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AIDS ALLIES AID ABOUT INDIA It is good now and again to recall ourselves to the ultimate LONDON, Nov. The fa. The victory of the Eight issues of the war. We shall Nazi propaganda has long Critics of British polic, mous writer Robert Blatchford Army in Egypt, the steady to foment carry through with our daily attempted in an article published by the advance of the Australians in task all the more faithfully if British feeling in anti India are fond of saying the United Mr. Churchill declare: London Sunday Chronicle New Guinea over the Owen we remember.
States by suggesting that she the Atlantic Charter does attacks those who out of an Stanley Range to Kokoda anu excessive sense of modesty, talk beyond, and the niggnificent much about their ideals.
British people do not talkſhas gravely weakened herself apply to India. This is We by her exports of arms and ja prejudiced distortion, rej of Britain muddling through resistance of the Anierican are shy of using big sounding supplies and that Britain is ed so frequently with stub to vietory. He says: Did we Marines on Guadalcanal in the words, we taking all and giving nothing disregard of what he actu build partly because great Common Salomons are all part of the know we do not fully live up The truth is very different, said, that we quote nere wealth of Nations by maddimg hard grinding business of turn to them. But great founda as most Americans realise. Noi words Mr. Churchill addre through? Did we build our ing from defensive action tion principles are built into only is Britain now applying to the House of Commons vast commerce and found our attack. In due course the full the very substance of our na Lend Lease in reverse. but the subject on Septemily Parliament and our democra: pattern of the concentric drives tional life. If they are cha by our early war orders, paid 1941: tic consitution by mandling of the United Nations will llenged we know without hesi for in hard cash and investthrough? How did we create become apparent in their ac tation on which side we stand. ments, we have helped the The joint declaration our Navy and hold the com tion. Meanwhile the Russians We believe in equal justice to build up a great war not qualify in any way mand of the seas. Did we who hold the key positions at for all, in fair play for children industry years earlier various statements of po muddle through the last war present, are hitting back at We believe in freedom to than she would otherwise have which have been made which extinguished the vain. Stalingrad and near Tuapse on worship God according to been able to do so.
time to time about the tev glorious Kaiser and his warlike the Black Sea coast, but are conscience.
The help sent us from Ame ment of constitutionai pov hosts? No; untrained and un being forced to retire before a Hitler has destroyed these rica both before and after ment in India, Burma, or of ready we won by sheer grit powerful new German drive to in Germany and wherever he Lend Lease was bread cast parts of the British Em; and valour and hard fighting the Caspian (a vital line of has gone. He threatens these upon the waters. and the and our national solidarity and supply) along the northern islands with the foul contagion. United States is now drawing We are pledged by the de genius for organization. This slopes of the Caucasus. In We are against him and all he invaluable dividends from arm ration of August 1940, o. was recognised by our enerries warfare the time factor is fun represents. It is given to using Britain.
India to obtain free and en who spoke of us with sore res damental. There is ample now to stand, through weariSpeaking last June about partnership in the British. pect as having created on evidence that London and ness and pain and peril if need reverse Lend Lease. Presi monwealth with oursel armies in the field. Look back Washington are working with be, for those great shining dent Roosevelt said: Those subject, of couse, to the fu at the day when.
their eyes on the clock and ideals of the spirit by which who have been receiving Lend ment of obligations aris calendar true men live and which give Lease aid in their hour of from our long connection FRANCE LET US DOWN; meaning and worth to human greatest need have taken the India and our responsibili life.
initiative in reciprocating. To to its many free races and when we lost all our equip GERMAN FOOD the full extent of their ability terests.
ment; when Britain sloui al.
they are supplying us on the most naked, alone without an SUPPLY CUT BRITAIN VIEWS same Lend Lease basis with At the Atlantic meeting Ally. Look back at the Batmany things we now need. had in mind primarily reste tle of Britain, when our young Our allies have sent us tion of the sovereignty, airmen routed the pride of LONDON, Nov. Economie Germany. Think of the months circles in this capital revealed Is is impossible to give all special machine tools and government, and national relevant quotations fronte equipment for our munitions of States and nations of of devoted labou! by Gur the astonishing fract that the troops and ships and workers. occupation of French North cent American speeches. Their factories. British anti aircraft rope now under the Nazi ya number is legion, and tireat gunn help us to defend our and the principles whi Any person who talks so today Africa by the Allies means a of the British muddle in the loss to Germany at one blow Pritam we welcome each neu vital bases and British develop would govern any alterati boundar addition to this sitpouring cted detection devices assist us in the territorial face of this achievement wbich of the entire fat ration for courageous, constructive to spot enemy aircraft. We of the countries which mit seems miraculous ought to be nearley ten million Germans.
are sharing the blueprints and have to be made. So that thought.
certified as insane.
In 1941, 100, 000 tons of vegetable oils reached GertanGreat Britain, too, is making battle experience of the United quite a separate problem fr her contribution and while Nations the progressive evolution BRITISH FIRST ARMY controlled Europe from French not all individual views show selfgoverning institutions Africa. This represented on cohesion or practicability the regions and Peoples wh IN NORTH AFRICA the basis of normal German SAYINGS owe allegiance to the Brit fat rations 200 grammes week can even be called disinterest ed, in the mass they indicate Crown. We have made dec LONDON, Nov. Great sat lly in the yearly ration of more the first stirrings of a mighty The great ideal of bringing rations on these matters wh tisfaction is expressed by the than 9, 700, 000 people. The the nations of the world toge are complete in themsel commentators at the news that stoppage by the Anglo Ameri world movement. We free from ambiguity, and re!
the forces who have been can operations of this suppli full part in the building of a one great family of God cannot ed to the conditions and assigned to the stern task of is a blow from which Germany peaceful, active international be realised except by nations cnnstances of the territo destroying the Common resis cannot recover. In the last society. said Mr. Eden in whose citizens are filled with and peoples affected. They u of tance in Tunis are prevoza inan war it was the shortage July, 1942.
the spirit of dedication in serbe found to be entirely in hi tly British. The London Ti fats more than anything else Views such as those have vice of that great cause. mony with the high conce which finally broke the Germes published the follwing quoted prove that people The Archbishop of Conterbury. tion of freedon and justio remarks. It is Le man resistance.
throughout the world are dewhich inspired joint decla doubted that the Axis will termined that the nations shall We live to day in a world Ition.
strain every nerve and sinew to hold so decisive a point. DiMEDITERRANEAN FREE Ynot slip back into the chaotic of planned scarcity, imposed conditions which provided by war. When victory has been fficult as this second phase FOR ALLIED SHIPPING such fruitful soil for the evil won, we must move forward FLAGS OF THE ALLIES after comparatively swift rccupassions which brought about into a world of planned abundpation of the other points in NOW the Second World War. ance, easily attainable in conFrench North Ayrica must be, ditions of peace. Mr. Hugh DOMINICAN REPUBLIC the prospects of success are Dalton, President of the Board bright. The new operations LONDON, Nov. The re ODDS AND ENDS of Trade.
The Dominican flag is divi were facilitated, indeed render opening of the Mediterranean ed into quarters arranged ed possible, by the crushing route to Allied shipping means don believe that there is the order of blue top left, wi defeat which the galian: Bri an immediate 350 per cent intish VIIIth. Army has inflict crease of British shipping ca each year, provincial and Lon invasion of this country by with blue below. In the cent To save 600 tons of paper the slightest probability of red below and red top rig!
ed on some of the best divi pacity in the vital Mediterra don telephone directories are Germany. Anything may hap is a broad white. cross sions Hitler ever went into the nean theatre of war. The stra to be cut in size, and private pen in war, particularly a war which is imposed the nation field. This army is alrearly tegical experts in London re subscriben to continue directer by a criminal lunatic coat of arms which rejea pushing rapidly ahead from the veal that the route from Ply using old issues. The circu but it seems to me one of the the design of quarters and eastern arm of the pincer mouth towards Suez via thelation of the London teiephone least likely things that may white cross.
and is closing in on the Cape of Good Hope was a voy directory exceded 1, 700. 000 for happen. Viscount Cecil.
few strongholds still left in the age of 11, 170 miles.
each complete edition in preThe white cross in the fla hands of the enemy. Now that From Plymouth to Suez war days. We cannot know with cer of the Dominican Republic is other British forces are march through the Mediterranean is The Coastal Com tainty the total weight of the symbol of her Christia ing to close the western arm, only 3, 070 miles, Thus the mand has escorred 7, 000 con attack, which the Germans may faith and her lowe of peac the people of Britain rejoice same tonnage of British shipp voys, involving some 27, 0000 be able, or may decide, to bring the blue squares express he over this great success against ing can now carry more than operational sorties, flying as to bear upon any particular devotion to the ideals of th the Axis power in Africa, be three and a half times as many far as 1, 000 miles from the Bricity. It may well be heavy and faith and the red squares ai cause they know it will be men, tanks, guns and other tish coast. Statisticians have menaeing enought to call for a symbol of the blood he struck like the first, two years war material to what has been calculated that these escorts everything that Civil Defence people have always been reArto who ago by the soldiers of Bri made the first front of the save an average of forty me can produce in order to defeat to shed in the cause of time tain. war.
dium sized ships per month. it. The Prime Minister. ideals.
not to are Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyHitlerInvasionNazismWorld War

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