
ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Providence has limited human enjoyment by such imoveable boundaries, and set different gratifications at such stances from each other, that no art or power can bring em together. Every rational being should therefore realithe futility of attemsting to make contradictions consistent, combine opposite qualities, or to unite the things which Editor: JOS. THOMAS ture has destined to always keep asunder. BOX 199!
YEAR VIII Limón January 9th. 1943 NO 356 TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS THE NEW THE CHRISTMAS DOLES YEAR After strenuously endeavouring, despite many untowaru umstances, to avoid increasing the annount subscribers We have entered the year one thousand nine hundred asked to pay for the Atlantic Voice per month, re In keeping with their acond forty three. We know not what lies ahead, but as gallant it additions to our expenses have forced the Manage customed mindfulness of knights we should arm ourselves and be ready to fight and nt to increase the monthly sum to Seventy five centimos the neediest among our citi from this day issue.
zenry, the Bapt st, Metho overcome whatever tends to impede our efforts in the battle of life.
in view of the greater amount of reading matter we have dist and Seventh Day Adven in supplying for some time, as the resu. of the added pe tist Denominations, the Sal We seize this opportunity to rafer to one of our vital we hope our esteemed subscribers will continue thei: vation Army and the Limon domestic problems the evodug of so many of our ableix port and so enable us to carry on our efforts in the in Branch of the Jamaica Bu bodied workers to other lands, as the result of the serious est of one community and the country in general. ial Scheme Association diseconomic situation which more and more engulfs us.
If 56 As a single copy of the Weekly will now cost twenty tributed their do es on tin e atimos, Agents are requested to place their collaborator ristmas morn. The number greater attention were paid the development of the vast this basis. The matter of personal contmission will bc of recipients ran into the creas which lay follow throughout the country, such woranged figures, and they all since kers could, we feel sure, be provided for and kept at home.
In this war torn age every one must realize the ex rely expressed their thanks Progressive activities in other fields have enticed our men ordinary difficulties which must be overcome to maintain for the gifts extended them.
and we suffer in consequence. Large migrations rob a counupkeep of a newspaper. We are confident the most sin Several inmates of the lo re consideration will be extended us and the same gene cal hospital were also the try of much of its wealth. country which lacks brawn and us support assured us as hitherts.
recipients of the good will of sinew can not progress it must steadily deteriorate.
the Women of the Metho Lured by economic progpects, large numbersof our men PRES. ROOSEVELT XMAS. MESSAGE TO dist League. Messrs. Lindo continue to depart for alien lands, and unless something be Bros, contributed their year done to induce their return they may become a permanent PRES. CALDERON GUARDIA y grant of sugar throust the good offices of the Su loss. We hear the cry of lack of labour in different parts of ral Scheme.
the Republic. We are afraid this will not only continue, but me following Message gratulations for themselves received by President and families, with the ferwill increase unless better and improved remunerations and The Managing Person ideron Guardia from Pre vent hope and prayer for nel of the several Denomi conditions are brought into prominence. The way is being ent Roosevelt during the an early and complete vic nations and the Assoc ation paved for an early call for labour and more labour in this ent Festive Season. tory and a lasting peace.
adopt this medium to ex Zone therefore let those concerned give immediate attention Fighting side by side a sha be greatly please press their warmest gratitu to the matter before it be too late.
inst powerful enemies, if you will, in the name of de to all who contributed to Susands upon thousands the Congress of the United the Funds and enabled the the soldiers of the na States of America, as well to provide the Treat. On ins, large and small, who as in my own and that of half of the unfortunates When in Limon fro mthe Line Towns, Branches or Coasts un ted for the defence our people, transmit to your who were served, the ou should have your hair cut or shave at Dixon Barber liberty, justice and hu armed forces and auxiliary tlantic Voice tenders a Shop West of the City Market.
in rights, are spending services these cordial wishes te of thanks to all connecChristmas festival far and felicitations, as well as ted with the humanitar 21. their homes, across the hope and POLES PUBLICLY ASSASSINATED prayer ex manifestation.
oceans, and continents, pressed in the reso ution.
The exiled Polish Govern and odd persons were pucamps located in the san ment, which operate from blicly hanged in a single dis deserts, amid the snow, London, have released the intrict on one occasion and virgin woodlands and moformation that the Germans more than one hundred tainous regions, on mer HITLER AND MUSSOLINI TO FACE CRIMINAL have initiated a new cam and fifty assassinated in an ant vessels and warsh.
paign for the (extermina other.
sm the remote Artic to TRIBUNAL tion of their fellow nation The reason for this new Salomon Isles of the Far als in Poland. One hundred wave of terrorism is said to stern Pacific. They are de be due to the fear which the their utmost, regardless It has been reported that ternational Tribunal imne time to repel the enemy plans have been completed diately after peace has been 1918 FOR VICTORY Germans have of the conse quences they must face àfchase them backward by the Allied Nations for restored. No details hay ter losing the war.
y inflict and receive hea the prosecution of Hitler been mentioned.
The mysterious Colonel blows. They fight for and Mussolini before an In Britton, who initiated the victory which will bring ersal peace and liberty THE WAR PROGRESS propaganda for an Al NEW PUBLIC SERVICE lied victory, has started ano ensure the progress of re ann hilation. Conditions ha her campaign to intimidate The Governor of our Prohan welfare.
As disclosed by the vince has released th ports officially released the ve also reached critical sta the Nazis.
Vith profound feelings of armed forces of the United ge for those in the Stalingra In a recent radio broad pleasing information that a enor cast rected to the people Radio Telegraphic Station esting gratitude the Gon nations are severely castiga de sector where an as of the United States of ting the enemy on the seve mous quantity of arms amu of the occupied European has been installed at Estranition and other valuable countries, the erica, by joint resolution, ral battle fronts.
Colonel is da and is at the disposal of requested me to tran said to have urged them to the general public.
Mr. Willie Hart of that Ein the name of our gen So effective has been the material have been captu write the figures 1918 whepublic, to the armed for Soviet offensive in the Cau red in addition to an extraor rever possible, in all public district is the operator in of charge. The best service is and auxiliary services of casian region that the Ger dinary large number of of places, for the purpose Allies on land, on seamans have been forced to ini ficers and soldiers killed reminding the Germans of assured all who desire to in the air, an expression tiate a general retreat in and taken prisoners. their previous defeat and as utilize this modern and ra our best wishes and con un effort to avoid complete communicaIntense fighting goes on an intimation of the approa pid means of in Tunicia. So furious was ching one.
ng of the day tion.
one of the Nazi movements that the British troops in DR. JUAN JIMENEZ BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT occupation of the heights of Jebel Ayzag had to ma Dentista Americano, de regreso de su viaje de EE. UU. se ke a 15 miles retreat; as a omplace de nuevo en ofrecerse a su estimable clientela y pú ico en general en su Clínica Dental. frente Bodega de result, however, of intensified allied activities the en Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket Caceo del Banco de Costa Rica. Limón.
gazement terminated disas Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
trously for the Nazis.
With the sinkmg a few Prunes, Ib. 25 Starch, Ib. 40 Kerosene, bot.
days ago of a large trans0. 60 Wire Sponges 25 Calt, lbs.
port filled with troops, and 35 Potted Meat, tin. 75 DR. JUAN JIMENEZ Rice, ib. 30 Sweet Oil, bot.
another seriously damaged 75 by an Allied air attack off Sapolio 00 Klim, tin. 25 jas returned from his trip to the United States and has New Guinea, the Japanese Sugar, lb. 25 resumed his service to his estemed clients and the general have experienced another We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh public. serious blow to their efforts Merchandise Dental Clinic in front the Cacao Bodega of the Bank in the Far East. Twenty if Costa Rica, Limon.
three of their war planes LA PROVEEDORA were destroyed at the same LIMON time.
LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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