
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE as That the world is over run with vice cannot be denied; but vice, however predominant, has not gained ano unlimited dominion. Simple and unmingled good is not in our power, but we may escape a greater evil by suffering a less; therefore, those who undertake to iniEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 tiate the young and ignorant in the knowledge of life, YEAR VIII Limón, Nov ember 21st. 1942 NO 351 should be careful to inculcate the possibility of virtue and happiness and to encourage endeavours by prosON SOME OF THE WAR FRONTS IMPORTANT pects of success.
ANOTHER RESUSCITATION The Pacific The Naval their troops by means of air In order to expedite the force of the United States craft.
work connected with the sePROPOSAL have gained another smash. Fighting has commenced curing of the Residential ing victory over the Japane in Tunez where the German Certificates required of all Many and varied are the plans or projects, from se in the Salomon Islands and Italian forces, rushed aliens résident in the Reputime to time, submitted for the consideration of the Cen: area. After a three days there recently, are ppos blic, and to bring the matter tral Government authorities as aids toward our Provinfight twenty three of the ing the North American and to as early a termination as ce economic resucitation, but, unfortunately, for enemy ships were sunk and British forces who have been possible, the Executive Auall seven seriously damaged; joined by the French troops thorities have decided to pla most concerneu, none ever materialized, while the situa the loss in man power was from Oran. Early advises ce an official photographer zion grows more and more critical.
placed at 30, 000. The Unit state that the enemy at at the disposal of all concer In consequence, we note with added interest ed States lost two light crui tacks have been the repelled ned. He will be located at latest proposal said to be receiving the attention of the sers and six destroyers. Gen and the Nazis obliged to the office of the Governor, Minister of Agriculture. This new plan embodies, we eral McArthur and his for effect retreats. Authorized in this city, from and after ces are reported pursuing sources announce that all Monday next the 23rd. ingather, the more practical of those previously submitted. their advance in New Gui the territory comprising the stant.
The following are among its principal points: nea where the Japs are protectorate y Tunez has fa We urge all who come The fixing of thirty colones as the minimum selling being driven from impor llen in the power of the All within the requirements of price for our Cacao. The Banking Institutions to be tant positions.
ied forces except the sector the Law and have not yet Russia buyers. The initiation of a series of agricultural activi.
of Bizerta.
complied therewith to take early advantage of this adties with the financial aid of one million colones in De: The 17th. instant completed The Governing authori ditional assistance being affence Bonds. The Commercial Banks to concede credits one hundred and eight days ties of the important base forded by the Government.
for the cultivation of Cacao. The establishment of Junof fighting in and around of Dakar on the Atlantic tas Rurales de Credito. an agricultural experimental Stalingrade, where the Na coast of Africa, who succes under the immediate direcstation as well as a government deposit warehouse. The zis are now reported on the sfully withstood the attack tion of Admiral Darlan defensive. Their offensive in General de Gaulle some ti ally of the United Nations.
taking over of the building formerly used by Messrs.
the Caucasian region has al me ago is said to be nego Under the command of Gen Niehaus and Company, under the provisions of the law so been completely contro tiating to unite with the eral Giraud an army of mofor the expropriation of enemy property, in which could lled and the attacking for newly formed authority for re than 30, 000 men has been be housed the warehouse and the necessary offices.
ces suffering, it is stated, the governing of the French organized to assist the efWith the construction of a roadway between Penexceedingly heavy losses in North African territories forts of the Allied powers.
shurst and Pandora and the possible removal of some, man power and material.
Africa. Moving westA BIT OF GOOD NEWS at least, of the handicaps now experienced by the far ward after their signal vic mers of the Cahuita, Old Harbour and other districts, tory over the forces of Marthe unfoldment of the proposals covered by this recent shal Rommel, the British The Spanish Section of of our citizenry, and they plan will be of immense benefit and an outstanding factroops are registering furth our last week impression recently submitted such cotor in the eventual solution of our economic problem.
er gains, they are now ope released the very gratifying gent reasons therefor that We hope it receives the Visto bueno of the controlling rating in the Benghase sec information that the Execu the higher authorities eventor where the Germans are tive Authority had decided tually ag reed to the soliciauhhorites.
endeavouring to withdraw to demolish the constructation. We understand the ion work started some time demolishing work will be ta ago on Plaza Yglesias in conken in hand immediately BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT SUEZ CANAL HITLER nection with the plan for and the ground made ready the erection of a governmnet for our sporting element by NEXT OBJECTIVE hospital and to recondition the end of the year.
LA PROVEEDORA the ground for recreation On behalf of our citizens, According to information ema purposes.
especially the sporting Fans, nating from the occupied coun Headed by President Ful we tender our Municipal Fa Win a Big Bag of Groceries. Demand your Ticket Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
tries and Germany, the opinion gencio Campos, our indefathers as also those who aiexists in military and diplo tigable Municipal Fathers ded their efforts, our sincere Salt, lbs. 35 Big Sugar Head 35 matic circies that Hitler is pre persisted in their efforts to thanks for the results obtain Rice, lb. 30 Potted Meat, tin 75 paring a great adventure to secure this additional area ed.
Sapolio 95 Perlina, pq. 40 counteract the dissastrous def for the out door exercices Klim, tin 00 Wire Sponges 25 eat suffered by Marshal Rommel and North America sucWe offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh essful offen ive in North Merchandise Africa, LA PROVEEDORA The Nazi Dictator is said to LIMON have withdrawn forty divisions from Russia and concentrated SERVICIO them in the Balkans for the SHARK FISHING FREED OF GOVT. TAX purpose of launching an attack against the Suez Canal.
proposed offensive will, it is exWe have been reliably in for those who are in a posi pected, be made by way of Cyformed that by means of tion to catch these monsters pru. Syria and perhaps across an Executive Decree Shark of the deep, in view of the Turkey. It is also believed that fishing is now permissable great demand which exists, Hitler contemplates an invasion partir de esta fecha y a causa de along the coasts of Rica at present, for their livers of Spain for the purpose of atand exempted frm all gov and oil, as can be noted by tacking the Allied la situación anormal, cualquier informe forces in erment tax.
the special advertisement elNorth Africa. This belief has respecto a reservaciones de pasajesy esThis should be good news sewhere in this issue.
been strengthened bl the rapid pacio para carga, no pudiendo atenderremoval of Turkey troops from lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado the Caucasian front to the Danpersonalmente en nuestras oficinas en los danelles and the Mediteranean a; also the mobilization mov bajos de!
Address all your EngPara todos sus trabajos ement in Spain. Hitler prinineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a cipal Generals are reported to be opposed to the proposition as. GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA they consider their forces are BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 not sufficiently strong, that donde nos esforzaremos como de costumSAN JOSE their aviation is much inferior to that of the Allies and that Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos bre por llenar sus necesidades.
it would Weaken the Russian and west European fronts.
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