
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE be no ai or a In all the stores of ideal anguish, there is not, perhaps, a thought more painful than the consciousness of having propagated corruption by vitiating principles; of having. not only, drawn others from the paths of virtue, but blocked the way by which they may have Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 returned; of having blinded them to every beauty and YEAR VIII deafened them to every call except the alluring voice Limón, November 28th. 1942 NO 352 HT of the syren of destruction.
THE WAR PROGRESS Propaganda Minister Goeb and other war material. Re bels is declared to be exert treats have also had to CONOMIC LIFE OF SIQUIRRES ON UPWARD TREND ing all the efforts he can effected on the Caucasian.
to counteract the unsatisfac front with heavy casualties.
On a recent visit to Siquirres we gained some very inteetory state of affairs. The Na In Africa the fight for supre ting information regarding the ins and outs of the zi leaders themselves macy is benig fiercely unfold apmmunity since the start of the Cairo and Monte Verde pear to be terribly affected in and around Tunez and Bi zertta where the Nazis are said sbber and Abaca Developments.
by the fear of having to face an Allied invasion just men. The eighth British army to have a force of about 20, 000 By reason of the increased amount of work economic as soon as the African cam continues its advance toward El nditions are said to be on the improve, though the contipaign has been finally set: al rise in tre prices of every day necessities is causing Aghelia one of the important tled, as they realize it will uch convenience. It is claimed that this is intentionally signify whoelsale uprisings cesantly bombed by the RAF. 132. 75 Axis bases which is being in ine for the specific purposa of extracting a larges perin all the occupied countries as also Tripoli and Bizerta. It Intage of the extra cash in circulation not because of and the beginning of their is expected that the remains of ty equitable commercial necessity. And as there is annihilation.
Marshal Rommel army will ficial control, traders are free to get their pound of be given the final blow at The great offensive being Flesh.
pursued by the Soviets bet point 400 miles off Tripoli.
On the Far We noted a trend toward an era of prosperity. Drugween Stalingrade and the Eastern battle river Don is reported to ha fronts we learn the sts, barbers, shoemakers, taliors, dressmakers, street ven Japanese continue to give way before the ors and almost every other branch of commercial activity, ve assumed an outstanding character which erating in that township, seemed busily engaged in their Geni. Timoshenko intensive actions of the North theatens ispective callings. Business also seemed active in the res who directs the Russian offensive the destruction of the 20 di American and British forces.
So hard prassed are the Ger visions of Nazi soldiers Mo yurants, the market and the retail establishments.
The war of nerves which the Axis High re than 100. 000 It would, we think, add much to the township general Germans mans on the Russian front as a Command improvement if the present market building were modernizhad endeavoured, at diffe were reported killed during consequence of the triple offen the past few days and sive now in operation against ed and fitted with up to date sanitary and health convenienrent times, to inflict on their 70. 000 taken prisoners in them that Hitler is reported to opponents for the purpose addition to the seizare of have appealed to Mussolini for ces. An attractive and properly conducted Lunch of weakening their powers large quantities of arms immediate assistance.
Refreshment Room, to cater to the general public. appears of resistance, seem to have also necessary. As a long established commercial center rebounded and to be produand residential area Siquirres merits a general modern re cing serious results. So deOUR CONTINENT AIDS WAR PRODUCTION conditioning. We hope it wont be very long ere the Municimoralized have the generali ty of the Italian populace of the Workers in the factories they are augmenting the de pal Authorites take the matter under their consideration, British Common termination of the European become that between fifty wealth of Nations, the Uni democracies in many other and sixty thousand of Hi ted States of America and ways. SUPER EXTRAORDINARY LOTTERY DRAWING tler Gestapo agents are the Soviet Union are said to Many of our Republics, Tomorrow, the 29th. the distribution of 3, 163 premi reported to have reached be displaying an extraordi even those within the less kets for the supepextra ums with a total value oftaly in order to prevent nary craving for the making dangerous sea routes, arte dinary drawing of the 680, 480, 000 colones. The complete break down. The oteria del Asilo Chapui 1st. or grand prize will be morale of the German civice, the knowledge that pro ted portion of their pre war of implements of war. Hen today receiving a very limi rill be placed on sale throu 200, 000; the 2nd.
lians is also said to be so duction, the one great step supplies from Europe and hout the country. The emi 75, 000; the 3rd. badly affected by the persis in the intregal campaign for the United States; but dession will consist of 27, 000, 50, 000; the 4th.
tent and disastrous bombard victory is producing such tel pite this deficiency, there is tickets, divided into twenty 20, 000; followed by two ment by the RAF as also by ling effects on the enemies no national murmur it is vieces each bearing the va of 5, 000 each, ten of the Nazi failure in Russia ue of two colones or forty 2, 000 each and twenty and the successes of the All of our civilization and free accepted that the sacrifice dom. All the countries solones for the entire ticket. of 1, 000 each.
lied forces in Africa, of and privation will not be in that our continent are contribu vain. It is felt that each priThe drawing be effec As it elde on Sunday the 20th. We will be an unusual demand Hitler Ordered Extermina bre Apart from their actual tion efforts and brings near ting in every possiember proximo, in time far for these tickets, we advise fion of Jews aid with first line materials. rer the day of peace.
the lucky winners to make all interested in their sale to heir Christmas purchases. secure supplies as early By may of Washington we have the information, duly The plan provides for tho they possibly can.
confirmed, that approximately BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT fifty percent of the four million Jewes who resided in LA PROVEEDORA the European countries occu pied by the Nazis have peris hed. Of the 500 thousand who Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket dwelt in Varsovia, only about Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
100 thousand are now alive.
It is stated that Hitler had Sait, lbs. 35 Big Sugar Head 35 ordered that all Jews found Rice, lb. 30 Potted Meat, tin 75 in the occupied countries Sapolio 95 Wire Sponges 25 sohuld be exterminated during the current year.
We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh Merchandise Special Note LA PROVEEDORA The authorities of our Mu LIMON partir de esta fecha y a causa de nicipal Council have issued la situación anormal, cualquier informe the announcement that emrespecto a reservaciones de pasajesy esployment, in connection with the works of improveITALY CIRCULATES ETHIOPIAN BANK BILLS pacio para carga, no pudiendo atenderment in the Jamaica Town Information emanating ported from Genoa, Turin lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado Settlement, is only availa from the Italian frontier re and other centers.
personalmente en nuestras oficinas en los ble to the unemployed resi gion, declared that the In this connection, it was dents of the city of Limon Banks in Milan had been for officially announced from bajos del. that it is, in consequence, ced to close their doors on Rome that a large number futile for any persons from account of the terrible pa of Ethiopian Bank Bills had the line towns coming GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA in nic caused by the presence been placed in circulation with the expectation of of thousands of the popula throughout Italy. It is supbeing recruited.
ce demanding the widrawal posed that this is the first donde nos esforzaremos como de costumIt may, in this connection of their moneys with the time such bills have been be mentioned that a total of view of evacuating the city circulated in Italy since the bre por llenar sus necesidades.
two hundred workers will on account of the effects of control of that African Em be employed regardless of the bombardments pire was lost.
racial connections.
Similar occurrences were re as UNITED FRUIT COMPANY SERVICIO DE VAPORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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