
SATURDAY, November 14th. 1942 ATLANTIC VOICE With Three Goals against Two Costa Rica Baseball Team beat the Cubs in final match of Tournament The final game in the Ba seball tournament between the Costa Rica and Cubs Byram was next, and also these, the local players rou teams, last Sunday after reached that point while se splendidly to the occa, noon, was witnessed by a Charlie moved to thisl. Dan sion. At the close of the ga dense crowd.
Coleman was now the cen me the Manager of the visi(The visitors took first turn tre of hopefulness, but fa ting team was the recipient at the bat while the home te played against him and of a crisp One Hundred Co pitching was entrusted to he was cooked at the start lones Bill, donated by Cap Francis with Banton being point.
tain Marold Hull of the hind the plate. Inning It was in every respect a Crusnder, in whose ho San Jose first batsman was thrilling contest. There were nour the game was dedicastruck out. The second Efe a few errors, but apart from ted.
Imio, earned a hit and got sa fe to first base. Carlito Hay ling, who played for the vi Children are specially attended to at sitors, was caught by Babb Dixon Barber Shop Stanley knows how THE MAN, THE MACHINE, AND THE BOMB TO HAMMER in attempting to steal to to treat their tender scalps. West the City Market.
ROMMEL SUPPLY LINES. built Boston bombers third, Efemio was pegged.
have established a fine record with the in the Middle Byram, the first batsman hit East, where they are hammering the enemy forward posi for the Cubs, made a EL GENERAL YAGUE, JEFE CARGAMENTO DE PAPEL and reached first base. Dan tions ceaselessly.
DEL EJERCITO ESPAÑOL EN PARA PERIODICO PICTURE SHOWS bomb about Coleman, the next, be loaded on to Was struck out. Byram in MARRUECOS a Boston bomber in the desert.
the meantime stole to third baNUEVA YORK, 13. UP. En MADRID, 13 UP. Un decre se. Marcelo drove the pit fuentes fidedignas se ha sabido cher second delivery to the que se han recibido instruccio to publicado por el Diario OfiNATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA right of First, and Byram nes de cargar en el vapor argen cial del ejército designa al gene earned the run. Cope, the tino Río Corrientes, todo el pa ral Juan Yague, jefe del 109 cuer el po del ejército de Marruecos, The best assortment of first class lumber next batsman, was caught pel de día río descargado at deep centre. Osmond Da día anterior del Río Dulce.
ley gained a ground sweeper Laurel and Cedar and Marcelo went safely ho me. Babb was taken by HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA Second Base. Thus the two LIMON CITY Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnou and only runs scored by the Cubs. From the second to Saw Mill in Siquirres. We buy Logs Offers its service to its esteemed patrons and at reduced the seventh innings the score rates, Rooms with baths, fine sea view. Excellent casine board registered only service. Every confort for those who seek it. eggs.
Personal attendance by the Proprietress.
PEQUEÑA FUERZA ALEMANA DESEMBARCO DE UN The ghth. Carlito ear MARIA AURELIA AURTENECHEA SUBMARINO EN UN PUNTO DEL ATLANTICO ned a walk to first base. Ma sis effected a hit which sent El valiente campamento de las fuerzas ticas logró evitar un Carlito to second and saved desensbarco himself at first. Queto, the ROMMEL ABANDONO REGRESO LONDRES professiona! on the visiting TOBRUK MRS. ROOSEVELT De la capital nos infor graron herir a varios mari side, here faced the pitcher man acerca de los dos inten nos nazis.
LONDRES, 13 UP. Una emi and drove the third delivery sora alemana reconoció que el ONDRES 13. UP La seño tos de desembarco de fuer Surge ahora la incógni into the glove of Marcelo. mariscal Rommel abandonó To a de Rooseevit llegó a esta capi zas alemanas en un punto ta de si han logrado desem Carlito, working his way in bruk.
tal en las primeras horas de Ja del Atlántico. Tripulantes barcar en algún otro igno registered the first run for malena en el tren de Ed mbur ALARMAS AEREAS EN de un submarino nazi traba rado punto de nuestras cos his side. Following on, SoBERNA 20. oando término a una rápida ron lucha con el resguardo. tas espías y saboteadores vio was smartly, taken by LONDRES, 13. UP. La jira uue realizó en avión, ferro habiendo resultado un guar nazis se informa que se ha the pitcher. Zamora, the dio de Eerna anunció que hubo carri) y automóvil por Bristo, da herido. Dos encuentros aumentado el servicio de pa next, gained a two bagger. esta mañana dos alarmas anti Pirmingham, Liverpool, Manarmados se produjeron en trullaje en ambas costas, cu The next batsman paved his aéreas cuando aeroplanos alia. chester, Belfast, Londonery el término de un día y pare briendo a todo Centro Away to first and permitted dos aparecieron en la vecindad. y Glasgow.
ce que los costarricenses lo mérica y Panamá.
Zamora to reach the home plate. Babb went in the pit.
PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO Cruz, the next batsman, was freed to First base and anot EGBERT POLSON Specializes in taking photographs for Residential Certificates enlargement of portraits in the leading position. OtThe filling of Petitions to the Nation Executives to, who followed, fel a vie lavar toda la ropa con for Declaration of full citizenship also undertaken. tim to the pitcher.
Moderate Rates.
Sensation now commanOffice Room 11 in front the Cathedral Limon ded the situation. The homesters required one rur to tie the score, at least. Marcelo drove a ball directly over the head of the famous San Jose Coach and his out rendidor y espumoso field failed to take the catch. Queto blamed all raher run was earned by the CUESTA MUCHO MENOS Jabón AMERIKA and requested the police to AGUSTIN CASTRO Cía.
chase the by standers across the street. Cope effected to bat he received two balls and drove the third into Carlito glove. Daley ca CONFIRMADA LA RECAPTURA SIGUEN ECACUANDO TINEZ DE TOBRUK LOS ALEMANES me on and was caught by EL CAIRO, 13 UP. Un co LONDRES, 13. UP Informa Short Stop. Babb was roasted at the plate. Another municado especial del estado maciones llegadas a esta capital in estág scoreless inning for the ho yor confirma que Tobruk se ha dican que los alemanes el lla desde esta mañana en poder evacuando apresurada mente mesters.
de los británicos.
territorio tunecino. Batting their final inning, Costa Rica was dismistad without adding to the three runs, and it was hoped the Good Business for those who can supply MEN OF THE CARRY WOUNDED UNDER FI able to save the day, but local team would have been WANTED. WANTED RE. personnel are the unsung heroes of the they failed. Babb. the first FISH and SHARK LIVERS desert battlefields. In the thick of battle they move about batsmann, took the count. OIL of SWORD FISH (Manati. LIVE TURTLE collecting and attending to the wounded regardless of their Bailey succeeded with a hit personal safety.
but failed to reach first ba APPLY. CHAVEZ Box 332, Limon PICTURE SHOWS: Stretcher bearers carrying wounded un se ahead of the pegging.
Residence in front the Public Bath der fire through the smoke and dust of the battlefield. Banton gained first base.
to2qms2 sh visibs. aqit2 908 si illates 18 aohgui 99 y fotetaM wol 48 0129 96 arbas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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