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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. 1942BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN a THE WORLD TO BE NEARING THE CLIMAX FUEHRER KEEPS SMALL MEN BUILDING NORTH AFRICA AND AIRPLANES WORLD STRATEGY In what the New York Sun Abyssinia, Syria, Libya, terms as one of his best speeches, over shadowed by the Egypt, Malta all these campaAccording to reports issued Britain pleasure boat buil. The Axis military power news from North Africa, Mr. Jigns, isolated es they seem, have led up to the great climax in the German papers Hitler ders are working day and night Europe is a land beast The Winston Churchill said the of the Battle of Africa. Slowly presented Hácha, head of the building motor gunboats and panese military power in following: to the puppet government in the motor torpedo boats and they Pacific is primarily a sea bea Let this clear, in case there should victorious Eighth Army which Protectorate. on his seven are building them fast. have the germans have become me, however, make they opened the way perts in harnessing air power by any mistake about it in any has thrown the enemy out tieth birthday with a signed seen them at work.
with have seen. have ma quarter: we mean to hold out of Egypt; which in its turn has portrait of himself and own. have not become the opened the way to American a Mercedes car, Czech gallows mosquito craft slide down the the fatal mistake of ass mir King First Minister to PRE forces landing in French North bumor commented upon the slipways to be taken over by that no such marriage or Africa gift ironically: Smart guy. Royal Navy crews and ferried power with surface power SIDE OVER THE LIQUIDAThe initial battles around the Fuehrer. He gives auto to striking ports.
necessary over seas. They TION OF THE BRITISH EMthe The Germans have begun de the false assumption thn PIRE. For that task, if it ever when the British Common airplanes he wisely keeps for to fear these travelling tot air superiority could immor the Mediterranean were fought mobiles away freely, but were prescribed, some one else would have to be found and wealth stood alone. Alone they himself. He will need a good pedoes. They mount torpedo lise warships and make the carved out the path which the plane soon. to follow Hess! tubes and machine guns, and useless, and overlooked t)
under democracy the nation The only trouble is that Hess they have done a lot of damage possibility that the new se would have to be consulted. United Nations now tread.
Still they remain in the fore had at his disposal not only an to Germany convoys off the ence of land. air power cou am proud to be a member of front of the battle. The Egyp airplane but also a place to French and Dutch coasts.
be paralled by the new scien that vast commonwealth and Two left the slipways in of sea air power. Japan, society of nations gathered tian victory was one of Bri which to go. Hitler has an airtish arms. fought throughout plane minus England, and few minutes. One in the hands the other hand, did not fall in around the ancient monarchy, of a Norwegian crew another that error almost entirey by men of Bri that is not very good.
and her if without which the good cause addition to the fast growingvasion of the South West Pad tish blood from home and the might well have perished from dominions on the one hand, Norwegian Navy. the other fic owed most of its success the face of the earth. Here we THE END IN BERLIN manned by British bluejackets. a skilful combination of wa and by Germans on the other.
are and here we stand, a veritAt the bases from which the ships with shore based and able rock of salvation in a But alongside them have and operate rrier borne aircraft. The Am drifting world fought the forces of India, There was a much of the maintenance and ricans are equally live to th Fighting France, Greece, Czetime not long ago when for a choSlovakia, while Likening Britain bomber repair work si done by Wrens. potentialities of sea air powe to the whole year we stood all alone.
offensive to a slow siege of and they are beginning to Those days, thank God, have west powerful American forNazi war industry and transmen from ces, supported by gone.
port Sir Archibald Sinclair, FLAGS OF THE ALLIES BEAT THE JAPANESE And that ought to put an end Great Britain, play their part to the dialectical gibberish in the great plan to cleanse Air Minister, said: The siege the shores of Africa from the lines are extending; more and at their own game. When Japa about India and other British stain of Nazi and Fascist more of German industry is BRAZIL nese warships appeared in the vossesions. They are what being encircled. The zest of Bay of Bengal, Axis propagan Britain is fighting for not all tyranny.
the German people for war has The design of the flag of the dists began to write and tall hat Britain is fighting for, but already begun to fall. Bomber newest ally in the fight against in exultant terms of the trium not the least important item DO YOU KNOW THAT Command is preparing the the Axis was decreed on No phant march of the Axis armie on the agenda. It is true that way for the time when the arvember 19th. 1889, by the to the Persian Gulf and the some astrophilosophers, like mies of the United Nations provisional Government, for Red Sea, there to join and Henry Wallace, conceive of a the war med on the overthrow of the with the naval power of Ja Two and a half million tons of will march to end world, at the end of the war, wheat and flour, and one mi where the war in Europe will monarchy pan. The Germanic territoria of utter equality among nations lion tons of sugar have been boended and that is in On a dark green background bloc in Europe would have co. the large or small, the po promised to Russia by Great Berlin.
is a yellow diamond, in the alesced with the Japane pulous, the sparse, the econocentre of which is a globe on zone of conquest and the Bri Britain and the United States?
mically integrated, the econowhich appears an arrangement tish Isles, Russia, China, In SOLO mically dependent, those who SAYINGS of stars. This constellation re dia, North America, and Aus Three thousand sheepskins, are on a high cultural level or presents the view of the sky tralia would have become iso those who still are primitively costing more than 10, 000, from Río de Janeiro, the Fede lated fragments of a United savage all these are to be have been given to Russia by al Capital Peace for all men can only Nations that might have been the Australian Government?
qual, which is complete nonWithin a white band that The resitance of the Red Army be secured if the United States ense because they are More are likely to follow.
not and the British Empire go words: Order and Progress. Sea and the creation of the spans this globe appear the from the Baltic to the Black qual 30, 000, 000 has been saved hand in hand after the night Imperialism may be brutally 8th. 9th, and 10th. Britist All exploitive or it may be bene. by school children in Britain and storms of war towards the (Continued from 5th. Column) nies in the Middle East (moved ficial to the natives. Wherever since war broke out, through sunrise of the hope of a better the British came with world. Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, at numerous points to the Nazi supplied by means of British 30, 500 savings groups?
their Minister of Production.
trade and missionaries and fortress of Europe; it is also sea power) held a land cordon thrusts crducational opportunities, they don underground trains and Restrictions on lighting in Lonthe artery which directly links against the eastward raised the standars of living stations will add 600 tons to the British Isles, Canada and of the Axis forces while Bri of the people and often protec the 4, 000 tons of coal already the United States with the In tish, American and Australtar The Soviet country is united dian Ocean. Once the short counter measures in India and ted the masses of natives and firm as a rock around its Mediterranean route to the South Pacific Oceans respecti against their own medievally saved by yearly economies?
Goverment and its great leader, East vely, diverted and then minded rulers. It was not ac Britain is producing more war Stalin. Despite all the sacrifiHAS BEEN RE OPENED, cidental that the metropolis of make HELD THE ADVANCE the East of Asia, the Interna. material per thousand of her ces we were forced to tional Settlement of Shanghai, tion on earth?
population than any other na and perhaps will still be forced the consequent release to ship of the Japanese. The Great planted in a swamp and groto make, we have not the slight ping space will speed up the victory of the United States est doubt about our final vic transit of vital supplies to Rus Navy off Guadalcanal which wing magnificently for less tory. Maisky, Soviet han a century, housed much risen at the moment and had Ambassador in Great Britain.
has just been annouard, will sia and also to India. The Inof the movable and go far to consolidate the Amesizable never been before. Yet there dian Ocean can then become ricans holding positions in commercial and industrial is no event without anteceealth of China. That wealth dents in the distant past and the water front for a drive that area, but as Colonel Knox yok sanctuary has warned us, there is pre in Shanghai there is no movement which through Burma to aid belea Let us make our contribuehind British bayonet fear is not a product of man action tion without grumbling, be guered China and onwards barrier stretching from Murbably more to come The lana ul of Chinese exactions. And concerning and reaction to worthy of Allies suffering grea against the tenuous power of mansk to Alexandria and south most of it was Chinese owned thousands of years of human tly in our common cause and Japan in East Asia. Such, in to Capetown, nourished by The three Chinese government activity. History is a continu be worthy of the victory banks, the Central Bank, the ing relationship. Imperialism store for us. General Smuts. of Allied strategy as it is beg. and Europeans areas of infecin outline, is the majestic sweep supply rutes across the Indian Bank of China and the Bank always exists when weak and Ocean, has kept the Eastern of Communications, were hous backward peoples come within inning to unfol itself. At the tion isolated. While American ed there and their reserves the orbit of progressive and were kept there because Brit mighty peoples. As the United same time, the distant prospect sea air power is pinning down protection was there. Simi States is today the strongest France are to day united in a expectation Free France and Captive bright thought it is with the Japanese in the Salomons, must not blind British. American combined Parly, the free movements of of all countries, so is she at the he Chinese people were hous moment the most imperialist deep spiritual solidarity to us to the stern tasks immedia operations by land, sea and ed in the Settlements.
of all countries, insisting upon fight for the freedom of a tely ahead. The completed air on a gigantic scale have To me it is always an ama the acceptance of her ideologi country which is not yet dead. mastery of the Mediterranean begun the task of regaining zing phenomenon that human cal position most recently and has still something to say is not yet in our hands and we mastery of the Mediterranes memory is so short. Every time enunciated in the Atlantic to the world. André may be sure that stiff and The Middle Sea is not on a situation arises, men gaze Charter. by the wnole ni Phillip, Fighting French Na bloody fighting will be needed a water front offering access upon it as though it had mankind.
tronal Committee.
in securing and exploiting it. Concluded in 4th. Column)
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