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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN BRITAIN VICTORY IN AFRICA VICTORY. WE CAN TAKE IT NAZIS LACK MORAL PRINCIPLES TUNISIA AND THE MEDITERRANEAN FRONT THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES of cases conare conwere The British victory in Africa The United nations have pasA call to catholics throughout Between Cape Bon, in Tuni Tales of German atrocities is one of the great decisive ac sed to the offensive. From every the world to declare their in sia, and the island of Silicy, lies not have to be smuggled out tions of the war, and it is organi battlefield on which they fight flexible opposition to the Nazi the narrowest stretch of the the countries in which they tak cally linked to the great deci has come heartening news state has been issued by the Mediterranean. Largely because place. They are openly reporte sive stand made by Britain in succes leader of the Swedish Bishop of of this geographical factor in German and German contrx 1940, the New York Times In Egypt, British arms have the Catholic Church, Johannes the advent of foreign military lled newspapers. By their ow pointed out in a recent editorial, won their first great victory. In Mueller, himself a German born forces is nothing new in the words the Nazis condemn ther The British Eight Army struck North Africa, men from Britain in Bavaria, reports the press of history of Tunisia. The Berbers, selves.
again, and Marshal Rommel and the United States press for that country. Bishop Mueller inhabitants of the country since Here, for instance, are threr Afrika Korps is once more in world as comrades in arms un says that the Nazi state has remote antiquity have seen suc statements from recent Germa, full retreat along the coast of der one leader. In the Pacific again shown by its campaign to cessive waves of invasion, and in newspapers: Lybia. the paper goes on to the American Navy inflicts yet exterminate the Jews that it is some colonization, by. The Special Court of wis say. The battle that began at another defeat on the Japanese based on the most ruthless op Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs clowek sentenced a Pole in tl the gates of Egypt has been on the Eastern Front, Stalin position to every fundamental and Turks. In 1881 the French Kolna district to death on Jul resumed after an interval of grad, the invincible. continues moral principle of the Christian established a protectorate by 7, 1942, on the assumption th: barely three weeks. This is a ſto repel German attacks.
faith. Swedish catholics have as. force of arms. Tunisian 900 he killed a German who sig remarkable achievement We in this island have heard sociated themselves fully with miles of coastline and the har. nalled to German airmeno sidering the length of the British the bells of victory. Soberly we the protest of the Protestant Bi bours of Tunis, Bizerta, Susa and Sfax have long been recognized September 6, 1939. Litzmlan: lines of communications and the have given thanks for the suc shops. In the name of all Swetough country which it crosses.
cess which has come to us at the dish catholics. writes Bishop of the Mediterranean.
as highly important to control stadter Zeitung, Germån pape in Poldna, July 28. There American planes end of three years of grim strug Mueller, express the inmost Reprisals and such acts one of us sympathy with all who are persists of a relatively narrow strip Geographically, Tunisia with the Eighth Army; but pri gle. Soberly each those against Lidice and other marily this is a British show and looks ahead to the part we must secuted and ruthlessly oppressed of country bounded on the west Czech villages are not excepti that makes victory all the sweet play in the great offensive now today, above all with that peo by Algeria, on the north and east nal cases, but are deeply a ple which is now enduring such er. We have visible proof that a British army adequately equip one of us.
For victory, belongs to each indescribable suffering, although by the Mediterranean, and on the chored in National Socialst law.
It has been bought they count among their children colony, Tripolitania. The total south east and south by Italy (Die Weltwoche, July ped, is a match for any force with endurance and steadfast the As cases of strikes and re Virgin Mary and Jesus that can be put against it. We ness, with our determination to Christ, the Saviour of Mankind.
area is something under 49, 000 fusals to work have taken plac We know more than we did carry out with all our might the It fills our heart with acute hor. square miles, inhabited by a in the town of Luxemburg. th of the campaign in North Africa. war effort into one great whole. people are being persecuted, tor of the population at that time leaders of the strikes will Last July about the phases, smallest tasks which weld our ror to know that all over Europe population of 2, 608, 000. Accord. authority of the military cour, ing to the 1936 census some 92 will be extended and th We know that Britain decision Rejoice But Not Relax tured and killed, or are being (Nationa to fight it out with Hitler on So now is the time for us to mercilessly driven from home native Jews. Of the remaining blatt, September was made up of Moslems and shot immediately.
this terrain was made in the say Victory. we can take it. and country merely because about half French, darkest hour of the war. in the time to rejoice, but not relax they belong to a certain race or the rest were mid summer 1940 when France the time to ask ourselves if there have defended the freedom of (108, 068) and Italians (94, 289) and other Eu WHAT THE BELLS had stopped fighting and Bri is anything more we can do so their country and the ancient ropean nationalities. Of the Itatain stood alone. To this cour that we may keep step with our rights inherited from their faTOLD EUROPE thers.
ageous and far sighted decision, far flung armies in the field.
lian portion of the population, the French estimated before the a decision to take the offensive Our factory workers have giwar that less than 20 were at the very moment when the ven us the lead With news of SAYINGS Malta has taken part in th pro Fascist, despite powerful offensive in the air! The last fey defence of England itself seem victory, production soared.
propaganda efforts on the part Let us all keep pace with the ed to be tottering, we owe fundaSo rich il China five years resistance of Italy. The Fascist element weeks have been mentally the successes that have advance and with the men who to the Japanese will go down in was said to be confined almost stories of gallantry and darin achieved in the offer their lives to make it. Our history as one of the finest per entirely to the relatively small that we might almost have over African campaign and the hope war effort represents one great formances of the world war. Chi numbers of Italian business and looked this. Yet surely it is on chain of human endeavour. a na is going to play an immense professional en, of the most significant event whereas of still larger successes to come chain which has the strength of part in this war yet. It is pos among the small peasants and of all. The unsinkable island its weakest link. Many of the sible that, so far as the East is labourers, by far the greatest hitting back. It is a fine symbo links are INTRODUCING THE which in three years of defen yet be struck from China.
on the Home Front, concerned, the death blows may part of the Italian population in of the new day and true of Bri Tunisia, there was said to exist tain, too sive warfare has proved istelf General Smuts, a fairly strong anti Fascist eleHow hopefully and longings strong and united. Now it must ment.
now the eyes of Europe turn to become stronger still.
wards us. The bells of Britai What matters first of all is The country may be roughly sang through the prison new regiment of the BritThe housewife puts out her that, since the campaign in Afri divided into five different areas of the occupied lands of our de ish Army was born this month meat bones for salvage; the local ca means that the initiative has according to physical features. termination to set them free. TV the Royal Electrical and Me authority organises its collection; passed into the hands of our in the north the terrain is cha the Nazis they must have sound chanical Engineers. Its job is the transport workers take them to Allies, the campaign changes ra racterized by mountainous areas ed like the knell of doom.
repair and maintenance of all be processed; processers take dically the political and war si alternating with large and ferWe shall not dissapoint ou kinds of mechanical equipment, out the oils which help to make tuation in Europe in favour of tile valleys; in the north east, friends. Faithful, urelenting from stop watches to range find glycerine: glycerine mixed with the Anglo Soviet American coa soil and climate combine to effcrt from housewife and fas make the land especially suitable ers and tanks. men nitric and sulphuric acids beco lition. Stalin, will have to go out into battle mes nitroglycerine; nitroglyceri When the war is over and the for citrus fruit cultivation; the tory worker, shopkeeper, bu and Nazis destroyed, the peoples of Sahel area, in east central Tuni driver. from every one of usto repair vehicles under fire, ne is mixed wiin rasel ne gun cotto mate coscite. the world will be ready for a sia, is noted for its olive groves; will back up our fighting mer aven forging unavailable spare And cordite fires the guns great forward movement. The table lands and pastures while central Tunisia is an area of high and shorten the days of war.
parts on the spot. Extracting The Pace Is Set first task will be the relief of in the south, verging on the Sa ported in fairly large quantities fanks from traps will be one of So it comes back to the house the suffering people of Europe. hara, the country is famous for a fact attributted to the restrie their tasks.
wife. The more conscientiously This is a task which will have date trees and gardens. Agricu ted range of Tunisian agricultu she salvages bones. and many to be carried out on To most of the men of the other things the more guns scale, as grand as if it were a source of revenue for Tunisia, a grand tural products form the chief ral produce. none of this will be there are for our armies. And major operation of war. Sir and account for over 60 of all by a trunk line of the Centra Tunisia is linked with Algeria They have been doing the bigger the offensive, the Stafford Cripps.
these jobs with their past units more guns they need. Houseexports. Wheat and other grains. North Africa Railway. branch fresh friuts, olives and olive oil line connects the port of Bizerta. the Royal Army Ordinance wives must keep in step with GREAT FRANCE are the most important agricul in the north, with Tunis, the Corps, the Royal Army Servise the soldiers.
tural products.
principal port and city, whil.
Corps, and the Royal Engircers. Thus with each one of us.
Minerals also play an impor another line down the east coas Every ounce of energies The new corps was planned must be given to the support of tant part in Tunisia economy. runs from Tunis to the other two to bring about closer co ordina our armies, our air force, Natural phosphates, iron, lead main ports of Susa and Sfax. call all Frenchmen wherever and zinc ores are produced in Still other branches run inland tion between maintenance and navies in their unceasing battle. they may be to the war of hon very considerable quantities, and from these coastal towns. Tota to sterner our and liberation. Each one of make up the balance of Tunisian. length of these lines is about the Army units the corps will Victory calls service, and to estab ish a more efforts, in home and office, in them must endeavour to harass exports.
Manufacturing on any scale is 1, 300 miles, of which some 1, 000 direct link with the arms indus factory and field. Let everyone the enemy by all the active and miles belong to the State. IR tries. All officers offensive spirit which will over shall not perish. We shall sur try, so that manufactured goods there are about 4, 000 miles of oi our acts be charged with that passive means in his power. We virtually unknown in the counaddition to the railway lines will be fully qualified enginewhatever obstacle and vive, we shall win the war. form a large part of Tunisia road, of which nearly 2, 000 miles ers. Tradesmen in the ranks will danger lie aneas ard sc offer to France, New France, Great Fran purchases. Strangely enough classified as main highways have a new Army title. They the world a fairer, happier des ce, forward. General de Gaul for a predominantly agricultural the remainder being second will be called Craftsmen. tiny.
country, foodstuffs are also im class and local roads now been bar new.
our our us come Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceHitlerInvasionItalyNazismSovietStalinWorld War

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