
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. 1942 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 BARCELONA FIRST DIVISION DEFEATED BY JUPITERS English Tweeds Sergs or was BROWNE ABRAHAMS can still be hed at Reasonable Prices at COMPRAMOS Several hundreds of our sport, Chavarria at the moment of a JACK ORANE Sucs.
ing enthusiasts witnessed, vast thrilling cash at his own por THE PEOPLE HOUSE COCOS. COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO Sunday afternoon, the fall of tal. The first forty five minutes Limon the first line players of the Par of play closed with two goals Apartado 362 celona Football Team before for Jupiter and nil for BarceLIMON.
the fleeting Jupiters. The sce lona.
nery was particularly embrae on the resumption of play, COSTA RICA SODA ing, and the high grade rendi the penetrating prowes of the tions of the Military Band cham leaders assumed more aggressiTHE RECENT VISIT TO CAHUITA ed all and sandry.
veness. The attacking force was WATER FACTORY The Jupiterz opened the cont. faced with a fortification under e. with a terrific attack. Their the guidance of Jimenes which Our great agricultural dis be removed, if Mr.
Find goalle, Jose Jimenez, was a sen afforded no easy entry. Thrice Fábrica de Hielo y trict of Cahuita presented a lay should refuse to tran sation. in fact he caved the did the Barcelonians storm the Refrescos magnificent picture, recent port such a person over his day for his side. The Barcelo bulwark, but the shots rebound ly, when several representa tramway, even for payment nians effected many brilliant pas ed. The fourth, by Hilario hotives of the Municipal Coun at the same respective rases and well intentioned shots, wever pierced the fortress, and Limón cil of Limon were our spe tes? For this we believe the but their opponents, character was the only point garned by cial invited guests on the ini government should take the istic of the name they bear, gov last Season Champion Team.
tiative of our indomitable tramwa y under its controlerned all attempts. The firt It was indeed a great match fellow. agriculturist, Mr. or construct a highway goal for the victors was varned contested by two extraordinary FLORIDA ICE AND Fernando Asch. Those who road with which to not only by Ulloa. The second was aggressive teams, and well refcomposed the delegation facilitate this service, but unfortunately bumped in by lereed by George Cuthbert.
were Colonel Fulgencio Cam to render with greater faciFARM CO pos, Messrs. Sole, Or lity and less expense the EXPERTO MECANICO EN tiz, Casco, Barran transportation of our proREPARACIONES LA FLORIDA tes, Col. Rodriguez, Lic. ducts. The Municipality of Vicente Descante, Lic. Da Limon ought to help this cau EN LOS SIGUIENTES RAMOS DE MAQUINARIAS: niel Zeledón and don Enri se as that Council is greatly Calculadoras, Registradoras, de Escribir, de Coser, MADERAS que Arrazola of La Voz benefitted by the Refrigeradoras y Motores de Gasolina.
FABRICA DE revenue tlantica.
and the help of our products Servicio a satisfacción en mi taller y a domicilio.
The presentation of the with which the city of Limon Diríjase a DANILO SANDOVAL visitors was effected by Mr. keeps afloat.
APARTADO 336 LIMON Asch, who said in Fruits of all kinds, vegepart. Gentlemen, here are the tables, cacao, grains, etc. SERVICE SLANGUAGE PANDORA FARMERS UNITE representatives of the Muni are being spoiled for lack The farmers of the cipal Council of Limon. He of regular transportation by dis co operation of don Diego re is our wise doctor, Ser land. The Representatives Nautical terms have ciept trict of Pandora. La Estre Aguilar, who addressed the gio Vindas, Chief of the Sa of Limon, here today with into the everyday language of lla, are reported to have or gathering in the Spanish nitary Department, as also us, will doubtless take good members of the Wonien Ro ganized themselves into an language.
other important and inte not of what will be of im yal Naval Service. WRON association on the 20th. of Mr. Kidd was elected rested officials. They have portance to their Council chauffeur, for instance, might the present month. President and Mr.
The preliminaries leading Hart the Secretary with Mr.
come for the purpose of fur and which will enable them tell her commanding officer that his car picketed thering their efforts toward to discuss the problems with up to the election of the Ad Quintana as his Assistthe revival of our province; some interest, not only on be their cabins when they go re initiated by Mr. Fernanalongside. The WRENs go to ministrative Personnel, we ant.
and above all, to give spehalf of our province but the There is evidence, it ig to bed.
cial consideration to our Ba government as a whole. We galley. and when they sweep necessity of their uniting willingness of the general the They cook in do Asch, who stressed the said, of a very encourgaing nana and Cacao problems are not prepared to treat the the floor of their shore esta as the best means of secu body of cultivators to fully In their presence desire to situation with indifference blishment, they are cleaning ring good results for them co operate as soon as Cards say The tram service bet as that which happened in the deck.
ween Penshurst and Hone Estrella when the Company selves and their posterity and Registration Books, etc.
Women in the Auxiliary TeCreek is owned by Mr. Nor suspended the train service rritorial Service borrow their Mr. Asch had the splendid are ready.
man Findlay and is now a beween Penshurst and Pan slang from the army. They bandoned. This is after it dora, and removed about fifcall the orderly officer the SASTRERIA MODERNA has served his purposes for teen miles of rails from Pen orderly dog. The three secmany years. He has not only shurst to Besta to the ruin tions of their mattresses are NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS failed to comply with the of the farmers of that Zone. biscuits, and their bedding is clause of the contract, but Further, if the forty to fif barracked when it is We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, put has completely disregarded ty miles of tram linė be ta away in the morning.
Elegant Fittings.
same with total prejudice to ken up, the farms of the Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East Unidad Sanitaria.
all the farmers of this Zone. small cultivators will be com NEW NAZI OUTRAGE He is rendered unanswera pletely ruined. It is also said SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES ble to his promise to have that the Company conteminstalled a radio telephone plate a suspension of passLONDON, Nov. The liews and also with respect to his enger and freight service of the latest outrage in the VITAL RESULTS OF RAIDS OVER promise to take our fruit by between Bananito and Pen Nazi campaign to wipe out the ENGLAND his tram line, as well as oth shurst this we must off upper classes in Holland has er product. He has not com set with every effort, The just reached this capital. The During a discourse recent over Great Britain since the plied. in the first place, war will pass, then it will venerable and deeply respect ly delivered by the British start of the war, that 56, 000 with the bananas and has fi cost much to replace the ed Financier Dr. Vers Minister of State, it was others had been injured nally negatived to place the lines after all has been rui huur, who was the Minister of stated that 47, 000 persons and 2, 750, 000 buildings eith system at the disposal of the ned. It is good that the repbinet in 1934, has been arrest result of enemy air Economics in Dr. Colijn ca had lost their lives as the er destroyed or badly dama, government to convery its resentatives of our Municiraids ged.
ed on German orders. He is employees. According to the pal Fathers have come to disposition of the Supreme be acquainted with the oc ber of other influential busbeing held with a large num Government, all farmers and currence instead of being de inessmen and and statesmen over lords are sacredly obli pendent on newspaper artithe MIXTURA GUIER and leading members of gated to co operate and pla cles. They have seen how ce at its disposal all in their much bananas have been a to be shot as soon as the Gerprofessional classes as hostages possession in the event of a bandoned, how many cacao mans can find the (limsiest EL MEJOR REMEDIO PARA COMBATIR government requirement. In farms are in production and excuse. This is another notothis respect, the Inspector the enormous loss of fruit rious example of the Nazis LA DIARREA.
of government property in consequent on the irregular long term plan for replacing the Estrella regions, Col. means of communications, the upper classes by the Nazi ESPECIAL PARA LOS NIÑOS Boza Cano, has notified, and the market prices which Herrenvolk throughout the each one. How then has Mr. cannot adequately meet pro world.
DE VENTA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS Findlay deviated from giv duction and other expenses.
ing his help. Well what will On the other hand there is is of great interest to these Depósito, Botica Guier, Cartago you farmers of Cahuita, La the ever increasing cost of parts, above all to Cahuita, Estrella and Puerto Viejo articles of necessity.
the principal granary for do when there is a sick toll The visit of Doctor Vindas Limon. We are deeply sorry of circumstances to which Governmen is in harmony it was not convenient for we have referred as the with the local govering Bo Most well thinking persons trim at Dixon our distinguished Governor means of bringing prosperidy and we are relying because he delivers the Goods.
to have accompanied the ty to our agriculturists. Gent your most devoted moral West of the Limon Market delegation and to have seen Ilemen, we have faith in the and material assistance.
for himself the multiplicities, future because the Supreme, Resident, on Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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