
NOTICE HARVERST THANKSA HASNURNAT FOR PROGRESS Antes de la Batalla GIVEN SERVICES (EASTERN END FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY LIMON January first Sunday Look out for the opening of the Restaurant and cool being the fixed day drink counter which you have long desired: everything on which the adherents of the wirl be on hand to satisfy the appetite: well cooked meals city Baptist Chureh celebra special mondongo soup (Creole Style) Frescos of all kinds te their annual Harvest will be prepared according to orders: Prices to meet every Thanksgiving Services, the pocket: Good and courteous service: We will buy Costa Rica lottery and fruits of all variety.
event took place last Sun.
THE COSTARRICAN. PROPRIETOR day. The usual divine obser vances were effected at 11 a. and p. singing and musical programme, DEATH OF WIDELY REGARDED MISSIONARY contributed by youthful talent, was presented at three o clock in the afternoon, it The name of Dr. Williams Dr. Thomas was regarded as was preceded by the presen Thomas is familiar to many the ouststanding pioneer mis tation of the offerings in designed bas persons in these parts, more so sionary of the Lott Carey Bap exquisitely Convention in kets. The artistes who partiamong the Baptists of the Li tish Mission mon District. He was a Jamai West Africa. He served in thipated in the general pro can by birth and is said to ha important position of Superin gramme were heartily checve been sent abroad by the lo tendent, for a period of thirty red by the large congregacal Church. Death claimed him years, at the Lott Carey Schoo tion. Queen of the while still at his missionary at Brewerville, in the Unitei vest. a recitation, was liawork in Liberia, Africa, where States of América. By his deatpressively portrayed by Miss it is stated he had resided since the Christian Mission Field ha Lena McKenzie, her assoe a the year 1910 experienced a great loss.
tes, the Misses Gardener. Hamilton, Jackson El comandante de un crucero norteamericano arenga e imparte Stewart and Spen órdenes a los oficiales y a la tripulación, en vista de la inminencia For a better or more presentable hair cut or shave go to de la acción decisiva que ha de tener lugar para proteger el Stanley Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market Day ce, earned popular approba tion.
desembarco del cuerpo expedicionario norteamericano en el and Night Service.
Africa del Norte.
The gifts were greatly ap preciated both as regards Outing by Fraternal Society quality and quantity. The attendarle was all that could be des. red. The key Conforming to their tradi Temple were Miss Louise Forde officiated at all Address all your EngPara todos sus trabajos tional after. Christmas Ou Thomas, Mesdames Hyac the services.
ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a ting the Royal King Obedinth Henry and Gwendoline Temple of the British Order Mitchell of Bananita. E. ROIG of Mosaic, sponsored a Messrs. Brooks and More of Our Men Back warm exercise at Palma colm. The outing providea BOX 523. Teléfonoy 5319, 3201, or 2929 Park, Silver City, on Mon an enjoyable diversion. An from the Canal Zone SAN JOSE day the 28th, ultimo. Mr. appetizing Menu was serCharges Reasonable Precios Módicos White Band supplied the ved and augmented with in Outstandingly welcomed Jittery mu Among the vigorating beverages.
were those who arrived Managing Personnel of the from the Panama Canal Zo ne to spend a short vacation JOINED IN WEDLOCK with their families and rela The devolpment of re Freeman; our good citizen, BROWNE ABRAHAMS tives. Among them were our ciprocated affection betwe Mr. Fernando Asch acted highly regarded citizens COMPRAMOS en the coloured seamen of the part of Best man. Other Messrs. John Rogers and the ill fated San Pablo witnesses were Messrs, his son John, Barnett, and some of the women of Victor, Fred. Ford and Joe COCOS. COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO Leonard Dobson, Enrique this Zone has Cantillo and Gonzalo Tay: manifested.
again been Frisby, associates of the Apartado 362 The most re Groom. The 1eception, lor. Friend Dobson effected cent produced the marriage which mingled with the fes LIMON.
his return flight on the Pan of Mr. Earl Griffith, a natitive season, was a real gala American Airways on the ve of the Virgin Islands in affair. Several well known 7th, instant.
the West Indies, to Miss Al citizens participated in the berta Piper of the district joyous event. Mr. Griffith of Westfalia. The civil cere warmingly expressed his ap mony was performed in the preciation and than. for office of bur widely esteem the splendid House wared Governor on the after ming to which he was the noon of Tuesday the 22nd. recipient in a strange counultimo try, At the close of the The bride was attended function the newly weds by her mother, Miss Isadora left for Westfalia.
Be wise, join the increasing number of satisfied clients who get their hair cut and shave at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
LIBELY PROGRAMME BY LIVERPOOL DAY SCHOOL The stage of the local Li. ducted by Miss Brown berty Hall was attractively The villagers attended the set on the night of the 17th. function in a most encouraDecember for the presenta ging manner and were, we En aguas del Mar del Norte un destroyer del servicio de escolta es visto por un avión de tion of the closing program are sure, well recompensed patrulla de la me of the day school con by the praiseworthy accom ishments of the scholars.
Nor permitin:s llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Mr. Lambert Graham effec de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: tively presided over the ex This bill must be paid at our office before ercise. The various drills, re Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro citations, songs, etc. were the 10th. of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada mes impreſsively presented. InBe so good as to comply with thig request and do not dividual comments would be Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which a rather difficult task. On de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
the following day Miss Brown took her scholars for an Outing to Zent where they were the guects of Mr. Malcolm COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON The Village Newsman Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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