
Rubber Reserve Co.
Declarations by Mr. Fernando Asch Regarding his Political Position With reference to the ac good disposition pledgead tive part took at the Far to help us, which comes The Cacao Farmers Friend mers Meeting conducted in as the first effect of the sin the Teatro Arrasty of this cerity of the promises made WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR city on the 12th. October re not so long ago.
cently passed, colmmentaFelicitations and eulos tions have been formed and gies are also due La Tribu directed at me as a Com na. for though disinterestmunist. cannot see the rea ed, its effective campaign son for such a rumour; it on behalf of our Province more seems to be bad inten is like that of Mr. Alfonso WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO tions, particularly that, ac Sole, which proves his capa cording to the announce city and indefatigable efment coinciding with the forts to save the Atlantic assembly, it was not only Province from further ruin. Mr. Manuel Mora, Chief of In order that these efforts the Communist Party, but be not lost but that they also Attorney Francisco Fon should thrive deeper and CINE MUNDIAL seca Chamjer and Dr. Uma achieve prosperity in the ña Cordero, both deputies future, it is the obligation. LIMON for the Province of Limon. of all reasonable LimonenMoreover, the meeting was ses to unite to give triumph not convened with any poli to the National Republicam tical aspect, but in common Party in the approaching ewith the economic interests lection campaign, for the CABLE ADVICES of our Province, and toward coming into power of exwhich directed my stren president Leon Cortes would LONDON. radio broad gth and activities. Such an tend to bring tragic consecast from Morocco releases the attitude gave no cause information that the Governors brand me a Communist; to quences to Limon. We sadly remember the way in which of the French territories of Gui and in this manner desire we suffered chastisement rea, Dahomey, Sudan and To to make it clear to all. by don Leon Cortes as a re 10 in Africa have no ified their take this opportunity of prisal for opposing his boun adhesion to the Allied cause Admiral Roberts, Commander expressing to His Excellen dary agreement with Panain Chief of the French navalcy, the President. Dr. Calde ma.
Fernando Alch forces in the West Indies, has ron Guardia, my sentiment November 1942 21so incorporated his ships of deep gratitude for his Limon Vith the Anglo American fleet.
NOTICE ROIG BERNE, Switzerland. dis peich from Tokyo states that Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos due to the scarcity of ran me ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a tal, the Jo Ceare using the Mis of the locirles the making of amunition. Italy is said to have started doing this BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 some time ago.
Committee, accompanied by re THE WEEK END FOOTBALL CONTEST The King and Queen led the people of Britain in ho presentatives of General de Last Sunday afternion tle at the eastern end of the nouring the flags of the United Nations on June 14, 1942. Gaulle, have arrive at Da22. flags of Britain allies were ranged round the Royal kar totake possession of the exercise connected the Gim field when the Junior goa Junior lie was, obviously, debilitaDais before Buckingham Palace. The flags of the Empire we port, the fleet and the coastal nastica and Limonre carried by men and women of the British services, and defences Teams, and play was held ted. The shot was effected under the influence of a by the opposing extreme civil defence and war workers, who were greeted with enthu siastic cheers as they filed past the King.
mild temperature. Another right. The Rest period folNEW YORK. Citing a dis of our egregious Sunday af lowed that performance.
patch from Stockholm, the Deternoon scenes was in evi The Juniors, who showed PICTURE SHOWS: Flags of the British Empire being partment of War Information dence as a consequense of their strength resently acarried by men of the Inperial Services past the saluting announces that English troops the very large number of gainst the formidable Baree base before Buckingham Palace.
recently disembarked on the sporting Fans in attendan lonians, were apj arently Norwegian coast, destroyed mra ce. bent on emulating things in CONFERENCE BY TEACHERS OF CITY PRIVATE terial of great military impor The Gimnastica literally the final half. At the sound tance and killed several Ger threw a monkey wrench in of the Referee whistle SCHOOLS nians.
the gear of the Juniors, they became competitiveComplying with certain instant. Don Juan Perall they kicked in five goals changing attacks and counexecutive requirements re ta, the Director, who is the and prevented their expo ter. attacks during one of lative to the establishment local medium between the nent from earning even as which Roy Hayling earned of private colleges and scho Inspector and the la and Roy Hayling were de. Further disaster was ols under the supervision school. teachers, was in acthe stars. The first named iminent when the Juniors of the Department Inspector tendance. The special item don Carlos Mora Barrantes, on the agenda was the layWATER FACTORY earned the first and second fell the way of transgressor of San Jose, we gained the ing of the foundation for goals in rapid succession. but Captain Stanley Wade nowledge that the follo the election of an Adminis Great laughter was provo pardoned the offence by wing teachers of the private trative Personnel in order Fábrica de Hielo y ked when with one of his throwing off the kick. The schools in this city are stric to conform to the official energetic displays, he sent fifth point was another of cly under the regulations of membership in the recently Refrescos the ball hounding over the Roy enterprising displays own the Executive Decree roof of a building several Time commanded its of organized National EducaLaw VI of the 26th. Februs tors Association. In this con hundred yards distant from and the game closed with Limón ry 1886. Messrs. Jos. nection the Director has in the playground. The third the Gimnasticas having fiThomas, Davidson, vited all the associated teagoal was chalked up as a re ve goals against a shut Corniffe, Abbott, Machers on the Lines to attend FLORIDA ICE ANDsult of a close and fiery bat out.
jor Thomas Lynch, Mrs. a special session in the same Jessie Wright, Miss Ste edifice in this city on Sun HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA nnette, Mrs. Carnegie, day the 6th. December pro FARM CO Limon Coty Mrs. Bernard and Miss ximo at the hour of 12 noon.
Offers its service to its esteemed patrons and at reduced Sarah Cummings.
Consideration is said to ha LA FLORIDA rates. Rooms with baths, fine sea view. Excelent cusine These educationsists held ve been given the question service. Every comfort for those who seek it.
a conference in one of the of the utilization of the MADERAS Personal attendance by the Proprietress.
class rooms of the Tomas Guapiles passenger train by FABRICA DE HIELO dardia School on the eve the teachers from the difMARIA AURELIA AURTENECHEA ng of Thursday the 19th. Iferent localities.
private COSTA RICA SODA much as a single Cassaso the fourth point for his sie doo Tossa das sviato 19. ps sb soomrollwetto. Booms 20ų alycoToT Coszu Disabetta SVS 261ms nu! 30 2017 vostisi oup Este documento es propiedad de senioteca Nacion Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
atdesa cob!
Sitola. 2903 sbsbe 129.

    CommunismCommunist PartyFootballItalyLeón CortésManuel MoraPresidentes de Costa Rica

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