
Rubber Reserve Co.
ling MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ARCHITECT AND BUILDER THE ORIENTAL BARBER Years of practical knowledge, SHOP. The only one of its efficient, neat, accurate. These kind with a service beyond com my bighest ambition Any design petition. All sanitary arrangeIn wood turned out with grati ments. Situated in front the Foot THE CACAO FAR MER FRIEND fying results. Office and shop Ball Plaza, Low Prices. LIO WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO 5th Avenue, North NIA. NEL MONDOI, Specialist.
CHAS RODEN EDIBLE OILS THE RESETTER WITH IMPROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Costarrican Oils and tate Barber Parlour Centrally Grease Company (Alajuela)
beated on Commerce Avenue Enquire regarding quality almost opposite Teatro Arras and Factory prices of WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR ty. Pleasant; reliable courteous Paris, Apdo. 537, San Jose.
ervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT Hair Specialist NEW HARLEM BAR AND RESTAURANT. The Best drinks CABINET AND UNDERTAK prepared by Crawford and ING SHOP. Specializes in mak Grant, Genuine native and for.
hg and repairing furniture and eign liquors stocked Our CusiCINE MUNDIAL every other branch of wood ne service the most up to date.
work. Coffins always stocked. CRAWFORD AND GRANT, Vee as before going elsewhere. Proprietors. LIMON Prices moderate. 4th. Street, intrance to Gamez Lumber Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Manager English Tweeds Seras MISS VENETA GORDON REGAIN HER HEALTH. by the Pastor, the Rev.
Forde, was specially appea WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND ECONOMY. Everything in macan srill be had at After several weeks in well as the attendants of the The entertaining features chinery made or repaired, from Reasonable Prices at San Jose, where she under hospital for the skilful treat brought out a wonderfui dis a Pin to a Crane. See us. We went a surgical treatment ment and splendid attention play of youthful intellect.
carry an assortment of Beds, in the Clinica Biblica, our extended their daughter.
Springs and other useful things The opening song Sowing at all times.
highly regarded young cithe Seed, was richly rend North Fifth Avenue. Building No. 89 YE PEOPLE HOUSE tizen, Miss Veneta Gordon, red by the choristers. Has THOMPSON, Proprietor.
Limon has regained her good he.
alth and te to the Field, a recitation returned to her With The Guacimo home. She had the compaby Miss Daisy, was well re Baptists ceived. Fount of Good ny of her mother while in NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA was the next item by the the Capital, and was met Choir. Master Walter rehere on arrival by her fath fortnight ago the Gua The best assortment of first class lumber citation Bravest gained er, Mr. Gordon of Cahuita. cimo Baptists contributed much applause. The call Mr. Gordon adopts this their quota to the Missionafor Reapers was the Laurel and Cedar medium to express his be ry Centenary celebration.
Choir other rendition. Miss artfelt thanks, in which his The divine service was SOWilhel commendably recAdministrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour wife joins, to Dr. Oreamunolemnized on Sunday the and Doctress Saw Mill in Siquirres We buy Logs Cameron, asl 20th. ultimo. The Message, Led by Miss Etis, the ted the poem Dew Drops solc and chorus Take my Hands was tunefuly delivered Miss CONFIRMADA LA DESTITU CION DE NEHRING GRAND OPPORTUNITY Cleopatra effectively recited LONDRES, UP La Ex ral Hans Heinrich von Arnim. Reapers. The solo Why change Telegraph en un despacoom comandante en jefe de las labour for treasure by Miss cho de su corresponsal en Zu fuerzas del eje en territorio Tu SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC Hortence was a charm. Pat rich anuncia que Berlín ha connecino en reemplazo del genehetically. Miss Una recited Ermado sin dar los motivos el ral Walther von Nehring.
can be purchased at very low prices. Seek first the Kingdom. nombramiento del coronel genel All in serviceable condition.
The Choir added the songs On the field and The SeaApply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
The eulogies extended JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella the Choirmaster, Mr.
Hunter, and the Organist, Mrs. Watson, well PERSONAL as all concerned were fervently merited. Messrs. AleWe extend a delightful, and family. The characteris xander Reid and Robert Cywelcome to Mrs. Ethlyn Clo tic hospitality of our citizenrus delivered very interestdomar of Panama City, who ry has been much in eviding addresses.
is here on a visit to her ce may her stay with us latives Mrs. Susan Hylton be pleasant and memorable.
Guacimo Newsbug as PRESIDENTE he Un nombre que responde a su CALIDAD!
CIGARRILLOS Una marca que responde a su NOMBRE!
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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