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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITATI REMEMBER PEARL HARBOUR MINISTRY OF TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BRITAIN POST WAR PLANS THE TUNISIAN BRIDGEHEAD NAZIS SPEAK FO THEMSELVES S As this paper reaches the LONDON, Dec. The asta Sir William Beveridge new The great harbour and naval We Germans are so regder, the United States of :lishment of a Ministry or social plan for post war Bri base of Bizerta and Tunis and of doing a person injusti America are about to comme Town and Country planning tain and the whole world has the adjacent airfields consti in case of doubt we morate the first anniversary of in the British Government as been accorded the most enthu te at present the focal point of prefer to do ourselves the date on which Japanese avnounced in Parliament by siastic reception by all the the Mediterranean. In Axis (Gobbels in Das Reich, naval ad air forces launched Mr. Churchill is considered a newspapers during this past hands it is a complement to ber 4th. their treacherous attack most important development week, and informed quarters Sicily and enables the enemy against Pearl Habour and by the press. This ser is in London state that this is to keep the communicating That is Goebbels foreword other British and American taken to mean that the Roitypical of the intense interest door (the Sicilian Narrows) Germany book on the outposts in the Pacific Ocean. Itish Government is already which is being shown by all virtually closed to Allied ship Europe. Let us turn over It was a stunning blow, as we working out the detailed me sections of the British peopie ping. Three converging drives pages and see how the all have to admit. However, trods for continuing into the in the evolution of that advanc are taking place: the Axis drivej mans in their own word its consequences were exactly peace the British type of con ed society to which Great Bri southwards from Bizerta Tu their own newspapers, the opposite from what the fe trolled economy which has tain has pledged herself in the nis. the Anglo American drive unashamedly developed lonious enemy had expected. given Britain her immense Atlantic Charter.
eastwards from Algeria and theme.
With the cry Remember Pearl wartime efficiency. The news Observers in London have still at a great distance the Harbour the Americans went papers point out that the an drawn attention to the fact British advance westwards to work and not only avenged qualified enthusiasm with that Britain is determined to from Cyrenaica.
CHAPTER ON SAB this initial defeat, but the arm which both the Government begin the battle of peace now GE. GREECE. The Ge ed forces under General Mc and the opposition parties insist on the home front, so that she The Eighth Army has had a authorities announce tha Arthur, supportde by the Aus ed that the British wartime will be in a position to make difficult week, for in addition the event of an act of sab tralians, have definitely barred system of private ownership a leading contribution through to the normal delays caused by against Germany all the enemy from conquering and enterprise, harmonised lout the world towards the mines and road obstructions arrested as hostages the island continent in the with state planning, must be defeat of what Sir Willian of the retreating enemy, it has shot. Furthermore, Southwestern Pacific they developed after the war in gr calls the five giant eviis been impeded by a torrent measures will be taken a coveted. In this short year of der to increase still further namely: WANT, DISEASE. Jial rain which has waterlogged families of those Greek war, the Americans have prov Britain efficiency as a pro IGNORANCE, SQUALOR and some of the airfields and made are fighting Germany and ed that they can and are will ducer. Thus the oppositionIDLENESS. The plan provides heavy going for transport. abroad (Athenaika Nea, ing to fight until the Stars leader, Mr. Arthur Greenwood for a broadly conveived strate. Nonetheless, the army has rea controlled paper, Jue ut and Stripes flutter once again said: believe experience wilt gy combined with detailed tacched Agedabia and the Oasis over their temporarily lost show that many of our war tical planning for a British of Jalo and is approaching the possessions, and the fierce time controls will prove an offensive against the first of El Agheila line on a wide FRANCE. have decider battling around Guadalcanal essential element in Britain these enemies of humanity front. It is possible that Rom punish most severely not and New Guinea has taught new economic structure of the Attention is drawn to two as mel may attempt to fight a the authors of sabotage the the Japs a lesson they are not post war period. To this ihe pects of the plan itself which delaying action here, using his selves, but also the families likely to forget. However, Minister of Reconstruction, Sis are of supreme importance to old fortifications and mine these men. In addition, if there is much left to be done William Jowitt, replied that all countries. The first of fields along the 25 mile culprit is not found within before the Rising Sun banner the controls which succeeded these, these sources stated, is stretch between the Gulf of days. 1) all male members vanishes completaly, as it will, in directing our whole national that Sir William Beveridge Sirte and the salt marshes and his family ower 18 will from the Southern Seas. resources into the war front plan is typically a British plan receiving reinforcements of shot. 2) all women rel: William If the warlist accomplish must be realistically developed to use Sir cwn troops and anti tank guns in will be sent to forced ial Pients of the American People to maintain and increase Pri words: lorrys from Tripoli. According (3) all children up to ag.
have thrilled the world since tish efficiency after the war. the scheme is in some ways to German sources, however, will be sent to special scho that day at Pearl Harbour, the a revolution, but in more in the reserves stationed in Sicily (German SS and Police Cu tremendous armament indusportant ways it is the natural for Rommel Panzer forma for the Military Commander try built up in the continental development of the pasi tions have been diverted to France, July 13th. United States since then with NAZI THOUGHTS is a British levetion. General Nehring in Tunisia a view to vanquishing The Great Brita spiai exaggressor nations clearly de The Nazis complain that the pert points out that insofar as Whatever Rommel tactical HOLLAND. The dea:li monstrates the unity of purpose Russians shoot boiling oil at his plan has grown out of Dri plans may by for saving the tence may be passed not and determination of the most the German soldiers. Even a tain unrivalled experience in remnants of his army, it is on those who to a lesser powerful nation in the world. self invited guest deserves be the past, it is based on the de fairly evident that the Axis took part in acts again: Abroad the American Dough ter treatment than that.
velopment of the British social objective is to occupy a conti occupying forces, but als boy is conquering laurels for Hitler complains that even services which were already nuous coastal strip from Bi the spiritual instigators, his flag, and at home the wor te Germans de not seem to in pre war times on a scale zerta to Tripoli. Although the if their participation kers and women give him and realize what glorious victories unsurpassed in any other Allied airforces have been be proved. Persons to all the rest of the United his armies AVE have won.
The country of the world. For in taking a heavy toll of Axis under this heading Nations the arms to fight, rührer would be only to stance, he says. Britain ad troop carrying aircraft between tried by German courts with. United States is wholly happy if his people would vanced social services began Cicily and North Tunisia, it is lin statement to Stockho and truly at war, and there show a little smuy compila three hundred years ago witn obvious that a proportion have Tidningen, May 30th. can be only one end to this cency.
the poor law, and their devo been getting through and that struggle the utter defeat of year has passed since we lopment is marked by a turn ships have been making the the Axis Powers whose lust learned that the Soviet armies ing point in 1911 when Britain short night crossing with tanks CHAPTER ON REPRIS for conquest and rapine has had been crushed, destroyed that the individual must freely is possible that the Axis force of Wloclowek, sentenced a established the basic princinle and other heavy equipment. It POLAND. The Special plunged the world into the and abolished forever. It may contribute certain duties second cataclysm in the last be a good idea to get annihilat the state in return for the gua der Nehring now amounts to 7th. 1942, on the assum to holding Bizerta and Tunis un in Kolha district to death twenty five years. If Greated early and have it over Britain and her Alles rantee of his welfare byths about 15, 000.
that he killed a German were with: able to hold out against state.
signalled German airmer the Building on this the Beverid.
aggressors by themselves des Hitler got control men were ge plan shows how securty Bizerta Tunis will be against mannstadter Zeitung, a The forthcoming assault on September 6th. 1939.
pite their armed superiority no longer free to think.
then the entrace of the United can be combined with the free powerful landward fortifica man paper in Poland, The Nazi regime has conti dom, enterprise and responsi tions with strong air support 28th.
States on the side of the Unit nued as it began. For the ed Nations represents a gua thinker, silence or the concen this the British community ly be a stiff fight; but with the bility of the individual, and in from Sicily and it will probabrantee that the Axis is doomed tration camp. For his works, have a vital service to rende forces at the Allies disposal CZECHO SLOVAKIA. to clefeat. And that is what the flames.
December the 7th. will mean to human progress. It is a dar there is no reason to doubt prisals and such act as tho Hitler was righi. Ilis great to future generations.
ing and inventive application of what the result will be. When against Lidice and other foe is the quest for truth, Pritain social maturity that the Allies are masters of the villages are not except freedom of thonght, indepen makes the Beveridge plan an Narrows they will also be mas cases, but are deeply ancho.
HITLER GREATEST dence of judgment. Eet it takes outstanding. British contribu lers of many future pressicili in National Socialist law.
more than the numaa mind. tion to the construction of an ties. The decisive struggle of Weltwoche, July 3rd. ENEMY In the conquered lands men efficient and prosperous socie 1943, not only in Europe bit bodies may be shackled but ly in all the other lands. The also in Asia, is beginning to freedom lives in their bars. pian takes it for granted that take on form and shape.
LUXEMBOURG. As cas When Hitler caing to power And the armies of freedom are it will be followed by recipro.
strikes and refusals to in Germany one of his first aiready battering at the fron cal social advances in the rest have taken place in the it acts was to order great bonfires tiers.
of the world. In this way Eri of Luxembourg, the auth of books written by all those thinking man is the tain proves her inflexible de economic field with the object of the Military Courts wil who disagreed with himn. 10 worst enemy of the Prince of termination in the worlds of of securing for all of them im extended, and leaders of sta was a fiery signal to Germany Darkness. Cariyle might well the Atlantic Charter to bring proved labour standards, ecc. will be shot immediate. and to all of us, had we been have written those words of about the fullest collaboration nomic advancement and social (National Biatt, Septen alert. It told us that where Hitler: beween all the nations in the security.
2nd. the acc Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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