
Rubber Reserve Co.
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. 1942 PERSONAL BRIEFS RALLY AT MATINA Pleasing it was to have said Hello to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Word has been received Brown of the Carmen Commi from Matina that a Rally is were both on business bent.
being prepared for presensary two week ends ago. Conse tation in the Hall of the loquent on a slight injury, he un cal Branch of the Universal The Cacao Farmers Friend fortunately encountered, Mr.
Negro Improvement Associa Brown had to come in for me tion, on the evening of MonWE ALWAYS BUY CACAO dical consultation. It is hoped day the 21st. December pro he has fully recovered ere this. ding the funds being raised ximo, for the purpose of aito cover the cost of repair Misa Hannah Murray, who ing the building of the Assohad been in the Capital under ciation. It is understood that going special medical attention Mr. Ismael Murray of the has returned and is recuperating district is the leading spirit.
pleasingly at her residence. May The Rally will be based on WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR she have an early and complete the following Districts of recovery.
this Zone Bristol, Estrada, Matina, Madre de Dios, Regrettingly we learn of the 25 26 and 28 Miles colleccerious injury which has over tively, Monte Verde, Siquitaken Mrs. Sylvia Laird of Cris rres and Zent.
CINE MUNDIAL tobal, Canal Zone, as the result of a transportation collision. It LIMON is said that the autobus in which she was riding collided with THE NEED OF SOME LIGHT another vehicle. She was report UN PROCESO POR ACTIVIHARVEST AT ST. MARY CHURCH ed in a very devicate condition, DADES CONTRA LA SEGURI.
Mrs. Laird is the daughter of Our attention has been DAD CONTINENTAL our wide regarded citizens called to the inconvenience DETROIT, 19. UP. El aMr. and Mrs. Sinclair Weekes, being experienced by pass abogado de los dos sacerdotes or to whom we tender our sincere engers, who travel in the lodoxos vumanos acusados de esThe Young People afternoon ther, Charles, Philip, Roberto, pionaje informó que intentará sympathy, while wishing Mrs. second class coaches of the traer como testigo al ex rey Ca Harvet Programme was pre Filibert, LeRoy and Rudolph.
Laird will be able to soon throw daily local train, as a consel rol de Rumania. El abogado sented in the St. Mary Church Charmingly Miss Carnegie neliv en off the ill Harvest.
effects of the un quence of the lack of light. Mayron Marke señaló que Mexico donde reside Carol calif Siquirres, on Sunday the 8thered her address on fortunate accident.
On account of the many co de bajas intriga el procesa instant and very ctfectively The Church Choir augmented unavoidable matters encounmiento de los dos prelados ruma presided over by Dean James the programme with the anAfttr several days pas ed in tered, this train is often de nos. Son ellos el Padre Glighaerie Evans.
thems Come ye thankful the Capital, Mr. Loslie Angus layed, while on its way here Meraru destinado jefe del movi miento Rumania Libre y el pa congreational hymns were people Praise ye the Lord the popular Manager of The until after the darkness of dre Stephan Opreanu a los que Now thank we all cur God Thou visiteth the earth. Other People House. returned last evening sets it; and as it is también se acusa de no haberse was sung as the opening me We plough the fields and scaweek end. Mr. Egbert Polson, claimed that no lights are inscrito como representantes de una potencia extranjera. Los fundium, Prayers followed and we ought the fields and gaanother of our widely regard placed in the second class cionarios federales manifestaron psalm was next ung. In verytter Let us with gladsome ed fellow citizens, uns a so in coaches, the passengers are que entre las actividades de los chosen language the Dean coli mind, which accompanied the greatly inconvenienced. We acusados figuran los esfuerzos pa the Carital fc a few days. They hope those directly concerra desun Gobierno rumano en el in the rendering of the various wave the golden ccrn was the ra designar al ex Rey Carol je vered his preliminary remarks. lifting of the collection. Fair The congregaticaal hymn ned will give the matter the exilio con sede en los Estados items, the children were indivi closing hymn.
attention it merits.
nidos acción que descongelara Our widely esteemed Miss gran cantidad de oro rumano blodually and collectively entertain Cumplimentary expressions Meomi Taylor of the Railway queado a raíz del estado de gue ing. Singular distinction could were tendered Catechist Des Company local Telephone Derra norteamericano, rumano. Geor SALOMON CHIN Those who Landes, the Choir, the children ge Zamfir Director de publicacio hardly be noted.
partment is expected back this nes rumanas en los Estados Uni recited, were the Misses Doro and the congregation in general alternoon, after spending a Estrada des sostuvo ayer en el tribunalthy, Lilian, Eloise, Gwendoline, by the Rector.
week vacation in the cooler que es inocente de los cargos de Henrietta, Lucita, Ella Daphespionaje y de agente extranjero clime of the interior. We hope formulados contra él. Este, como ney. Olive, Pearl, Ma ter Lu.
Special Correspondent. LA BERIA she has benefitted.
los sacerdotes pueden recuperar la libertad provisional previo pa Abarrotes y Licores go de una fianza de 10. 000 dolaIN DEFENCE OF res cada uno.
For a better Hair Cut go to Stanley Dixon THE AMERICAS Precios Económicos VO EMBAJADOR DE ESPA Barber Shop West of the City Market NA EN ROMA In the Nº 12 issue of En Guardia. the magazine BUENOS AIRES, 20. UPwhich has for its back utiful picture of His Exce Partió en el avión de la Panaground, the defence of the llency President Calderon sva con destino a Lisboa y RoAmericas, it is noted that Guardia. He is seen exam ma el ex embajador e pañol en among the many demons ining a modern machine gun e Brasil y nuevo embajador an trators of the preparedness during an inspecton of the ts el Quirinal, Raimundo Fer.
of this hemisphere, is a bea nation military force. nández Cuesta. a Compramos a los mejores precios CACAO HULE RAICILLAS MEDICINALES COCOS COPRA LIMON TRADING LIMON Co.
MENT WORKER IN INDUSTRIAL DRESS. Picture shows: strange figure looking like a diver, or a French cagoulard seen inside a British munitions factory. He is an operator in the sand blasting room in protective industrial clothing which is supplied with oxygen through the small tube in the top of the headpiece. His job is sandblasting small shells.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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