
ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th. 1942 sin VANTED JUPITER AND MEXICO JUNIOR FOOTERS TOMORROW BASEBALL IN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY DEMONSTRATE EQUAL STRENGTH Tomorrow, Sunday 6th December, will bring the ENGAGEMENT Third Anniversary since God, in His infinite With the Football League of the sporting public, who Wisdom, removed from this human scene our We adopt this medium to Fixtures fast approaching apparently preferred a pick dearly beloved Husband, Father and Counsellor extend a hearty welcome to the close, it is natural that led menu left in advance of the Costa Rica Baseball the contesting teams should the match termination. JuGEORGE MCPERSON Team of San Jose who are strenuously strive to gain piter acquired their expected here this afternoon additional points toward the gle in the first half time. One who was faithful, sincere and dear, to face the Cubs in tomo coveted championship hon Alex Ramirez. Pocas pulled and whose heart throbbed for our afflictions; rrow big contest.
ours. This was seen last Sun the trigger. The temperatu. His mortal flesh is now decayed in his earthly bed The Trophy donated by day afternoon when the Ju re of the exercise rose notice But his spirit, like an angel, sleeps undisturbed Lic. don Teodoro Picado, in piter and Mexico Junior ably after the rest period. And if we his footprints truly pursue whose honour the match will teams presented a display of Jumping over heads, trippShall see him and reunite on the Great Day.
be dedicated, is most char equal strength and emerged ing, and even indulgence in ming and will certainly en from the playground with a the fistic art were witnessWidow, Daughter Hesba and other children.
hance the efforts of the pla score of One Goal each. ed. Finally, Bert Lam tram yers to gain it. We have pled all and sundry drib no doubt that Sr.
Coto The first half of the con bbed the ball to within shoot of the Josefinos will place test was luke warm, com ing range, and succeeded in 231. 387 STEMS BANANAS EXPORTED IN OCTOBER a strong Nine on our Dia pletely devoid of any tense retaliating Jupiter earlier mond, but if our Manager, moment.
act. Tie score was recor Rodolpho Johnson, pays ca So droll was it that severa ded.
reful attention to the hurWe have been afforded period amounted to 208. 47 ling of his pitchers, we bethe information that during quintals and 118 tons respec lieve the Cubs should be the the month of October recen tively.
tly passed, a total of These movements gave MIXTURA GUTER 231. 387 stems of bananas the public treasury an inco.
were sent out the country. me of 889 dollars, The exportations of coffee Currency.
DURING NOVEMBER Good Business for those who can supply ESPECIAL PARA LOS NIÑOS WANTED. WANTED LONDON, Dec. The victory in the air obtained by the DE VENTA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS FISH and SHARK LIVERS RA. during the month of Depósito, Botica Guier, Cartago OIL of SWORD FISH (Manati. LIVE TURTLE November (The Month of VicAPPLY. CHAVEZ. Box 332, Limon tories) is even more significant Residence in front the Public Bath for the United Nations than PEARL HARBOR, UP. Los ja rante una batalla en que intervi has so far been realised, says the air correspondent of the poneses han sufrido en las Salo nieron por aviones. En el curso Evening Standard. The considerables, lo que se informó de mes de setiembre el enemigo MOSSOLINI IN ILL HEALTH extent of that victory can be mon pérdidas aireas sumamente perdió muchos aparatos en sus a.
seen from the fact that Novem de las esfera bien informadas, ataques contra Guadalcanal y des ber was the first month during fectará la estrategia en los de. de agosto además sus bases en las According to information the ex Minister of War and which the German air force más frentes de la guerra del Paislas septentrionales del mismo confidentially received in an intimate friend of the has not been able to make a cífico. Según cálculos moderados, archipiélago, con objeto de los certain diplomatic circles, Royal Family, is mentioned, single night attack on the desde principios de agosto en bombardeos de las fuerzas aéreas it is stated that Mussolin is as likely to head such a gov nited Kingdom since the Bri que se iniciaron los ataques sobre aliadas al mando del general Mc. so badly indisposed that the ernment body.
tish people defeated the mass el sector de Salomón y Nueva Gul Arthur, se señala a propósito que formation of an Emergency Mussolini is supposed to onslaught of the Nazi bombers nea, los japoneses perdieron no los comunicados del alto coman Government is under con be suffering from an ulcera in autumn 1940. In addition menos de 2000 aviones en el sur Ido de este último se han perdido sideration in Italy. The name Ited stomach and an affecduring twenty days of Novem y suroeste del Pacífico. Los comuſ a menudo a la destrucciones de a of Marshal Pietro Caviglia, tion of the heart.
ber the German air force could niðcados oficiales hacen saber viones japoneses estacionados en not spare even a single plane que en un sólo mes de octubre tierra. El secretario de marina, to send over Britain. Undoub las fuerzas aéreas y navales de coronel Knox informó reciente.
tedly the correspondent con la armada perdieron 630. avio mente que los pilotos norteamer)
tinues the Luftwaffe has been nes enemigos y la escuadrilla alcanos derribaban aviones japone strained to the breaking point mando del coronel Morrison, con ses a razón de cuatro o cinco por Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos by the Allied offensive in North Africa. On the other cífico destruyó desde la inicia indica que posiblemente las érbase en un puerto del sur del Pa cada aparato propio perdido. Eso ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a hand, the month of November was a month it imueniant vicción de las operaciones un míni didas de los Estados Unidos en ROIG tories of the 1. which mo de 150 aeroplanos, algunos de toda la camaña son inferiores a shot down 319 Axis pianes for los cuales no pueden llegar a sus 500 aeroplanos, aun cuando es evi BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 the loss of only 199. Thus, og bases por la gravedad de las avel dente que ambas partes perdieron SAN JOSE it did before in the Battle rias recibidas. Sobre las pérdi otros debido a accidentes en vue Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos Britain, the British air forces das niponas en los primeros dos lodebido a tiempo.
again asserted their complete meses de la campaña en las Salomastery over the Luftwaffe at món, pero se recuerda que en un a decisive turning point in the sólo día les fueron destruidos 98 war aviones fué el 24 de agosto duLIMON SODA WATER FACTORY From the Line Towns they visit the City then to Dixon Barber Shop for a real Fix up FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS West of the City Market.
LIMON SOAP FACTORY PETAIN SE TRASLADARA gada conferencia con el mariscal VERSALLES Petain. Entre tanto otros despaPRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD chos indican que Laval está ne MADRID, UP. Según infor gociando el traslado del gobierno (Fundada en 1910)
maciones lelgadas de Francia, se a París y que el mariscal Petain está considerando seriamente una establecería su residencia oficial alianza franco alemana que lleva en el palacio de Versalles.
ria a Francia a participar comAgentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS pletamente en la guerra junto a las potencias del eje. Dicen las in English Tweeds Sergs formaciones que iPerre Laval re GARRON e HIJOS gresó esta mañana de Paris, se can still be had at entrevistó inmediatamente apuer Reasonable Prices at tas cerradas con el cónsul gene JACK ORANE Sucs.
APARTADO 17LIMON ral alemán en Vichy, von Nidma, THE PEOPLE HOUSE y que luego mantuvo una prolon Limon NOTICE 01 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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