
of that affectionate life of devotion and love, philosopher has stated questioner whose mind is Pandora, Estrella Valley our fond and caressing that the supernatural is already bent in that direc January 4, 1943.
CARMENTA HALL merely the natural tion, and whose will is func The Editor the Atlantic which men do not under tioning along the same lines Voice who was taken into the Great Unknown on the 11th.
stand. large number of as that of the medium. It Dear Sir: day of January 1942. She has left us sad indeed.
persons who live by their all winds up that we are al Thanking you in antici We recall with profound sorrow the loss of so wits, have capitalized this ways deceived by such swin pation for the required spa precious a life, and in hearts we lack of understanding ondlers.
ce to express our deep berea water anew the Sprig of Sweet Remembrance.
the part of the majority, vement on learning through ERNEST. FLORA the medium of your highly CLARIS and shrouding their ALBERT scheHERBERT mes in mystery, daily mulet Further proof of a better esteemed Weekly of the the public of considerable post war world for minority tragic weath of our dearly sums of money. Among the groups came recently from beloved brother, Oscar Frar.
se quacks are found fortune good old Queen Wilhelmina klin Hart on the West Coast tellers of a dozen types, of the Netherlands when on the 9th of the recently THE CHRISTSMAS CEREBRATIONS card cutters, crystal gazers, she promised self govern passed month.
palmists and even practition ment to all Dutch colonies Through this medium we The time honoured merry whelming number participated ers in witchcraft.
after victory. The new Com desire also to express Eminent authorities on monwealth, she stated, will gratitude to our highly re making was ushered in on the in the Dance, the Riverside Or who, on eve of Christmas by the musi chestra supplied the music.
the subject have asserted leave no room for discrimi garded Governor cal strains of the Military Band On Christmas Morn, headed the Radiogram that the only thing we nation, based on race or na receipt of on its march along Third Ave by Major Lynch and his Band. knour about the spirittionality, the policy of the hastened to inform the surnue toward the Police Head the Salvation Army Comrades sister world is that we Know government being determin viving brothers and quarters enchanting marched Hall to the nothing about it. We may ed only by the ability of the who were within telephone serenade was given. As the la Cuartel where the band rendethink and believe that com individual citizens and the communication.
In the same spirit ter evening shadows fell, the red a short musical concert to munication with the spirit needs of the various groups.
lovely moon rose in splendour the unfortunate inmates. The world is an accomplished She added that no political thanks are extended to tho and diffused her wonderful tribute is said to have been feat, but when all the evi unit or national cohesion se who attended to his buri light to the great joy of the highly appreciated.
dence is analized, the most can be permanent which al as well as to the many throng who took command of As far as could be noted, the intelligent, the best train is not supported by the vo acquaintances and friends the city thoroughfares. Everygeneral out door celebrations ed and most accurate stu luntary acceptance and con. who have sent us their to commercial trader had his sha. were semewhat normal. On the dents admit they know noth fidence of the great maio kens of Condolence in there of financial benefit. night of the 26th. St. Mark ing.
rity of the citizenry.
hour of our dark period. At the midnight hour the St. Parish Hall was again invaded am The desire to know some Mark Parish Hall became the with the Lewis Sinclair Quadri.
thing which no one else. Very truly yours Wonderland with the setting, le Dance. This event catered knows, prompts men and in fairy formula, by the Seven mostly to dancers of matured women to pay their money When Captain Hugh Hart. Go Getters who sponsored the ages and was a decided success.
only to be deceived by those Mulzac, a coloured Ameri Mid night Jive.
An overwho claim to be able to tell can of West Indian birth, IN SEVENTH DAY what lies beyond the cur Master of the 10, 500 tan tain of the morrow. Yet it Liberty Ship, Booker ADVENTIST CIRCLE SASTRERIA MODERNA is one of the wise provisions Washington. called at of God. Nature, Destiny or Cristobal some time ago Marvellously rendered NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS whatever we may wisk to many persons were surpris was the complimentary com call that power which rulesed to learn the crew was ment heard at the close of We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, the universe, that no man composed of mixed nationals the colourful programme Elegant Fittings.
knows his own future. Ob representing the United presented by our Seventh viously, the fixed figures on Nations. Aboard the ship Day Adventist Friends Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East a deck of cards can know are men fighting for a com the early evening of TuesUnidad Sanitaria.
nothing of the past and less mon cause a better and day of the Yuletide season.
of the future, unless it be safer world: one free from The schoolrom was used as SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES when properly played in a segregation and discrimina the Arcadia, and its setting game of poker.
tion based on colour, creed was admirable.
or race. Captain Mulzac is The opening hymn From LIVERPOOL WOMEN UNION TO THE FRONT Slate writing, one of the the only coloured stormy most effective tricks of the States shipmaster licensed blows was rendered with modern conjurer and sleight for any tonnage any perception. Elder Sam Fa Through the instrumenta standard and the partici of hand performer, and for sea. He started his mariti rrell ably performed the du lity of Mrs. Alvira Williams, pants earned much admiramany years, one of the best me career thirty five years ties of Chairman. He was the women of Liverpool, gottion and appreciation. The money getters of the fake ago as deck. boy on a Nor accompanied on the rostrum together and inaugurated outstanding contributors we mediums and other pretenwegian steamer, by Elder Orley Forde, the an association now known re the Misses, Bernard and ded communicants with the Mission Superintendent. as the Liverpool Women Murray and Mrs. Henry. Se so called ispirit world, is The Young People Missio Union. As a medium of pu veral friends from Zent gra frequently employed. By ca Stepping on the stairway nary Society sponsored the blic presentation, a concertced the occasion. Miss reful tabulation, magicians, of the giant Pan American entertainment and provided was staged in the local Hall Brown and her associates professors. Card cutters and Airway Clipper, tall, good the talent. The items entit. of the Associa deserve the warmest congra other sharpers are said to looking Roy Hay of Pana led Beneath the Cross of tion on Monday night the tulations for having so ferhave found that the range ma City, bade adieu to fa Jesus and My Faith looks 4th. instant. Miss Brown, vently entertained the vilof questions which men and mily and friends as he took up to Thee were given in the Society President, ef lagers. Band of music women are apt to ask is, at off from Albrook Field, pantomine. Blessing and Ho fected the preamble and in was placed at the disposal the most, one hundred and en route to New York, pe were the special points troduced Mr. Malcolm of of those present at the clotwenty in number, and that via Miami, to attend the Co of the blended drama Mi Zent as Chairman. On ac se of the programme. Maof these there are seventy lumbia Medical School and riam, the Captive Maid cepting, Mr. Malcolm elec ny of the recent dance Hits five which nine out of ten work for his degree. and Star of Hope.
trified his hearers with his were dished out and indul persons will ask. General spicy remarks.
ged in until the wee hourg answers have, in consequen MRS. MARIA AURTENECHEA MARRIES The programme, compo of Tuesday morning.
ce, been worked out and pro sed of dialogues, recitations vided for all such questions Mr. ERNEST LEWIS solos, etc. was of a high Agent Correspondent and they usually win the im mediate approval of the Choosing a marriage ceremony with marked tranquili ty, Mrs. Maria Aurelia Aur IN LOVING MEMORY tenechea, proprietress of The changing vears will bring to us on the EXPERTO MECANICO EN the Hotel Hispano. Ameri11th. instant the third Anniversary when death REPARACIONES ca of this City, has been joi ned in wedlock to Mr. Errobbed from our hearts our beloved sister EN LOS SIGUIENTES RAMOS DE MAQUINARIAS: nest Cecil Lewis, Chief Cook Calculadoras, Registradoras, de Escribir, de Coser, of the Crusader.
VIRA CORREOSO Refrigeradoras y Motores de Gasolina.
Servicio a satisfacción er mi taller y a domicilio.
Our sincere congratulaDirijase a DANILO SANDOVAL tions are extended the new In the garden of God who gave her life, APARTADO 336 ly weds. Famed in Cuisine. We know her great spirit is a seed.
LIMON Mr. Lewis has assumed per In every breath and thought we remember her, MALABERRIA sonal charge of the Bar and For she was loving and winsome in all her ways.
So many mothers could not be wrong when they say Our Restaurant of the well estaCLARICE. ANNIE. IDA boys get their hair cut at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the blished Park Hotel. notiof the City Market.
ce to this effect appears in elsewhere in this issue.
on United every e 3 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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