
PAGE ATLANTIC VOICE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd. 1942DR. JUAN JIMENEZ THE CARIBBEAN PACKING COMPANY IN LOVING MEMORY OF Dentista Americano, de regreso de su viaje de EE. UU. se con lace de nuevo en ofrecerse a su estimable clientela y pú blico en general en su Clínica Dental. frente Bodega de Cacao del Banco de Costa Rica, Limón.
extend their heartiest good wishes to their Friends the Cacao Farmers and Rubber Producers MERRY CHRISTMAS und BRIGHT NEW YEAR DR. JUAN JIMENEZ achas returned from his trip to the United States and has MR. AND MRS. AUBREY THE SEASON GIFT resumed his service to his estemed clients and the general public.
GASTON FETED At this Season the thrill of Dental Clinic. in front the Cacao Bodega of the Bank love fills our hearts. We are of Costa Rica, Limon.
Oon Sunday last, time wing actuated to think of our rela ed in the Silver anniversa tives and dear friends more ry of the marriage of our than at any other time and to DEATH OF OSCAR HARRY HART widely regarded citizens, lavish gifts on them. We are Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gas tempted, at times, to bestow ROBERTO SUTHERLAND POLSON ton, and in view of their clothe best. It is significant tha On Thursday the 10th, ins in this country and a cathe se fellowship with our Ca. the best gift to mankind is Je on the occasion of first antant we were deeply moved on chist of the Anglican denomi thedral, they were graced cus Christ, the Saviour of the niversary of his domise. Jovial, learning, by means of a ra ination, and his wife Mrs. Re with a high Mass at a. world. It behoves us, then, tloving and generous chergetic driogram received by the Go becca Henrietta Hart. For ma at which the Rev. Fr. Hu live in a way which shows ous and intelligent, he wa loved vernor of the Province, of the ny years he served the Nor bert was the Celebrant. In appreciation of this Great Gift. by all and was cut off on the death of Mr. Oscar Harry thern Railway Company in the addition to the sacred ho and to do all we can for the brink of complting plans for Hart, one of our forn and capacity of a locomotive engi mage, they were the reci and thus carry out by our lives and smiling he went to his last well being of our fevwomen future strides. He ever smied, well negarded citizens. He neer then turned his attention pients of several tokens of was the unfortunate victim of to agricultural pursuits. He good will and hearty congra came with His holy birth.
that Peace and Goodwill which resort.
a cycione which swept over cer, left this Zone for an appointtulations.
tain areas on aur Pacific coast ment with the Sierpe Farm EGBERT POLSON and other La Voz Atlantica adds during the night of the 9th as Company in the Pacific GIBSON.
re its quota with the hope that relatives the result of the destruction gion. He is survived by five their lives be Madre de Dios.
of the ranch in which it spated to is brothers Eddie of Siqui reach the Golden period.
said he had been residing. He rres, of Pandora, Good Business for those who can supply was killed by the falling ma George of Liverpool, Robert terial and his remains were and Willie of Estrada, and MISLEADING RUMOUR WANTED. WANTED with difficulty, we are told, one a sister, Mrs.
Victoria removed from under same.
FISH and SHARK LIVERS Williams of this city. To them The deceased was one The report has been in circuof and ris other sorrowing relajlation that the authorities of OIL of SWORD FISH (Manati. LIVE TURTLE the several sons of the late tives we tender our sincere this city have ordered the susAPPLY. CHAVEZ Box 332. Limon Edward Samuel Hart, one of condolence.
pension of the private school Residence in front the Public Bath the early English educators!
operated in Puerto Viejo by Mr. Welesley Granston. We are ANNIVERSARY BY WOMEN FEDERATION in a position to state that no such instruction has been isGREETINGS 1942. PROSPERITY 1943 sued by the Managing Person Interwoven with last Sun tion Advice to the Young nel of the Private School Teach day services, the members, Mrs. Sarah Bowerbank PARCHMENT BARBER SHOP ers Association, the rumour is of the Baptist Women Fe quitted herself very appre therefore misleading and deration befittingly celebrat ciably, while Miss Susana We take the joys of the Season to wish our esteemed Ishould be discouraged.
ed their seventh anniversa Allen was most impressive customers manifold happiness and prosperity, and to ry. The stewardship given of with her two items, particuhope for a continuance of our mutual accord during the coming years.
CRUSADERS BASEBALLERS their seven years of opera Itriy that entitled When Ma tions was particularly pleas lindi sings. Mrs. DacosHere is wishing you WHIP CUBS FIVE TO ing and the entartaing feu ta rendition personified tures presented on the even mother whose son had been MERRY CHRISTMAS and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TWO RUNS ing of the 22 nd rather char stain on the battlefield and ming The Rev. Forde, was very appealing. Miss Thomas Parchment The second match, under the Pastor of the Church, presid Neomi Taylor poem, a toHair Specialist.
auspices of the Baseball tourna proceedings with his humo ken of memory for the late ment, was contested last Sun ed. He added much to the Mrs. Spencer Allick, the first day afternoon by the Crusad rous comments, while the President of the Federation, HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA ers and the Cubs. Some of our choir, consisting of the Fede was of a pathetic nature and local players very effectively ration personnel, tastefully delivered with impressive su Limon Coty reinforced the former.
rendered various items. The blimity. Miss Olive Gourzong Offers its service to its esteemed patrons and at reduced Each side scored two runs recitations were of a high maintained her well knowrı rates. Rooms with baths, fine sea view. Excelent cusine up to the fourth inning. The standard, Mrs. Eva Spence stage reputation. As vocalists, service. Every comfort for those who seek it.
parting of the way took place was heartily cheered for her Mesdames McKenzie, McRae, Personal attendance by the Proprietress.
in the final half of the fifth pathetic poem; and Mrs. Sa Williams and Escoe were grea round when the Crusaders leap rah Ricketts of Liverpool tly appreciated. The celebra MARIA AURELIA AURTENECHEA ed to the front with two ad had to contribute a second tion was, on the whole, highly ditional runs, after having dis rendition of her rich recita flavoured in all its dishes.
missed the Cubs for nil. They maintained their leading position, and at the close of the For a better Hair Cut go to Stanley Dixon Cubs final inning, had a total Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year Barber Shop West of the City Market of five runs against the two by our boys.
19 2 9 3 LOS ITALIANOS EVACUARON lemanes también se han repleThe game was witnessed by TRIPOLI gado en algunos sectores debido a large crowd and the demons SASTRERIA MODERNA LONDRES, 21 UP. Informa a los ataques contra sus flancos tration of the players was very ciones recibidas de Africa del nor lanzados por las tropas soviéticas praiseworthy. Messrs. White te revelan que las tropas italia a través de rios helados.
Land Alterna umpired.
Not much to say to our highly regarded patrons, only nas ya han evacuado Tripoli y to express our heartiest good wishes, combined with se están concentrando en la reThanks for their patronage during 1942 and anticipat gión de Gabes, en la parte sudes ing the same cordial relations all the time. Accept our te del territorio tunecino.
NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA fullest desire that Christmas brings you every Happiness and the New Yeark every Success and Prcsperity.
RETIRANSE LOS NAZIS FAS The best assortment of first class lumber SONNY BOY AND ASSOCIATES CISTAS EN EL SECTOR DON ESTOCOLMO, 21 UP. El co Laurel and Cedar responsal en Berlin del Nya From the Line Towns they visit the City. then to Allechanda. informa que todas Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour las fuerzas italianas en la región Saw Mill in Siquirres. We buy Logs Dixon Barber Shop for a real Fix up del Don se están retirando hacia West of the City Market.
el oeste a nuevas líneas de defen sa. Agrega el despacho que los aa Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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