
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE to There are natural evils from which we cannot hope to escape nor even to delay; but of the ills apprehended from man malignity or the opposition of rival interests, we may rways alleviate the fear by remembering that our persecuEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 prs are, like ourselves, weak mortals.
YEAR VIII Limón, December 5th. 1942 NO 353 DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE WOULD AID OUR COMMERCE BANANA FLOUR THE WAR PROGRESS NATIONAL PRODUCT Official intyrmation releases nounced that the Allied Comle have arrived at the tradi tional Yule tide Season a pethat the Soviet army have made mand lost sixteen warships inc.
od when the commercial ader hopes to see his busi An lexceedingly interest further and important advances luding the small British airp. ane ss transaction take the up ward trend and afford and five ing report has been released in the central front and opened carrier Avanger im the much needed and long looked for assistance to regarding the production of important breaches in the enemy North American transports durvercome some, at least, of his financial difficulties Banana Flour by the indus lines between Rzhey and Veliki ing the disembarking of their hich had accumulated during the previous ull months trial chemist, don Emma Luki. The double offensive mov forces in North Africa, 850 ships nuel Monney, of San Jose.
ements in the Stalingrade sec participated.
the year. We fear, however, that having regard to. tor are also stated to be mak The Washington War Deparsisting circumstances, our city businessmen will not variety of samples are ing the most satisfactory pro tament States that the loss in favoured with such an experience at this time, unman power suffered by the said to have been submitted gress. During the two weeks iss some charitable consideration be extended them.
to competent authorities recentiy passed the number of United States amounted to 1, 910 We are inclined to the opinion that this considera and gave the greatest degree Germans killed and taken pri up to the 23rd. ultimo. Intense on can be afforded them by the Management of our of satisfaction. It was also soners on the latter front is aerial operations are in progress orthern Railway System, without the Company sufmentioned that the elements placed a: 165, 000. Forty large over the strategic positions of aring any set backs. The system is our only means of extracted from the banana transport planes on their way Tripoli in addition to Tunez and stood the analysis as to Stalingrade with soldiers Bizerta. British and North Ame pure ffective transportation betwen this city and interior food articles. Those who ob and food were shot down betrican troops proceeding from ownships.
served the production and ween the 2nd. and 3rd. instant. the Gold Coast and Liberia are Our Black out period is still being enforced, hengave it their careful study stated to have entered the coast e the accustomed night trading will not be done, and were deeply impressed and The Allied forces control, it of Marfit which appertai com France. this is by far the better part of each day overturn expressed their is reported, the line of sympathy for the chemist, who munication betwicen Tunez and by uring this season, the trader will suffer an additional The American and Australian Bizerta which, in consequence forces are pursuing their terrific reason of economic circumsoss. Then too, he depends, to a large extent, on the expurchases which residents on the line towns usually tances is not in a position to isolates the two points where offensive in the Pacific. In their establish the industry on a the Germans are offering a most recent attempt to reinke at this time, but it is our understanding that litt, if any of this can be expected in view of the present has, however, been commercial scale. An appeal tenacious resistance, Allied air force their troops on Guadalcamade units also continue their destruc na! the Japs lost 27 nava; units Lailroad passenger service. We, therefore, desire to for the necessary collaborative raids over all the German and 000 men. Informed circand Italian positions. They also les estimate that from early uggest that the Guapiles passenger and light freight tion and support.
sank four transports and two August when they initiated their ervice be allowed to operate on those days when the In addition to the flour, destroyers of a Nazi convoy on attacks in the Salomon Islands egular passenger train does not come from San Jose.
area the Japanese have lost not ſuch a service would, we are assured produce benefits we understand that a gela its way to Tunez.
tine as well as what is It has been officially an less than 000 air planes.
or all concerned; in anticipation therefore we beg to known as white gums are ender our sincere Thanks.
among the elements obtain ed by the Chemist. It is hoped the necessary support CHINA INDUSTRY BEING REBUILT will be afforded the effort as it would provide Costa The Chinese being over, are kept in regular touch Rica with an industry of no whelmingly an agricultural with their economic bases.
mean potentiality.
ple, they regard their By the end of last year nilitary efforts, it is asser 448 factories had been dised, as but one half of the mantled and moved inland TEACHERS OF PRIVATE nation battle. About eighty from the former industrial per cent of the populace de areas. With them went 120. SCHOOLS TO MEET DE VAPORES cive their livelihood from 000 tons of machinery and the land. Their industrial 12, 000 skilled workers. The TOMORROW activities, with which fo steel factories now pour out reign intervention is largely high grade steel for military partir de esta fecha y a causa de We learn that all arran.
woven, was concentrated and industrial uses, while a la situación anormal, cualquier informe mainly along the coastal needle factory, previously gements have been complet respecto a reservaciones de pasajesy esand Yangtze areas.
ed for the conference of the located in Tsingtao, produWhen the Japanese OC ces half a million sewing teachers of our private pacio para carga, no pudiendo atenderrupied these areas, China needles every day, and dyes tomorrow in one of the schools, slated for 12. 30 lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado as faced with a very diffi tuff plants around Chung30 class rooms of the personalmente en nuestras oficinas en los It problem, whose solution king are turning out mateTomas necessitated the complete re rial which experts says com Guardia School, through bajos de. orientation of her economic pare favourably with the the kind offices of don Juan and industrial development. German product. Chemical Peralta, the Director.
Orders were accordingly is works, flour factories, paGRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA sued for the development of per mills, alcohol distilleries Having regard to the pur a variety of economic de and leather tanneries now pose for which the meeting donde nos esforzaremos como de costumfence behind the military operate at Shanghai, Wu has been called, it is hoped lines and beyond the reach chang and other places that every teacher, who can bre por llenar sus necesidades.
of the enemy. This enabled where industry was practi possibly do so, will attend.
China to undertake the re cally unknown prior to the uilding of her industries war.
while her defending armies AN OFFER TO LEASE UVITA ISLAND INFORMATION As the Island has always CARD OF THANKS We understand the Exe: been kept available for use is required at the British Vicecutive Authority is giving by the government as a qua Consulate Port Limon, Costa consideration to a proposal rantine station and also for ta Rica, of the whereabouts In the names of my fellow agriculturists and in for the leasing of the Uvita the isolation of persons af of the following persons my own, adopt this medium to publicly express our Island to a private indivi flicted with diseases of a deepest appreciation and gratitude to the Municipal dual contagious character, it has Fathers of the Province of Limon, and more especially The party who has sub never been occupied privaGREGORY, Anthony to the untiring and zealous effectiveness of don Alfon mitted the offer is said to tely for individual activities, CAMPBELL, Doris CR so Solé, the Vice President of the Council.
GRAY, John Tennyson be a well known local agri it is, however, stated that culturist who wishes to con the present solicitude proviOSBORN, James or Jimbo FERNANDO ASCH.
vert the Island into a regudes that should the necessi DAWSON, Abraham Cahuita and Estrella Regions. lar farm, special attention ty arise, the government will SATCHWELL, Lewis December 1942.
be given the rearing of fowls have the right of re taking FORRESTER, John Emmaand other domesticated an immediate possession nuel.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY SERVICIO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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