
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th 1942 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS EVANGELIST THE ORIENTAL BARBER GO TO THE VOGUE Chip SHOP. The only one of its of the Pioneer, Rogers kind with a service beyond com Transcendent knowledge in upSE. FARRELL petition. All sanitary arrange to date American Cutting and ments. Situated in front the Cuar Fitting, Opposite Limon Elecwill answer the Jehovah tel Plaza, Low Prices. LIO tric Light Office. EDWARD Witnesses NEL MONDOI, Specia ist, ZOGERS.
EDIBLE OILS ATLANTIC BAR AND RESTAin the URANT. Best and highest Limon Seventh Day Adventist grades native and foreign liquor.
of the Costarrican Oils and No adulteration. Short Orders Grease Company (Alajuela) at Nights Courtesy and reliable Temple Enquire regarding quality service our Motto. 4th. Avenue and Factory prices of at P. tomorrow, Sunday and 7th Street. CLEMENT Paris, Apdo. 537, San Jose ROBERTS, Proprietor.
November 29th.
CABINET AND UNDERTAKThere will also be screened ING SHOP. Specializes in mak NEW HARLEM BAR AND TRIP TO PANAMA ing and repairing furniture and RESTAURANT. The Best drinks every other branch of wood prepared by Crawford and Beautiful Screen Songs work. Coffins always stocked. Grant, Genuine native and forADMISSION FREE see us before going elsewhere. Jeign liquors stocked Our CusiPrices moderate. 4th Street, ne service the most up to date.
Come early and secure Seat intrance to Gamez Lumber CRAWFORD AND GRANT, Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Proprietors.
Manager LA BERTANA Nearby Happenings in FRENCH SINK FLEET IN TOLON. Clean comARCHITECT AND BUILDER fortable lodgings Ventilated Years of practical knowledge, Rooms, Clean Linen. Guests ex Consequent on Hitler order four heavy cruisers, twer: Baptist Circle efficient, neat, accurate. These tended every courtesy. Moderaing the demobilization of the four destroyers, numerous my highest ambition Any design te Rates. You cannot escape entire fighting force of Fran marines and other auxilia in wood turned out with grati seeing the Sign on approaching CITY It was been an ce and taking possesion of the boats. They were all sunk lying results. Office and shop Hollywood Store. RED. nounced that the Women naval base of Tolon the French tiveir own crews.
Sth. Avenue, North GUARDS, Proprietress.
Federation will observe authority in command of the CHAS RODEN The coastal defence bat their seventh anniversary fleet gathered for some WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND time ries are also said to have THE RESETTER WITH IM ECONOMY. Everything in maon Sunday, December 13th. in that port have sacrificed destroyed as well as the PROVEMENTS clean up to chinery made or repaired, from proximo, As an aid to the more than one hudred units nition deposits and other tate Barber Parlour Centrally a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Funds being got together, which comprised their four ssary facilities of a milita beated on Commerce Avenue carry an assortment of Beds, for an Cristmas Dole to our most powerful battle ships, character almost opposite Teatro Arras Springs and other useful things Neediest. we learn an en ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous at all times. Building No. 89 tertainment will be staged PHOTOGRAPIC STUDIO service. THOMAS PARCHMENT North Fifth Avenue. in the city church on the Hair Specialist. THOMPSON, Proprietor. evening of Tuesday the 15th EGBERT POLSON December. In view of its Specializes in taking photographs for Residential great humaritarian objectiCertificates inte enlargement of portraits For a better Hair Cut go to Stanley Dixon ve, we make this early apThe filling of Petitions to the Nation Executives Barber Shop West of the City Market peal to our general public for Declaration of full citizenship also undertaken.
to accord the function their Moderate Rates.
wholearted support TicOffice Room 11 in front the Cathedral Limon kets for admission will, we also understand, be placed in circulation, and we take this opportunity of suggesting to those who are a bit more fortunate than those in whose behalf the cheer will be extended that they purchase at least one ticket even if they be unable to at tend.
ORG Bab ZENT The adherents of the Domination in this dis trict will celebrate the Cen tenary Missionary Services and Rally in the Union Cha pel tomorrow, Sunday the 29th. and on the night following.
Among the Anglicans mo ESTRADA. very im BRITISH DRIVERS BRING SUPPLIES THROUGH HEAVY pressive service was conduc BOMBARDMENT. PICTURE SHOWS. British sup ted at the church in this ply column with orders to keep moving. coming through township last Sunday by Mr.
so heavy bombardment in the desert. Almost all its valuable Daysley, Catechist of St.
supplies arrived intact where they were most needed. Mark very representati ve congregation attended. OFFICIAL POTOGRAPH DISTRIBUTER ori RIO HONDO Harvest THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION. SOVIET AIRMEN Festival Services will be ob RECORD: 2000 FLIGHTS OVER ENEMY REAR: 250 EN MIXTURA GUIER served in the St.
Peter church tomorrow, Sunday One unit of the Red Air Force has to its credit over 2, 06 29th.
night flights over enemy occupied territory, during whic it destroyed 250 planes on the ground in enemy aers EL MEJOR REMEDIO PARA COMBATIR CITY Christmas Ta dromes.
bleau will be presented in Radio Picture by Cable and Wireless from Mosco the St. Mark Parish Hall shows: Airmen of the unit commanded by Lieutenant ESPECIAL PARA LOS NIÑOS on the evening of Sunday lonel Chirskov.
the 20th. of December proximo. From all we have Children are specially attended to at DE VENTA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS gathered there will be Dixon Barber Shop. Stanley knows how Depósito, Botica Guier, Cartago grand setting to this special to treat their tender scalps. West the City Market Nativity Play.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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