
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 28th 1942 THE UNTIMELY PASSING OF LITTLE MAY CROSWELL Compramos a los Mejores Precios a CACAO HULE The very lamentable ac effect an adjustment to eident, which hurled lit. merry go round the swingtle May Croswell of Monte ing beam accidentally fell!
Verde into eternity was pat on May. She was killed ins hetically told to us.
tantaneously. The very sad It happened on the occurrence evoked the great ground of the Anglican Day est sympathy throughout the School at Rio Hondo on district and caused the most Thursday the 19th, instant. profound grief to her paIn the company of a num rents, relatives and teachers ber of other school. mates, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mason.
the unfortunate child was Burial took place the folloat play during the lunch re wing afternoon very impres cess around one of the appa sively.
ratus installed for their ex We extend our deep con ercise and amusement, and dolence to the stricken pawhile some endeavoured to rents and relatives.
LIMON NOTICE OF REMOVAL Impressive Wedding Ceremony The Oriental Barbers Shop formerly located in front of the Football Ground has been removed westwardly and is now situated in front of the Cuartel Plaza. The Prozrietor, Lio very impressive weddnel Mandol, is still at the service of his esteemed clients.
ing ceremony was solemnized, last Saturday morning in the Catholic Church at Siquirres. The Rev. Fr. Acos ta officiated. The contracting parties were the very attractive Miss Coradia Miranda and Mr. Jose Vega of the township, and the special witnesses Mr. and Mrs. Pepe Vallegas. The traditional thirteen pieces of silver were carried on a beautifully designed patera to the Altar by a well attired Tot. The bridal ensemble was very handsome; her princess gown of high grade satin with harmonizing head gear presented a photographic picture. To Miss Sylvia Minott belongs the credit, we understand, for the 1942 trousseau creation, BOAT ATTACKED DAMAGED BY SUNDER LAND AIRCRAFT. Caught in the Bay of Biscay while on its way to raid shipping in the Atlantic, a Boat was forced to surface by bombs from a Sunderland flyingboat of PICNIC AND DEATH Coastal Constand and compelled to turn back badly damaged. Frantic efforts were made to get the boat to We are in receipt of the in submerge, while the deck gun opened fire on the Sunder formation that the women folk land. The Sunderland, its bombs gone, could attack only of the Almirante Division of BRITISH SUBMARINE TAKES ABOARD PART OF ITS with its guns, and its fire raked the decks and conning to the United Fruit Company DEADLY LOAD. In the unceasing and all important batwer of the boat Finally, the boat submerged, leaving held a high grade Picnic in tle of Supplies, British submarines are distinguishing themsel a wide trail of oil. The trail stor ped suddenly, then the oil the Abaca District, on the fif ves Althugh figures are of necessity a secret, they have gushed to the surface and spread in a widening pool.
teenth instant, in aid of the taken a heavy toll of enemy shipping, in addition to engagPICTURE SHOWS. The Boat caught in a ball of Allied War Charities, very sa ing in successful surface actions against enery supply ports fire from the Sunderland, tisfactory result were obtained.
and even aircraft.
We have also been informed PICTURE SHOWS. torpedo being lowered into of a terrible accident which a British submarine at a base.
took place on the ChanguinoSASTRERIA MODERNA lá Railroad and resulted in the instantaneous death of an InNEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS dian. It is stated the being under the influence of We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA drink, laid down in the roadElegant Fittings.
bed at a curve known as Four Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East Mile. motor car came along The best assortment of first class lumber Unidad Sanitaria.
and on noticing the object, the SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES operator attempted to stop his Laurel and Cedar swiftly moving vehicie but lost control of the brake and the machine ran over the man Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour PRESENTARON RESISTEN LAS INMEDIACIONES DE smashing his skull. death Sow Milt in Siquirres We buy Logs CIA LOS NAZIS, LOS FRAN BIZERTA LLEGAN LOS was instantaneous it is said.
CESES EN TOLON ALIADOS The operator was arrested, but BERLIN, 27. UP El comu LONDRES, 27. UP Se anunreleased shortly after on the nicado alemán informa que hucia que los alemanes se replega Company security bo resistencia en la base naval ron aceleradamente en todo Most well thinking persons trim at Dixon de Tolón. Provocada por la infrente Tunecino, seguidos por because he delivers the Goods.
fluencia anglo sajona pero fué los aliados. Las fuerzas franco NUEVA OFENSIVA EN RHZEV West of the Limon Market cortada de raiz y la ocupación mente americanas llegaron a 40 se efectuó en pocas horas. La kilómetros al sudeste de Túnez Vichy admitió hoy que las LONDRES, 27 UP La radio ciudad y el puerto se hallan en y el primer ejército británico lunas blindadas rusas han poder de las fuerzas germanas avanzó hasta las tante empalme férreo de Veli los Soviets emprendieron inmediacio basado Toropets por ambos la chksvy a 75 kilómetros de aquenrieva ofensiva en el sector desde esta madrugada.
de nes de Bizerta.
dos y avanzan sobre el impor. Illa ciudad Laradio agregó que Rhzev.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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