas acciones de aquella batalla entre las fuerzas del mariscal Rommel y el octavo ejér Evans of our city. The groom Harvest Concert has alcito inglés. Pueden verse los puntos estratégicos de la costa del Mediterráneo, desde So who is, we understand, so been prepared for presen Hum hasta Tcbruck y Acromia.
native of Chicago, and an tation on the following eveemployee aboard the ill fa ning.
The Aupproaching Mother racters are in readiness and his final rise to power and ted San Pablo has gained a full of confidence for the the forgiveness of his brot wide popularity among our ON THE SICK AGENDA Union Drama portrayal of the scriptural hers.
people. The bride, who has We regret having to men narrative based on the sale long resided in this city and tion the illness of Miss Veof Joseph into Egyptian sla The entertainment is being is well regarded, hails, we ra Gillings, one of our highThe information has been very by his own brothers staged under the auspices are told, from the parish of ly respected citizens. She released that the cast of cha of his varying experiences, of the St. Mark Mothers Clarendon in the Island of left for the Capital last Union and should of Jamaica.
Sunday to undergo special large COSTA RICA ENTRE LAS ARMADAS DEL MUNDO great interest to a The reception, witnesz medical attendance. Miss number of our citizens; we se at their residence at ar Gillings is a widely regardtherefore anticipate that all the Knot had been effec ed member of the local Bap El Brasil construye sus propios buques de guerra roads will lead to the Parish ted by don Abel Robles, was tist Church and is associaLa adquisición por Coste de 72 cazatorpederos, sub Hall on Monday evening proof of the high esteem in ted with the Limon Branch Rica del navío patrullero marinos, 18 dragaminas, 61 the 16th. instant. The adm which the couple are held. of the Jamaica Burial Asso Monseon ha dado a este corbetas y 37 buques pes sion, which will be by a fif Several of our musicians ten ciation. She is also on the país un puesto entre las poqueros con motivo de las Se ty cents priced ticket.
dered them a splendid pro staff of the Railway Comtencias navales del mundo manas de la Marina en la should be within the reach en la edición de 1941 de Campaña Nacional de Aho of all who appreciate such gramme, which was punctua pany telephone operators.
ted with edibles We wish her a speedy reco Jane Fighting Ships. aurros de Gran Bretaña. wholesome recreation.
and refreshing beverages. very.
toridad reconocida sobre las En Jane Fighting Ships marinas de guerra mundia también se llama la atenles. La nueva edición regis ción sobre el sorprendente tra igualmente los tres ca desarrollo de las construczatorpederos que se hallanciones navales en los domien vías de construcción en nios británicos, especial Río de Janeiro, los prime mente en el Canadá, donde ros que se construyen en la las chalupas de guerra, las América Latina.
corbetas y los dragam. na: CACAO El referido anuario naval han ido saliendo de las grarevela el hecho de que más das en cantidad jamás soña de 400 navíos de guerra han da antes de la guerra. Se venido a agregarse has hacentenstar que HULE también fuerzas navales del Impe hay varios cazatorpederos rio británico desde que em en construcción en los astiRAICILLAS MEDICINALES pezó la guerra. Se consiglleros navales del Imperio.
nan los nombres de acora No menos impresionante zados, porta aviones, 22 es la relación comparada de COCOS COPRA cruceros, plantaminas, 62 las pérdidas enemigas. Des cazatorpederos, 22 subma de el principio de la guerra rinos, 16 chalupas de gue Alemania ha perdido 196, 1rra, 119 corbetas y otros talia 92, el Japón 52 navíos 179 buques de la marina de de guerra.
guerra que no estaban ter Datos de Jane Fighting minados al estallar la gue Ships. edición de Sampson LIMON rra. Además de estos, se Low, Marston y Cº han publicado los nombres Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Naciona Miguel Obregón Compramos a los mejores precios a LIMON TRADING Co.


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