
English Tweeds Seras change in Thrilling Baseball BROWNE ABRAHAMS Contest COMPRAMOS The Baseball tournament between the Central Sport COCOS COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO Club of San Jose and a local Selection captained by Apartado 362 Mr. Rodolfo Johnson, had its start at 10 a. last Sun LIMON.
day. There was an overwhelming number of spectators. The homesters took the Translation of Mr. Fernardo Asch Speech at the field under a shower of cheers. Equal applause was Agricultural Meeting in Teatro Arrastry on 12 th. extended Firpo, the first batsman for the visitors, October ultimo who faced the hurling of olo Robinson (Napolie. Mr. Continued from last issue) The destructive effect of the Francisco Urbina, the honou We do not have to ask the removal of the fifteen miles red guest, delivered the first government for charity. We ask section between Besta and Pan strike and was the reciprotection, ont only for the cul dora will in time be noted. In pient of a rousing ovation.
tivators but for our workers as the event of the government LENINGRAD FRONT LINE HEROINE: SOVIET WOMAN In the 1st. inning the thwell. Its no motive of ours to being unable to prevent the re ree TENDS WOUNDED UNDER FIRE First Aid instructor batsmen were dismi heap any burden on the State;moval then the construction of ssed after earning a sing e.
Nina Kuranova tending a badly wounded man in the thick on the Contrary, we desire to a highway should be underta. The homesters fell for nil of the fighting on the Leningrand front. She has won the help in order that our sons of ken. The tramway between in their reply. Neither side Societ award For Courage.
the morrow may be free men Penshurst and Hone Creek, scored in the 2nd. inning.
and strong to aid in the defence which is in the hands of Mr.
The visitors effected of our beloved Costa Rica. The Findlay, as is now abandoned no no, who followed, also fell their government should seek the following the suspension of the attempt, a victim to the pitcher. Both while, for the local selec teams failed in the fourth means for the establishment of banana trade. The governcan still be had at tion, Bailey earned a hitinning. San Jose added one a warehouse for our Cacao, ment could take it over and so Reasonable Prices at Rice, Beans, Corn and other arti protect the agricultural activiand reached first base Mor in the fifth, while Limon we JACK ORANE Suc.
cles of current consumption. ties of the Cahuita, La Estrella ris gained a free base and re again dismissed for nil.
Today, all commerce is lifting and oter regions along the coast. THE PEOPLE HOUSE Byram, effecting a carpet Chino replaced Robinson as their prices, but by the establish The line could possibly be exLimon sweep, advanced Bailey to pitcher. The 6th. vth. 8th.
ment of such a system the go tended to Puerto Viejo. This third. Roy Hayling then dro and 9th, innings were disas vernment would be able to offer would afford the cultivators ve the ball to Death of don Adilio long left trous for the visitors. Limon the needed protection.
greater security and provide which sent home Bailey and lost the 6th, then earned Our Cacao, which cost so more financial support for the Gutierrez advanced Morris to third. one in the 7th. and two in much to produce, is being pur province and the government.
Pritchard succeeded with the 8th. As this gave them chased at a miserable price We learn with the dee a hit between First and Se a total of seven runs against which cannot meet our living Due to abnormal circumstan: pest sympathy of the recent cond and Morris reached two there was no need for expenses. In this case the go ces, the launches which ply bet death of don Adilio Gutie the home plate. Harris fol them to play a ninth.
verment should effect cash ad ween this city, Cahuita and Puer rrez of Heredia. He was a lowed but was short lived The match was very well vances to the farmers in small to Viejo often have to delay brother of don Antonio Gu to First. Coleman effected contested and in a sportsportions then take control of their trips and with whai tierrez who occupies a posi a drive and Byram gained marplike magner Mr.
the product, deduct expenses results? total loss to thosc tion on the educational staff the run. Roy then stole his Green of the Crusaand create a Commission. who had perishable articles re of the Tomas Guardia way to Third and Dan mo der was Chief Umpire and The government should also ady for shipment. These are soSchool in this city and is ved into Second. Robinson Big Boy Supervisor of Batake up the matter of a reduc me of thereasons why it is al. a pass, sés. Coust! y medals were do warmly regarded by our ci faced the pitcher tion of freight rates with the most imperative for the govern the Management of the local Rail ment to take over the tram ser tizenry. By the death of don and Roy perted safely ho nated by Mr. Urbina, Adilio the teaching profes me; thus the fourth run was honouree. Several young laway system; for with the in vice.
decorasion of our country is said gained. Robinson was fina dies effected the crease in the cost of transportaFinally, let us tion it will not be possi look to the government for the to have suffered the loss of lly cooked at the plate. Chiltions.
ble to get our products to mar necessary help to instal a Min a very promising educatioket without much financial loss. in Limon for the extracting of nal magnet and poet.
In addition to giving of The Company should also be Banana Flour. This would preasked not to remove the rails vent much of our his best to the educational gold going between Pandora and Bananito, out the country and also enable advancement of his fellowAddress all your EngPara todos sus trabajos ruin of thousands of cultivators. Jour workers better nationals, don Adilio is said ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a as this would bring about the wages.
to have magnificently co operated in every worth whi le movement for the better Most well thinking persons trim at Dixon ment of Heredia and huma BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 because he delivers the Goods.
nity in general. To his beSAN JOSE West of the Limon Market reaved brother, don Antonio Charles Reasonable Precios Módicos and other relatives we extendoar sincere condolence.
COL ENRIQUE ESQUIVEL HONOURED WITH FOOTBALL GAME The recreative disposition prise when they defeated of a large circle had its fill, the Barcelonian Amateurs no doubt, last Sunday after with a score of three goals noon when the football against two.
match, in honour of our Other than the unfortuna widely respected and highly te clamour which followed esteemed First Police Com the denial of a goal, seemin mander, Colonel Enrique Es gly well earned by the Sequivel, was demonstrated cond Divisioners, the play on the city playground. The blazoned with thrill and contest was between the sensation. The victors weBarcelona Second Division re the recipients of a beauand the Gobernacion. tiful and costly ball as the Considering the well known Colonel trophy. The occaplaying abilities of several sion was enlivened by the of those associated with the strains of the Military Band.
latter team, it was no surNOTICE to earn ROIG SASTRER LA MODERNA NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, Elegant Fittings.
Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East Unidad Sanitaria.
SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES 000 AXIS PRISONERS TAKEN IN EL ALAMEIN BATTLE On July 21, 1942 6, 000 Axis prisoners were deported taken by British troops in the Battle of El Alamein. PICTURE SHOWS: line of enemy prisoners marching into the British lines. These men stated that they were brought up to their front by trucks during the night. At daybreak they found themselves close to a British outpost where they were immediately rounded up. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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