
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1912 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE NOTICE ROIG surrender ourselves to the ZUNIGA FURNITURE guidance and influence of LA PROVEEDORA that spirit, He will develop in us the good will which desires to express, through this medium, its whole heart as the angelic song suggests ed Thanks to its esteemed customers and friends for is the only basis of a just their generous patronage and to wish them and durable peace. Let us, therefore, approach this MERRY CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR Christmas not only with gra ROBUST WITH PROSPERITY titude for what God has done in the past, but with the La Proveedora confident expectation that Limón.
if we dedicate ourselves to Get all you need in the line of furniture from Zuniga We alse offer for the Yuletide Season, Christmas Cards, in EnHim, He will qualify us to glish and Spanish, with typical views of Costa Rica take our place arong those Fancy Wrapping paper Seal, Tags. etc.
CHRISTMAS 1942 concerning whom Our Lord said, Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be Zuniga On Christmas Day we ce then we need not expect called the children of God.
lebrate God answer to His answer to take the form Pay us a visit Furniture Store man age long prayer for of a grant of more power With God richest bleshelp. Religion arises from to subdue aggressors, nor of sings at this Festive Season and see our opposite de la a sense of insecurity and more cleverness in negotia and throughout the coming Peña y Cº Sucs.
inadecuacy. Man recognised ting peace terms. What we assortment year.
his dire need of aid in the can expect is that God will struggle to defend himself send into our hearts the spi James Evans against the hostile powers, rit of Him whom we call both natural and, at least, Prince of Peace. If we will Rector, St. Mark Church in the earlier stages, supernatural, which threatened his we fare, he learned also SA STRERIA MODERNA from experience the inadequacy of his own capacities NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS and resources for the satisAddress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos faction of his desires and de Ingeniería dirijase a We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, the attainment of his purpo ineering Requirements to Elegant Fittings.
Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East ses, Unidad Sanitaria.
Looking back over the BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES centuries we can find amSAN JOSE ple cause for gratitude in the blessings which we owe Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos to Him who was born at HITLER LATEST OUTRAGE Bethlehem. What about God answer to our prayers If for blessings to enable us to you are thinking of a Hair Cut or Shave then The Editor terly persecuted race found by Permit me the space neces in the countries aver run meet our present problems? think of Dixon Barber Shop West of sary for these few lines in the Nazi hordes be killed, the Are we not frequently as the City Market.
disconcerted at God way the com ng issue of your mostre will stili be Jews to avenge excellent Weckiy their people cause.
of answering our pleadings They whor, the Gods wish. Waves of protests against as were those who rejected to detroy they first make mod, this inhuman act have crisen with scorn Christ claim to we are told. This certainly ap from every part of the civiliz be the long desired and ex WISHES FOR THE HEARTY GOOD pears the case with the Feuh ed world, and the announcepected deliverer?
rer, Adolf Hitler, for no hu ment has been made, note, There is one blessing YULE TIDE SEASON man being possessed of nor that the Rabbi and learneá which perhaps all people mal mentality would have pro Hebrews met recently in the will unite in asking God to We could not permit this opportunity to pass without mulgated so vile, so heinous, city of Jerusalem and ofter bestow on us this Christmas extending to our steemed clients and friends the Seaso inhuman an order to his reviving ancient Jewish rites. a just and durable peace.
son Greetings and wishing the bestowal of the fulness subordinates that they asslas pronounced their sacred anaA prayer for peace at Chof a Joyous Christmas and a New Year crowned with sinate every member of the themas against Hitler, Goerristmas seems peculiarly ap every success. We live in expectancy cy your continued Jewish race they contact in ing, Himmler, Goebbels and propriate, for the angelic patronage.
the cccupied countries in Eu their respective descendunts.
hosts heralded the birth of rope.
We heartily applaud the the Saviour by proclaiming, PITT PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO But why has the Nazi Dicta joint effort undertaken by the Glory to God in the higtor made this addition to his governments of this and the hest, on earth peace to menimumunta already long list of crimes? other Central American Repu of good will. Are we justiIs it because of a realization blics and Panama on behalf fied in hoping that God will INAUGURATION OF BASE BALL LEAGUE FIXTURES of his coming downfall and of the condemned peopie, but answer such a prayer? The of that which naturally awaits it is feared their humanitasong of the angels suggests the condition upon The exercise connected withinning at which stage of the him at the hands of the Jew? rian appeal will be unheeded.
which the start of the local Baseball match his side had seven runs If this be so, he might have Time will tell. Yours for the alone we can expect such a Tournament was carried out, against the Elegantes two. No saved both himself and his cause Democratic.
hope to be realised. Their promise was peace on earth very effectively, last Sunday changes occurred in the 7th. satellites of the guilt, because inning, but in the eighth, Je even if every one of that bit BULL to men of good will. Where good will is lacking The Bananera and Elegante rome, who had been pitching even Teams occupied the diamond for the Bananera, became inGod cannot establish a just at ten o clock. The Bananeras effective and the opposing play PHOTOGRAPIC STUDIO and durable peace.
know by sad jumped off with a flying starters slogging his deliveries at experience and made things very uncom will gained four runs and also EGBERT POLSON that our attempts to secure fortable for their opponents. three more in the final round.
peace by force or by nego They obviously experienced the leaders replied with one Specializes in taking photographs for Residential tiations have proved a fai great difficulty with the pitch run which brought their total Certificates. enlargement of portraits lure. The reason for this is ing phase of the game. Several to nine against Elegante ag.
The filling of Petitions to the Nation Executives not that the force used has changes were effected but all gregate of eight. Messrs. Babb for Declaration of full citizenship also undertaken.
been inadecquate, ar even were treated alike. Jerome and Scott were the Umpires.
Moderate Rates.
that the negotiators were earned a homer in the sixth Office Room 11 in front the Cathedral Limon not wise enough to work out proper peace terms. Is not the real cause of the fai lure of such attempts the Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back lack of that spirit of peace de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: which the angels call good vill?
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before If we ask God for neare.
dentro de los prmeros 10 días the 10th. of the month de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not glish Tweeds Seras Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, step which can still be had at de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
Reasonable Prices at JACK ORANE Sucs.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE Limon DOO STUDENT We COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON MUY Yo 55 912 olup aboost Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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