
It is with mingled feelings secution and hatred and mur that accede to the request der; that people would beof the Editor for this Christ tray one another. the love mas note. Throughout the of many wax cold.
whole course of my ministry He said some tribulation have withstood this publi would come upon the earth.
CACAO city until last year was pre Some unnameable horror vailed upon to do so. Never would ravage the ranks of has the message of Christ humanity, that there would HULE mas seemed so paradox call be pain and panic, fear and as it does today. Never was suffering. And all those the message more RAICILLAS MEDICINALES needed. evils are now sweeping the The Incarnation and all it earth. Nations are saying to means, that date from which day of Christ We will not we derive the Christian era have this man to reign over COCOS COP RA remains of greatest moment us. But reign He shall and significance for all reign.
men. The coming of Jesus He came unto His own into human history parta and is own received kes both of time and eterni im not. ence Israel ty. It is the greatest single plight and suffering; but factor which has contribu let us not forget LIMON that ted to our modern civiliza God anciente people the tion. Not all the scepticism Jews, are the centre of and meterialism rampant in God entire Messianic prolife to day can alter th gram. But the day is coming, one fact: that Jesus has won when Israel gloriously refor Himself, in every SIXTH GRADE SCHOLARS OF RAFAEL YGLESIAS SCHOOL GRADUATE age deemed, shall be restored and in every land, the devo to her own Promised Land.
Monday afternoon, a weeks sa Arroyo Montero, Gloria Norma Wright Rose, Alia Sar tion of human minds and For the promise is certain ago, marked a special era in Aquart Green, Betty Brenes quis Shadid, Adelaida Simpwills. So we only do justice and the interpretation sure. the lives of the graduates of Castro, Adina Campbell Ste son Lindberg, Socorro Solis És when we say that the supre For the Word of the Lord Classes and of the wart, Benilda Castro Porras, pinoza, Vilma Sosto Vargas, me factor in our human sto hath declared it: that in tho sixth grade scholars of the Ligia Cruz Sayazar, Eneid Lett Inés Steel Creighton and Isa ry was and is the entry of se days it shall come to Rafael Yglesias School of this man Dixon, Angela Moss Ben, bel Yunis Mora.
Jesus into human hearts.
pass, that ten men shall ta city. The embracing exercise To day, the entire world ke hold out of all langua was presented in Teatro Arras is engaged in the struggle ges of the nations, ty. spectacular crowd atten even ded.
for liberty, with millions shall take hold of the skirt IN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY dying on the battlefields of him that is a Jew, saying blic National Anthem initiat The singing of the Repuand millions more facing cer We will go with you: fored the proceedingss and was tain starvation. great god we have heard that God is followed by renditions splenWith piercing hearts we recollected the very heavy blow which struck us on the 11th. December 1941 when our less Power, holding the Con with you.
tinent of Europe in its grip, dearly beloved Companion and Foster Father Although right seems to Zeledon, President of the Edu didly dramatized. Don Jorge is inflicting every imagina. be on the scaffold and ble cruelty upon its victims. wrong upon the throne, alt ly performed the pleasing du cational Board, very effectiveCHARLES ST. BERNARD But over the babel of man hough to fearful human the ty of delivering the Graduation strife comes the promise of re has come so much of dark Certificates to the successful the Nativity. It is not only ness, destruction and grief. students; he was accompaniwas summoned to the grave and left us very sad. In our the world only hope but is we yet believe that he Kinged by don Guillermo Amador, hearts we ever cherish fond memory of him. He was faithin fact her last hope. Apart is still upon His throne. And the Inspector of our Schools.
ful and from this there awaits us the government shall be u Flavoury discourses were denothing but a horror of pon His shoulder. And He livered by don Jorge and the MARION GOLDEN AND SONS.
great darkness and eternal shall reign for ever and e Directress of the School.
ver. He Who was born at We are living in the days Bethlehem. crucified at Cal The scholars of the when the 24th Chapter of vary and overcame the class, who owe a depth of gra Matthew seems tremendous world.
titude to doña Marta Alvaraly relevant to the present To humble men and wo do, were. Zoraida Araya La CARD OF THANKS hour. In that chapter Jesus men the message comes to ra, Marta Arias Porras, Betty spoke to His friends over day as it came to the shen Beltrán González, Beryl Ber1900 years ago of the ruin, herds of old. Glory to God nard Little, Irene Blake Green We, the deeply bereft widower, parents, brothers and of historic buildings. He spo in the Highest. and on earth Hilda Blake Green, Julieta sister, as well as other relatives of our dear departed ke of wars and famines, pes peace to men of good will.
Castro Cordero, Jessie Castitilence and earthquakes, per Wm. Forde llo Estrada, Yolanda EcheveGWENDOLINE GRANT PRICE rría Heilbron, Hilda Esna Me neses, Elena Evans Sanders, Ha adopt this medium to express our profound appreciation THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT zel Grant White, Delrita Hun and thanks to our many friends and other sympathizers ter Smith, Margarita Matamo who tendered their condolence by medium of Cards, LetWITH US ros Vindas, Clemencia Ménters, Floral and other tributes, as well as their presence By: Reverend Johéph Holmes: dez Sandoval, Laura de la Pe on the occasion of her burial. Christmas was a fact befo meWord Became ña Ho, Grace Soto Bogantes, Maria Cristina Venegas Mon WILLIE PRICE DOUGAL GRANT re it became a faith. It was Flesh. but it took centuries a faith before it became a to build these words into our dee. The Class, tutored by ge and Petronila West Hays Wife and Children.
flaming and friendly emotion, conscience. Centuries were re doña Emilia Mangel were kindring lights in human quired to set these words ring dette Araya Chinchilla, Tere hearts all about the worlding in the hearts of men.
The lovely serenity of the Every Christmas Candle Christmas spirit now seems to brings its light from a Man exist almost in its own right.
We commands yer where a tiny baby laid be our from conscience cannot cease sides its CARD OF THANKS mother, centuries being happy at Christmas, It and that which inflames and ago. The Sistine Madonnal is dynamic, it is that which inspires our hearts for God.
We wish one and all a has caught, in part, the se masters our mind, that which Stanley Blake, grandson, and other relatives of the MERRY CHRISTMAS: cret of this strange, Majestic recently deceased child.
In those deep and myste rious eyes one see a vision MARIAN In tendering its sincerest Thanks MEIGHAN splendid. the lure of eternity. When all this become rhe to its mony Patrons and Friends toric, the Candles cease to wish, through this medium, to tender their since:9 cm burn. The spirit of this fesh THE PEOPLE HOUSE tude to all friends and well wishers for expressiona passes into human hearts. JACK ORANE SUC. Our life, so stained by sin, so torn by selfishness, so brutacondolence, floral tributes and other tokens of syrspathy wishes them a lized by cruelty, is startled in received on the occasion of their bereavement.
to sttrange and glorious spiritual insight MERRY CHRISTMAS. HAPPY NEW YEAR We uter at Christinas ti The біріганніnсе аnd muѕіснизирана инспины іѕаn tаnnоuntѕ.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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