
as THE SPECIALLY CONVENED BAPTIST SERVICES EXPERTO MECANICO EN REPARACIONES In honour of the Centena vements of the Jamaica Bap to the British Parliament EN LOS SIGUIENTES RAMOS DE MAQUINARIAS: ry Celebrations of the Bap tist Union in all its bran and were instrumental in Calculadoras, Registradoras, de Escribir, de Coser, tist Denomination, and in ches, but more so in the securing the promulgation Refrigeradoras y Motores de Gasolina.
Emancipation Bill line with the churches asso work treating on Christian of the Servicio a satisfacción er: mi taller y a domicilio.
ciated with the Jamaica Mission during the period for the abolition of slavery Baptist Union, the local under review. Emphasis was in the British Colonies.
Dirijase a DANILO SANDOVAL church under the pastors. also laid on the joint comme APARTADO 336 LIMON hip of the Rev. Forde, moration of the 150th anni Historial Facts Propounded commemorated the great versary of the Baptist Mis at Rally event in conjunction with sionary Society of Great Bri the services on Sunday the tain and Ireland and its pio ZUÑIG S FURNITURE 22nd. instant and the Mis neering status among mo The Missionary Rally, si sionary Rally on the follo dern Missionary Societies. milar to the long established wing night.
Tribute was extended and well known Christian The Pastor discourse on Messrs. William Nibbs and Mission Meetings, was obser Sunday evening was dedica Thomas Burch who took ved on the evening of the ted to the marvellous achie the cause of negro slavery 23rd. The Pastor had the pleasing association of the Cut your Hair at Dixon Barber Shop and enjoy, as well, a Rev. Holmes of the Metconfortable and cool shave.
hodist Circuit and Major West of the Limon Market Lynch of the Salvation Army. The Major was the Despite the war, Zuñiga still offer their furniture for Ca first speaker. His address or on monthly instalments or weekly payments in combination his was punctuated with CULTURAL NIGHT SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISE with the National Lottery. We do not compete, we excel. Honesty characteristic good, humour and punctuality our Motto.
and his relation of the narra Climaxing the labours of was the recipient of loud tive of a mother, her sick BERESFORD their school term, the stu cheers. The contributing child and the attending phy See our Stream DUNCAN dents of the Tomas Guardia students were charming sician, who was offered ane dining tabRepresentative Cultural Night School, un on the whole, but Rupert sum much greater than les Wardrobes, Zuñiga Bros.
der the able tuition of don Brown, the local Mocking his fee, but lost it, e Dressing Table, Opposite de Juan Peralta, took the Bird. was sensationally en ventually because of not Woodea Beds la Peña Cia, entertaining stage last week tertaining. With respect to seeing the contents of the with deep sleep Friday night in the recrea the educational phase of purse when presented by the mattresses, etc.
ALFREDO tion Hal. The music was the Institution, we desire to mother and was therefore HAZEL tastefully supplied by the express the highest appre greatly disappointed when re organized Juvenile Band ciation for the extraordina the bounty of the giver was of don Rafael Mora with ry tasks undertaken by the unfolded, must have made don Alfonso Venegas at the Management and Teachers deep impression on the piano.
in the development of the NOTES FROM CAHUITA minds of his hearers. The INT In well chosen expres minds and knowledge of Rev. Holmes followed By Special Correspondent sions, the Director of the their students which must and his discourse dealt larschool effected the opening undoubtedly enhance their gely on the colourful life of We are extending, by farm Antonia. and others.
remarks and, on closing, future usefulness.
the great Apostle St. Paul, means of our well esteemed As these cultivators are disand special attention was Weekly the gratitude of tant eight and a half miles Good Business for those who can supply called to the fact that the the Cahuita Police Agent, from the Pandora rail comBaptist Denomination, don Rafael Angel Cambrone munication, a very lamentaWANTED. WANTED ble condition confronts one of the earliest christian ro, to the Municipal CounFISH and SHARK LIVERS religions of modern time, cil of Limon for the prompt them; and after they have OIL of SWORD FISH (Manati. LIVE TURTLE has faced the challenge attention accorded the peti devoted their strength and through the open door and tion with reference to the youth they are today forced APPLY CHAVEZ Box 332, Limon that her contribution had tram line service betweento abandon their cultiva Residence in front the Public Bath found its mark in soothing Hone Creek and Penshurst, tions consequent on the lack the agony of slavery in ad as a means of transporting of adequate transportation dition to the spreading of our products over land when facilities and be thrown in THE CRUSADERS. ELEGANTE BASEBALL THRILL theGospel in many the services of a launch may the camp of forgetfulness.
distant lands.
not be available. His sincere What future awaits such athanks is also expressed for griculturists and the chilThe officers and sailors portant opposition, but their of the Crusader continue tea the installation of a telepho dren who have at least, help The summary and special pot of confidence was ne.
ed their fathers to plant their marvellous contribu nearly upset when the Cru appeal for the Jamaica Bap tist Union was propounded We are at a loss. don their Cacao and other pertion to our economic, social saders went to bat for the Rafael stated, to know why manent products, when all and other community activi eighth inning or closing sta the very large number of their efforts are by the Rev. Mr. Forde.
covered ties. On the field of sport (ge of the match. Robinson farmers in the Estrella Pan by bush. Great is the pity they have been found great was then hurling for Elegan The Rally was well at dora regions do not tended and the enthusiasts of the game of te. His pitching have and compassion felt for tho was soon financial more than one tramway as se poor people when seen baseball. Their thrilling per mastered. After the fall of response seemed pleasing.
a medium of communica travelling on a trainday, formance in the 8th. inning two men, two runs were adtion. The Banana Company bedewed with the moisture of last Sunday game a ded at a time when three owns and abandons at will of the mud paths they front gainst the Elegantes of our men were on bases. The without consideration of any SALOMON CHIN their clothing torn, and city stamped them far abo third man effected to bat kind to the inconvenience their lives exposed to the ve mediocre players.
he gained two balls, but such a course might produ bites of snakes, the swollen Our Boys were then in fell a victim to acatch from Estrada ce for the cultivators in that rivers and other misfortunes the lead with three runs, the third. Play terminated locality such as Mr. Ono they must encounter.
the score being eight runs at that stage in order to gi LA IBERIA fre Escobar, an old planter In order to take out his to five. In all fairness, the ve way to the foot ball exer and founder of Atlanta, own products, Mr. Escobar, who homesters were very cise. Elegante won the con Abarrotes y Licores er of the farm San Juan. is located the farthest from strong battery and semed test by eight runs against Mr. Asch, the owner of the he line, had to spend a large confident that the seamen seven.
Precios Económicos Colombiana farm Mr. sum first for the construc could present no further im Alfonso Arias, owner of the tion of a two thousand metros communication sytem SILICOSISUSOOSSOSSO to Aurora then for the building of a boat ana the Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back service of a small caru in de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: another way.
When the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina river is vollen the bcat beThis bill must be paid at our office before comes an unsafe means of dentro de los prmeros 10 días the 10th. of the month transporting his products.
de cada mes If therefore amelioraBe so good as to comply with this request and do not tion be afforded them, the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which abandonment of their citi de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
vations awaits those fa atrs to the great suffering their families and the wasting of their strength. 99SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS cluded our Police Agent. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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