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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, November 14th. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN war are BRITAIN LEADS IN NEW ANTISEPTICS BRITISH FLEET PROTECTS BRITISH HELP FOR NAZI BRUTALITY WAR OUTPUT ARE BEST AMERICAN LANDING RUSSIAN ARMIES LONDON, Nov. The utterly anti Christian character of the CARDIFF, Wales, Nov. Her Remarkable advances have LONDON, Nov. One of LONDON, Nov. Sixteen Nazi view of life has never been bert Morrison, British Home Se been made recently in the field the greatest sea invasions in complete Russian armoured di more horribly shown up than cretary, said in a speech hore of antiseptics. Many new subs history. calls the Swedish news visions have been equipped with by an act reported in Stocktoday that Great Britain has tances have been producerl by paper Sydsvenska Dagbladet British built tanks during the holm last Thursday. Polish achieved a output that the chemists which more the recent landing of the last twelve months and more farm labourer was publicy hantands in the front rank of pro potent against bacteria than the Army forces in North Africa. than three thousands aeroplanes ged at Altenburg, Baden, by Cuction on either side of the older and more familiar subs The paper stresses the enormous have been shipped to the Soviet Nazis, because he was alleged to Atlantic and represents a tances, and yet which do less efficiency of the organization by Union during this period, Ri have caused the miscarriage of greater per capita tota! than in harm to the tissues of the body. which the British Navy success chard Law revealed in a calf prematurely born by one any other country in the world. One of the great difficulties fully accomplished this gigantic the House of Commons on of his German master COWS lly or enemy about antiseptics has been that task, and points out: Joseph Thursday last. This means that All Polish labourers of the disHe said that the achieve nent any substance which kils bacte. Stalin recent references to a more than four thousand British (trict were forced to witness the had brought the nation natria tends to injure the delicate second front in his speech indi tanks helped to maintain the brutal execution. The Nazi ide e limit of its man power. but cells of the body cated that the authorities in fierce resistance the Russian ar ology has debased the concep asserted that there stil! room This new information has led Moscow were aware that the mies opposed to the Germans in tion of man made in or improvement in the organi us to revise many of our ideas. preparations of the Allied were their expensive and fruitless image so low, that the German Goa ation and allocation of res. For example, we know that already far advanced. The who drive throughout the summer law places him below the beasts urces. That, he said, is bung tincture of iodine is not nearly le operation testifies to the very months. Apart from tanks and of the field.
It is no wonder one so good an antiseptic as we had thorough plannig and coordina planes the Russians have recei that this ideology recognizes in Morrison, speaking for the previously thought. Since my tion of all the participating for ved enormous quantities of all the Christian Church its most second time in a week in defen student days it has been almost ces and appears to have func kinds of supplies from Great profound and abiding adversary se of Britain war effort, an entirely dropped from use in my tioned perfectly Despite the Britain, as may be seen from and fully realizes that it and rounced that, wtih the exception own hospital, and believe in boat war, the transport ope the fact that one of the convoys the Church cannot exist in the ships and planes, production many others. Indeed, it is now ration had been organished inconsisted os seventy seven cargo same world rose 14 per cent in Septembe: chiefly employed only in house such a way that it surpassed alll ships. The fact that Britain has The airplane industry, he said, hold medicines, previous undertakings of its succeeded in rendering this vital NOVOROSSISK AGAIN increased its production 18 per kind ever undertaken. The work assistance to our Russian Allies cent, or nearly six tons of lanes CHEAPER, MORE EFFECTIVE which the British VIIIth. Army during the same period wherein IN BATTLE ZONE to revery five tons produced in so successfully commenced in she has equipped and mounted August Here is an opportunity for an the Eastern Mediterranean has the great Egyptian offensive and He asserted that while Britain importante, if small, war econo been complemented at the right transported the American land LONDON, Nov. The Black was the center of world trade in my. Both the iodine and alcohol moment by the American Expe ing force to North Africa is a Sea port of Novorossisk came peace time, it must be renliz used in making the tincture are ditionary Force in the West.
triking proof of the immensity into the news again, writes the that today she is the center of alin very short supply Alcohol of Britain war effort.
Stockholm correspondent of the round the world traffic in Jespecially has many other uses London Times, with the report arms, no less in extent than her of the highest importance to the that there has been fresh fightpeace time enterprises and in war effort. So, if you are ing to the south east of the definitely greater in the drama buying an antiseptic for hone town. He continues saying: of the struggle which accom use don get tincture of iodine. Obviously the Germans have anied each voyage.
Use the much cheaper and more never managed to progress here Eighty per cent of British war effective modern antiseptic infar beyond the outskirts of the production, Morrison declared, cluded by the committee of city, and today the ssians are was being shipped overseas. He skilled experts in the National fighting hard from fortified fac said 199 of every 200 ships in War Formulary. This has a tory buildings in the vicinity convoy had been brought safely rather long name, Liquor, anti.
It is significant that as the Anto port, disclosing this as part of septicus, It is a glo American offensive devolus the work of more than 600 standard preparation, not made against Europe from the South ritish warships and auxliaries. by one firm only and is safe, the Russians are fighting back The Royal Navy, Morrison bland, nonirritating and does not to regain the territory won by said, had swept the enemy from sting. Another most useful class the Germans during this sum: the high seas, having destroyed, of antisepties for home use are mer costly offensive.
captured or damaged more than the hypochlorite group. Your 125 enemy warships and more pharmacist will know all about SAYINGS llian 6, 000. 000 tons of shipping since the start of the If we leave to men of science and have the gretest respect PERSECUTED FOR SON BATTLE OF EGYPT: BRITISH TANK CREWS PREPARE FOR for all they have done to create NEXT ATTACK British Tank crews loading up with am a new order; if we leave to the COURAGE PROPHET OF EVIL munition ready for the next phase in the battle of Egypt, politicians alone to create the where British forces everywhere hold necaptured positions.
new order, and have the In the small town of Courgreatest respect for some of Hitler has made a god out of tavo, near Bonfol in Alsace.
them; if we leave to ordinary the Nazi State, with himself as Lorraine, four young men left 20 ITALIAN DIVISIONS GERMANY HAS LOST men alone to create the new its prophet. From this deifi their homes one night recently order, shall again have cation of the State spring all the, and managed at the risk of their PROTECT COUNTRY INITIATIVE despondency, disillusionment horrors we are fighting.
lives to escape over the frontier.
and catastrophe. If we leave Hitler openly claims to be They had decided to sacrifice God out we are bound to fail above law and justice. No con everything family ties, liveli LONDON, Nov. The Italians LONDON, Nov. With the The Archbishop of York.
ciderations of morality can be hood security rather than obey have only twenty divisions in beginning of the final phase of allowed where the interests of the order to join the German ar Italy to meet the threat of an the war, the strategic initiative do not believe that this is te State are concerned. If a med forces.
Anglo American invasion, the has completely passed from the going to be a terribly long war.
idge gives legal verdict The next day, very early, a London Times diplomatic co hands of the Axis powers to Some people speak of five or hich is unsound from the German lorry made four calls rrespondent revealed in Friday those of the United Nations, ten years, but think it is going point of wiew of the Nazis he is in the little town. It stopped at issue of this newspaper The opines the Swiss newspaper to be over long before that.
to be deposed the homes of the Godats, the journalist said: Until lately National Zeitung. The paper After the war armaments will The German State lords it as Gutzwillers, the Saegers and the the Italians had eleven divisions writes: Nothing could show have to be treated like poison master race over other Schulis, and collected the in Lybia, nine or ten in Russia. more clearly how the military is to day and if a country ations. If the Nazis had their parents of the four men. and they have been holding situation has changed wants this or that they will have way most of the world peoples, They were not given time to down the Balcan countries with during wanted to explain what it is the last eighteen months than for Jan Masaryk, including ourselves, would be pack, to make arrangements for about thitry divisions. Now they Czeconsigned to perpetual slavery. their other children, to send face a very serious danger in the fact that the time of surprise choslovak Foreign Minister.
Against the German State no messages to their friends or to Italy with only twenty divisions has begun, and these surprises man, no nation, has any rights: settle their affairs. They were at home. What the correspon now come from the side which In spite of the Japanese inthat is Nazism in a sentence driven away under armed dent describes as the dejected was formerly the victim. vasion, China, under the inspirWe in Britain seek a free and guard, and were deported to an mood of the Italian people how ed leadership of General Chiang equitable order of society, with unspecified destination in Ger ever, arises equally from the Kai Shek, is well on the way to a fellowship of nations in an many knowledge that the new deve administration is under German the new democracy which she ordered world, based on justi The German Gauleiter Ex lopment in the Mediterranean control, and few of them doubt has determined to establish ce and goodwill. The road is plained that these parents had means for them a greater sub that Germany will be forced to That is why she regards us and blocked by this Nazi tyranny failed in their duty of bringing servience to the Germans, for send heavy reinforcements south we regard her as friends work.
It must and will be smashed by up their sons properly. and the Italians are heartily sick of wards thus increasing stilling for the same desirable end.
the growmg might of the Unit had to be sent to the Reich for the war. The article concluded further their subservience tol Sir Stafford Cripps, K, ed Nations.
further political education. saying: Already much of their Germany.
enemy them War. we a a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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