
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th. 1942 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 SHORTAGE OF ZUNIG S FURNITURE LUMBER Parents vote fifty to one in favour of Dixon Barber Shop for children, so send your sons Our attention has been directed to the serious incon there too West of the City Market venience many of the cabinet makers in this city are experiencing on account of JUPITER FOOTBALLERS OFF TO ALAJUELA a shortage of certain kinds of native lumber. It is alleg ed, in this connection, that the saw mills are heavily Despite the war, Zuñiga still offer their furniture for Cash Through the moving spi to test their strength against taxed in consequence of the or on monthly instalments or weekly payments in combination rit of our esteemed Teller of the Alajuelenses, tomorrow, steadily the Banco Nacional of this Sunday the 6th. They may increasing dem with the National Lottery. We do not compete, we excel. Honesty and punctuality our Motto.
city, don Roberto Blanco, also play against a Punta and for construction matethe Jupiter Football Team renas Selection, who, it is rial, which is given the preference.
BERESFORD re inforced by Edwin Jack said, will be providing the As the workman has to See our Stream DUNCAN son and Tenero of the Bar main feature of the day Representative celona Sport Club, left this sporting Card.
depend on a regular and line dining tables Wardrobes, Zuñiga Bros.
morning by the freight and We wish them the best of sufficient supply of matepassenger combination train luck.
rial to punctually and effi Dressing Tables Opposite de ciently fulfil his agreements Wooden Beds la Peña Cia.
he should not be blamed if with a eep sleep Sucs.
he fails because of the exist mattresses, etc.
JAMAICA TOWN IMPROVEMENTS Apartado 362 Comerciante detallista With the start of the improv. be augmented by the enforceLIMON.
ement works in the Jamaica ment of a number of restricted Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, Town Settlement, the time will health and sanitary regulations, Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc coon arrive when that locality They might no longer be allowtricos; todo se encuentra en will become one of our city ed to keep thier pig corrals, este establecimiento. most healthy extensions. There their poultry coops and other are, however, a few important things which helped them to PRECIOS DE SITUACION factors which we think should eke out their humble existence.
be borne in mind.
We nevertheless feel confident In order to keep in line with Municipal Fathers and PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSING the improvements, house hold. others in authority will temper ers will have to renovate their the required adjustments with EXERCISES buildings. Many of these are as generous an amount of symhowever, in no shape for recon pathy for those concerned, as ditioning; rather are they it for may be possible.
It has been demolization, but as the large announced wonderfu start has been that the official schools of majority of those who own them made on the Improvement Proour city will hold their clos are not financially robust. theyject and for this we desire to ing exercises tomorrow and will be faced with a very seri express our grateful thanks.
the following afternoon. Theous problem, which might also boys of the Guardia centR. Hall at 30 HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA tomorrow, while the girls of Limon Coty the Rafael Yglesias will conduct theirs in the Teatro Offers its service to ivs esteemed patrons and at reduced Arrasty at p. on Monrates. Rooms with baths, fine sea view. Excelent cusina day. Both functions will, we service. Every comfort for those who seek it.
gather, be open to the gene Personal attendance by the Proprietress.
ral public.
MARIA AURELIA AURTENECHEA our TWO RECENT DEATHS TEXT OF CIRCULAR SENT PRIVATE SCHOOL TEACHERS COSTA RICA SODA viers Among those who died For the special attention recently in the San Juan of the private school teach de Dios Hospital, San Jose, ers resident in the Line town are the following who were ships who, perhaps, by reaconnected with this Zone. son of the existing censorAmparo Quesada San ship, may not have received WATER FACTORY chez, 23 years old, formerly the circular issued by don of this city, a daughter of Juan Peralta, Director of Jose Quesada and Fermina the Tomas Guardia School, Fábrica de Hielo y Sanchez. She entered the in of this city, we produce it stitution on the 4th. August, hereunder Refrescos last and died on the 11th.
Jesus Leandro Hernandez Limón Our resolve is to place retribution for Nazı butcheries and terrorism Vargas, 45 years of age, By a resolution effected among the major purposes of this war. Mr. Churchill. late of this city, a son of in an assembly of the teach FLORIDA ICE AND Cartoon from the London News Chronicle. Camilo Hernandez and Ma lers of the private schools in ria Vargas Camacho and this city, permit me to invite the husband of Juana Del you very attentively to a FARM CO For a better Hair Cut go to Stanley Dixon gado. He entered the hospi meeting which will be held Barber Shop West of the City Market tal on the 5th. October and in the Boys School, Gendied on the 17th. instant.
LA FLORIDA eral Tomas Guardia. on Sunday Desember 6th. pro MADERAS ximo at 12. 30 The CADA DIA TENEMOS MAS CLIENTELA POR ALGO ES measure is to treat with the FABRICA DE HIELO status of the National Educators Association and to Tienda y Zapatería LA FAMA attentive 200 elect a Provincial Manage vrer service ment corresponding to the Pera ta TASIES HERMANOS private schools. We request Director de la Facuela your punctual assistance at Tomas Guardi3, Frente Unidad Sanitaria, Limón this assembly, and am Delegate Private Schools, pleased to greet you and 990 Di 7 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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