
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE en ve maof Japan. kindly word, a smile of cheer, An open sympathetic ear And you can have the world less drear And make another glad you are here.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 YEAR VIII Limon December 22nd. 1942 NO 355 YULE TIDE THE ALLIED FORCES REGISTER FURTHER Pursuing the traditional custom, we take this opportunity to extend to each and every one our hearty sincere wish Notices reaching us from their offensive, are said to ha, and Volga, composed of some that they not only experience a joyous Christmas, but that the different war fronts «di ve annihilated 20, 000 more twenty odd divisions.
cote that the Allied forces ia Nazis after a four days General Rommel besten their future years be fraught with peace and prosperity.
ve made further and imjur counter in one sector. They forces have reached, Tripoli In view of existing world wide conditions, we cannot fant gains during the past are also believed to menace but it is the general opinion reasonably expect demonstrations of real happiness, but we week operations, the Germans located in the he will not be able to long can by more fully concentrating on the intrinsic charac The Russians, intensiting region between the rivers Don stave off their utter anrihia teristic of the Season, be enabled to all the more appreciate tion, as the allied air forces the Gift which came to us on that first Christmas norn nigh are in complete control of the entire area. He is supposed to two thousand years ago, and do our bit toward the realizaBROWNE ABRAHAMS be desperately endeavouring tion of that Peace which was the theme of the Angelic to join the Nazis operating Annoucement.
COMPRAMOS in the Tunez area The Magi presented the Holy Infant with their gifts COCOS. COPRA ACEITE DE COCO The British of gold. and frankinsence and myrrh, let us instead, oparmy, comApartado 362 manded by General Wave. proach His lowly crib and offer Him our prayer for the elimi. LIMON.
presumably reinforced by Are nation of wars and the establishment of a permanent Peace rican and Chinese forres he among all men.
initiated an offensive against the Japanese ir: Bur ma from across the frontier PRAISEWORTHY MOVE of India. Results, so ter, are The Japanese are still suf It has been officially report said to be very optimistic, os fering from the activities of troyed in the Mediterranean We learn that the Cen disinterested with detrimen meeting with but feeble resis the forces commanded by Geed that Poland has been con tral Authorities of San Jo tal effects on our economic tance they have penetrciec neral McArthur, while the se have issued during the past week.
instructions life and the general agr. cu more than 200 kilometros Chinese are reported to have verted into the chief centre to the Police Authorities tural advancement of the hand occupied some very im frustrated an intense offensi for the assassintion of Jews.
throughout this Province to Zone.
portant points. It is expected ve in Yunan, obliging the in Here they are shot, en exercise the greatest vigilan So serious a view do so they may shortly gain control vaders to retire to their origi sa, electrocute and killed by ce in connection with the u me governments take of the famous roadway by nal bases. Allied, activities in the application of poisonous me of Praedial Larcency so this crime, that their legs which the British and ed the South Pacific have also rampant at all times, and to lative Bodies have decree powers once supplied Chino caused additional heavy losses gases. Fully ninety nine per cent of these unfortunates inflict on the guilty ones the corporal punishment on the with her necessities to carry among enemy naval and air from Yugoeslavia bre believed severest. punishment permi convicted persons in add on against the invading forces units.
who sought refuge in Poland tted by law. This is as it tion to imprisonment.
Nine enemy ships were des assassinated.
should be, and we heart. ly approve.
Time and again we have BOMBEROS RADIANTLY CELEBRATED ANNIVERSARY heard the wails of our far INFORMATION iners, particularly the smaRather unique was the set. year service badge. Colonel, changed when the Lebert Stee der, struggling ones, of the is required at the British Vice ting in the St. Marks Hall for Fulgencio Campos an honorarylle orchestra, dishing out the serious losses they suffer Consulate Port Limon. Cos the celebration of our Bom iriember, was also the recipient latest dance numbers, the from those criminally min ta Rica, of the whereabouts bero Anniversary on the of a badge for his four years Hall became colourful with ded among us, whose chef of the following persons night of. Saturday the membership objective in life seem to be instant. Paim fronds formed the large company of dancers.
Accompanied, by the orches Toothsome dishes and assort to deprive the honest wor. GREGORY, Anthony the main feature of the deco tra, the Bomberos Ode ker of his well earned rewas ed beverages were regularly CAMPBELL, Doris rations the Costarrican tunefully rendered by the Fi served. The party continuward. Agriculturists in this GRAY, John Tennyson Flag which magestically wa remien. Señores Manuel Goy led until sometime after Zone suffer much from the OSBORN, James or Jim ved in the central arch of the sen and Gmo. Meng represent mid night hour. Mass at the marauding habits of diffe DAWSON, Abraham platform, was accompanied ed the San Jose Corps they Cathedral on Sunday morning rent wild animals, when, SATCHWELL, Lewis by that of the United States therefore, human plunderparticipated lustily in the sing climaxed the Event.
FORRESTER, John Emma: lof America, on the left, anding of the Ode. The scene was nuel.
their own Standard on ings are added, they natu.
the rally get discouraged and right.
Parents vote fifty to one in favour of Dixon Among the distinguished invitees were the Governor Barber Shop for children, so send your sons and Mrs. Abel Robless, Col. there too West of the City Market Rodriquez and family, Hon.
Henry Smith of the United AN EXPLANATION States Vice Consulate, and wi fe, General and Mrs. Ricardo Due to our printers being fully occupied with the getting Monge, Dr. and Mrs. Oscar out of their paper Christmas number, they were unable to Pacheco, Dr. and Mrs. Rush, give attention to our work in time for us to have distributed SERVICIO Dr. and Mrs Sergio Vindas, Di our Weekly last Saturday, as usual.
21 Cuevillas, Engineer Luis Cara In consequence also of the Christmas and New Year zo, Col. Campos, don Alholidays falling as they do, the next issue of LA VOZ fonso Sole and wife, don Ro ATLANTICA will appear on the 9th of January pro тіто.
gelio Pardo and wife, don Ni 21 colas de la Miranda and We take this opportunity to express our most whole.
wife, don Roberto Mutis, don hearted and sincere thanks to our collaborators and the pun Roberto Blanca, the Senoritas blic in general for the very generous support afforded us durA partir de esta fecha y a causa de Adelisia and Irma Gamez ing the year now coming to a close, and hope the same wide and several members of the margin will, at least, be extended us throughout the new. To la situación anormal, cualquier informe American Colony, all we say respecto a reservaciones de pasajesy es After the singing of the Na BRIGHT AND MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR pacio para carga, no pudiendo atender tional Anthem, Captain Noe FILLED WITH HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY Alvarad lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado the Brigade moving spirit, delivered the pream personalmente en nuestras oficinas en los ble, his expressions of welco GRAND OPPORTUNITY bajos de!
me were profoundly cordial.
The distribution of service me SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC dals was the next item. Seno. GRAN can be purchased at very low prices.
HOTEL COSTA RICA rita Minerva Abdelnour, the Brigade God mother, announ ced the recipients and the de All in serviceable condition.
donde nos esforzaremos como de costumcorations were effected by Se ñora doña Nini Robles. Noe Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
bre por llenar sus necesidades.
Alvarado, punior, a tot. was accorded deafening, applause JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella on the receipt of his 12th.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY DE VAPORES four Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Liza Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Ric


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