
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, November 14th. 194.
COa WELCOMED VISITOR MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ATLANTIC BAR AND RESTA The visit of Miss Linda ZUÑIGA FURNITURE TO THE VOGUE Chip, URANT. Best and highest Clunie to our city is highly the Pioneer, Rogers grades native and foreign liquor. welcomed. The very attrac ranscendent knowledge in up No adulteration, Short Orders tive Lass is the grand daugh date American Cutting and at Nights Courtesy and reliable ter of our Mr. Clunie, itting, Opposite Limon Elec service our Motto. 4th. Avenue the right hand man of this ic Light Office. EDWARD and 7th Street. CLEMENT Weekly, at the San Jose OGERS.
ROBERTS, Proprietor.
end. Miss Clunie is the hou se guest of Mrs. John Tay NEW HARLEM BAR AND lor and family, our widely YORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND RESTAURANT. The Best drinks esteemed citizens. Accompa CONOMY. Everything in ma prepared by Crawford and hinery made or repaired, from Grant, Genuine native and for nied by the Misses Carmen Despite the war, Zuñiga still offer their furniture for Cah Pin to a Crane See us. We feign liquors stocked Our Cusi. Taylor and Edna Lord, our or on monthly instalments or weekly payments in combination Cubsarry an assortment of Beds, ne service the most up to date. visitor attended the with the National Lottery. We do not compete, we excel. Honesty prings and other useful things CRAWFORD AND GRANT. Josefina Baseball game last and punctuality our Motto.
It all times. Building No. 89 Proprietors.
North Fifth Avenue. THOMPSON, Proprietor. LA BERTANA. Clean com The striking warmth of BERESFORD fortable lodgings Ventilated our Zone very noticeably af See our Stream DUNCAN Rooms, Clean Linen. Guests ex fected Miss Clunie, conse Tine dining tabRepresentative CABINET AND UNDERTAK tended every courtesy. Modera quent on her having been les Wardrobes, Zuñiga Bros.
NG SHOP. Specializes in mak te Rates. You cannot escape so long under the influence Dressing Table Opposite de ing and repairing furniture and seeing the Sign on approaching of the milder temperature Wooden Beds la Peña Cia very other branch of wood Hollywood Store. RED of Cartago; we however ho with deep sleep Sucs.
ork. Coffins always stocked. GUARDS, Proprietress.
pe she will soon get accus mattresses, ete.
ALFREDO es as before going elsewhere.
tomed and be able to fully HAZEL rices moderate. 4th. Street, atrance to Gamez enjoy her stay with us.
of the Costarrican Oils and Grease Company (Alajuela) SUCCESSFUL RALLY Enquire regarding quality 3RCHITECT AND BUILDER and Factory prices of Choosing the seven ears of practical knowledge, Paris, Apdo. 537, San Jose lours of the Rainbow as efficient, neat, accurate. These their special subject for dis my highest ambition Any design cussion, the members of the in wood turned out with gratiRose of Paradise Lodge of ying results Office and shop JOSE ACHION Ng.
of the Independent Order th. Avenue, North NIA CHAS RODEN.
Comerciante Detallista ters of Samaria staged Good Samaritans and Daugh Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, very succesful Rally, in the Articulos de Ferretería y Eléc Hall of the New Hope Lod THE RESETTER WITH IMtricos; todo se encuentra en ge, on Friday night the 6th.
PROVEMENTS. clean up to este establecimiento ate Barber Parlour Centrally instant. The respective disbeated on Commerce PRECIOS DE SITUACION Avenue courses were rather interesalmost opposite Teatro Arrasting. The artistes who parti ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous cipated in the entertaining Pervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT BOMBARDEADO EL AERODRO feature were splendidly trai MO DE TUNEZ iair Specialist ned by Mr. Edmund Jackson their renditions weEL CAIRO, 13 UP. El miérre highly appreciated.
THE ORIENTAL BARBER coles nuestros cazas de gran ra At the close of the conSHOP dio de acción atacaron a un ve test Miss Dolores Lawrence. The only one of its ind with a service beyond com lero que navegaba hacia el sur who championed Pink, gaupetition. All sanitary arrange en el Mediterráneo central y des ned the first prize, while nents. Situated corner 7th truyeron a un hidroavión.
El Miss Doris Minott, who spo Street and Commerce Avenue, miércoles fué bombardeado el ae ke for Red, came second front the Football Ground, Low ródromo de la ciudad de Tunez. and Mr. Bramble th rd Prices. LIONEL MONDOL, Durante el día de ayer seis gran with Yellow.
Specialist des aviones italianos para el trans The function was presiporte de tropas llenos de solda deed over by Major Lynch.
dos alemanes que volaban hacia BRITISH PARATROOPS MAKE MASS DESCENT. PreparCOMIENZAN LOS ALEMANES el norte probablemente desde Tu ing for the Day. mass descent of British paratroops at DESALOJAR TUNEZ nez fueron derribados por nuestros cazas de gran autonomia de VISITORS FROM CAHUITA a demonstration witnessed by soldiers and factory workers LONDRES, 13 UP. Los comuvuelo. En todas estas operacioin a British Southern Command area.
nicados de Londres y El Cairo nes se perdió uno de nuestros Mr. and Mrs. George insinúan la posibilidad de que los aparatos.
Campbell of Cahuita, who alemanes estén retirando apresu EN 1944 PUEDA QUE TERMI. are closely associated with Cut your Hair at Dixon Barber Shop and enjoy, as well, a radamente por aire sus tropas de NE ESTA GUERRA the Seventh Day Adventist confortable and cool shave.
Tunez en vista del rápido avanDenomination, were visitors West of the Limon Market ce en gran escala de norteame. LONDRES, 13. UP Ej ma to our city last week end.
ricanos y británicos. Al pregun riscal Smuts manifestó: si 10 It was indeed a pleasure to tarse a un portavoz del cuartel demos realizar nuestros planes have had them with us. Mr.
RESTABLECIDA LA CALMA EN general aliado si la noticia de ofensivos el año próximo, qui Campbell is said to be a pio EN NUEVA ORLEANS EL EXaviones de cazas aliados derriba. zá hagamos que esta sea una neer educator of the Island PRESIDENTE LOPEZ CONTRE RABAT COSABLANCA con seis grandes aparatos de transgeerra de treinta años, iniciada of Jamaica, and though he RAS porte italianos cargados de solda en 1914 y terminada en 1914. has been privileged to pass dos alemanes que volaban hacia Advirtió que aún falta luchar man allotted span, he still SEVILLA, 13 UP. Los sevi NUEVA ORLEANS, 13 UP.
el norta probablemente desde Tu rosamente y dijo: que seria in displays his outstanding in El ex presidente de Venezuela Ló che a radio Marruecos después llanos volvieron a escuchar ano.
nez, significa que los alemanes error creer que la situación exis tellectual attainments. We pez Contreras y su esposa llega de dos días de silencio. El mismo están evacuando o la menciona tente en los países ocupa ios de wish him and his esteemed ron ayer a la tarde a esta ciu locutor de las últimas audiciones da posesión francesa respondió: Europa traerá como consecuen wife many more years of dad en avión precedentes de Mia leyó el boletin noticioso infor no sé, pero ojalá signifique eso. cio el fin de la guerra. usefulness on this sphere. mi.
mando que la población de Rabat ZOOOOO confía en las negociaciones que Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back se están efectuando ahora y abandonó sus casas para de su recibo que dice: recorrer of receipt which reads: las calles y hacer compras en las Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before casas de comer io. El locutor no dentro de los prmeros 10 días aclaró de que clase de negociathe 10th. of the month ciones se trata. También dió lec de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not tura al mensaje enviado por el Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena presidente Roosevelt al general oblige us to suspend our service, step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
Eisenhower, ordenándole que sus tropas respeten las costumbres de los franceses y moros. Dijo por fin que todos los servicios muni cipales de Rabat y Casablanca OOOOO OOO han sido restablecidos.
DO COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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