
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd. 1942 gave her away. Her our THE RATIFICATION OF LOVE PROMISE and after evoking the blessing In the St. Mark Church ques from the famous milli spicily delivered the prelimina MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS on Suunday morning the 6th. nery of Mrs. Edward ROry remarks. The social aspect instant, Miss Ruth McFarla gers. Each carried a bouquet was of a high standrad. Mane and Mr.
Leopold Escoe of tropical beauties. The Rev. ny were the toasts expressed ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, chinery made or repaired, froi took reciprocal pledges to live Evans, the Rector, to the health and prosperity Years of practical knowledge, a Pin to a Crane. See us.
in the ordinance and virtue effected the religious Rite. of the newly weds. very efficient, neat, accurate. These carry an assortment of Bed of a wed lock life.
Ai the close of the Church complimentary letter on the my bighest ambition Any design Springs and other useful thing While the organ gave forth ceremony, the party repaired subject of the Bride condue in wood turned out with grati at all times. Building No. the appealing wedding march to the Parisr Hall where the was received and read from a fying results. Office and shop North Fifth Avenue.
the ensemble, headed by the choir paid further tribute with loving Aunt, Miss Anita Eth. Avenue, North NIAC. THOMPSON, Proprietor.
ring chards, cutely attired, paced the Master of Ceremony tooked out the Bride and Chief. THE RESETTER WITH IM SHOP. The only one of bearer Master Rila rich anthem. Major Lynch, Brown. Mrs. Icilda Splatt fitt CHAS RODEN.
THE ORIENTAL BARBE the central aisle, the bride command of the festive Board being escorted by her father.
PROVEMENTS clean up to sind with a service beyond co: Mate Barber Parlour Centrally petition. All sanitary Mr. Arthur McFaarlane, who SACRED HEART SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISE arrang gown located on Commerce Avenue ments. Situated in front the Cus was of princess effect to the almost opposite Teatro Arras tel Plaza, Low Prices.
SUCCESSES LIC ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous NEL MONDOI, Specialist.
back circular fall of white sa Affording a medium of eneda high standard of success service. THOMAS PARCHMENT tin back tafeta trimmed with fancy lace and with button. tertainment for the scholars, We extend congratula Blair Specialist.
EDIBLE OILS The background of cabeca their parents guardians and tions.
of the Costarrican Oils ar the others, Sacred CABINET AND Her head gear Heart co ordinated UNDERTAK Grease Company (Alajuela of hat shape with a coronet School, associated with the NATURE OFTEN SURPRISES ING SHOP. Specializes in makIng and repairing furniture and Enquire regarding qualit of orange blossoms harmoniz Cathedral, presented a charIt has been reliably repor every other branch of Factory prices of ed. She carried a bouquet of ming exercise on the after ted that on the recent birth work, coffins always stocked. Paris. Apdo. 537, San Jose American beauties, maiden noon of Friday the 11th in this city, of a baby of Vee as before going elsewhere.
ferns and white florets. Miss instant. The occasion was coloured origin, it was ob Prices moderate. 4th. Street, GO TO THE VOGUE Chi Esoe, sister of the gay and had the distinguished served it was bestowed antrance Gamez Lumber of the Pioneer, Roge Groom, was the Chief Maid; presence of the Rev. Fr. Hu with twelve fingers and a Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Transcendent knowledge in u bert she was attractively gowned similar number of toes, ins Manager.
lo date American Cutting an in white chiffon with silver The various drills, recita tead of the regular allottFitting, Opposite Limon Eles lace trimmings, hat and rose tions, songs and other intellec ment of ten.
tric Light Office. EDWARD harmonizing Her bouquet tual and amusing features we Both mother and babe a. LA BERTANA. Clean com XOGERS. was gloriosa and ferns. Herre captivatingly performed. re said to be in good health.
fortable lodgings Ventilated Hr. Pritchard, Miss Beryl Bernard presided HARLEM Rooms, Clean Linen. Guests ex NEW ecort was BAR the Bestman. Six tots at the piano. The demonstra Lended every courtesy. Modera RESTAURANT, The Best drin!
te Rates. You cannot four in blue and two in whi tions and general renditions JOSE ACHION NO.
escape prepared by Crawford te composed the floral gave ample proof of tre pains Comerciante detallista Hollywood Store. RED eign liquors stocked Our Cus seeing the Sign on approaching Grant, Genuine native and fo bearers. The scene was en taking task of the Schoolmis Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, GUARDS, Proprietress.
handed by the twelve maids tress. Mrs. Bernard, We un Artículos de Ferretería y Elécne service the most up to date CRAWFORD AND GRANI of honour dressed in green derstand the tuition results of tricos; todo se encuentra en WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Proprietors.
and pink with fashionable to the school for the year disclos este establecimiento. ECONOMY. Everything in maPRECIOS DE SITUACION wood and to AN an DO YOU KNOW WHAT 1942 CHRISTMAS. NEW YEAR 1943 In view of the efforts our highly esteemed customers have exercised to patronize us, despite the abnormal situation, there is added appreciation to, at this time, wish all a Six manufactures in Britain new washers under the Metrowill complete next month de politan Water Board free serlivery of 170, 000 standard bicy. vice to prevent waste?
cles for use on airfiels? Many The area now patrolled by pilots now. cycle to their aircraft, Coastal Command covers some thus saving petrol.
6, 000, 000 square miles from the Each week four thousand taps Arctic Circle to the Equator and in London are being fitted with from Norway to mid Atlantic?
RING OUT THE OLD USHER IN THE NEW THE PEOPLE BAKERY The Ssasons come and go, but our debt of gratitude and thanks to our many customers and others who have not failed us during the years past and gone is ever in our recollection. We take this medium to extend them all our sincerest wishes for a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CROWNED WITH PROSPERITY Extends the most cordial Greetings and fervent Thanks to its patrons and friends for their magnificent support. Their future co operation is anticipated. In the meantime the wish is expressed for a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR This medium is also taken to remind them of the special services during the joyous days and romantic nights.
General Wawell who direct the offensive against the Jo panese in Burma.
SAYINGS Vegetables are going to pla an importante part in the main tenance of the nation healt and am anxious to get a litt more certainly that, in period of shortage, they will be avai able in deficiency areas. Lor PHILIP BOOTH.
CRAWFORD AND GRANT HOLLYWOOD STORE sincerely tenders its rishest Thanks to its many widely esteemed patrons and friends for their unfailing suport during the long past and wishes them a THE CARIBBEAN PACKING COMPANY THE CACAO FAR MER FRIEND WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO MERRY CHRISTMAS and BRIGHT NEW YEAR RUBBER?
11 WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR SALOMON BERENZON IIIllit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: 11111111111112111111111111 C: CC30110111 MERRY CHRISTMAS 1942 HAPPY NEW YEAR 1943 AND THE YEARS TO COME Very humble may our wishes be in words, but the sincerity of the source carries its preciousness JACK FLAG STOP RESTAURANT extends its heartiest good wishes to its many patrons for all the Joy and Happiness at Christmas and the greatest Blessings for the New Year 1943.
CINE MUNDIAL LIMON иннісніші сонинапишппісанітні Huduma Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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