
SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE NCSIC cucu our AN EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION From Here and There Dear Mr. Editor: ner in which the train crew IN MEMORIAM do not usually make my worked.
Tht Nazi High command is In fond memory our sincere and loving self heard by way of the The train was a rather reported tohave imposed a fine husband son and father columns of a newspaper, heavy one and carried a of 20, 000, 000 francs on the Jews MICHAEL SMITH but as most of us are not good number of passengers, resident in Tunisia as compen.
slow to, in that manner, an among whom were several sation for the se, ious damage who, while on his duty to care for us almost our feelings against what infants and children. was done the property of the Muinstantaneously departed this life on we deem improper or un accompanied by two of my sulmen by the Anglo. AmeriDECEMBER 22nd. 1939 just conduct. think we daughters. In all probabili can air raids.
Just three years ago he left us, and though our should not fail to similarly ty we would all have been grief is calmed into gentle remembrance our Sorrow cannot be cured. He was faithful, sincere express our appreciation buried down a declivity of Spain continues to assist the and dear. His heart throbbed always for our and gratification when we about sixteen feet and many Axis combine in their vain efencounter acts of high me no doubt, passing on to the fort do dominate the Soviel afflictions. Though gone in flesh his great rit and marked efficiency. Greai Beyond by instanta Union, one thousand five hun spirit around us hovers. was one of the WIDOW. PARENTS CHILDREN many neous deaths, but as say, dred men are said to have rewho travelled aboard the for the quick action of doncently crossed the Spanish fron San Jose local or freight Jaime who immediately ap tier en route to Berlin, thence and passenger combination ied his emergency brakes to Russia, under command of MISSIONARY CENTENARY BY MATINA train on its incoming run on and so steadied the coaches. Lieutenant Colonel Mariano New Year Day. As is None of us consequently suf Toledo BAPTISTS known by all, torrential fered other than badly shaIn line with the churches nett, Millicent, Ditty and rains had been falling forken nerves. The night was From Berlin we have the of the Limon Sphere, the Myrtle were very amus ng some time previously. Leav dark as dark can be and the report that under the provi Baptists of Matina obser with the song Busy Little ing Estrada between 10. 30 rain falling heavily.
sions of a law recently promul ved the Missionary Centena Workers. Miss Murray and 11 o clock that night It is sincerely hoped that gated in Norway, all persons ry by a special service on recited the poem. Stran all went well until we were the marked efficiency of who suffer from hereditary Sunday the 20th of the re ge Fact. The Playlet Ye about five and a half miles Engineer Brenes and those mental troubles, particularly cently passed month, and a are the light of the world from Limon, at a point near who were associated with that which discloses criminal high grade entertaining pro was well presented by the the Mendez platform, where him will be accorded the re tendencies will be sterilized.
gramme on the folowing Misses Alturno, Broomfield due to a washout, the pas cognition it deserves. Mean night. The Rev. Forde Bryan, Brown and Wright senger coach next to the time they are assured of the officiated Messers. Rose and Ja last one jumped the track sincere appreciation and gra WE SYMPATHIZE The entertaining featu mes were the special spea.
and would certainly have titude of all who experiene.
res were hightly apprecia kers and earned warm apoccasioned a disaster of aed the unfortunate happen Word has been received ted. Among the soloists we plauds.
most serious character buting!
for the calm and prompt ac of the death of Mr. Osmond re Miss Alturno and Mrs.
Thanks Mr. Editor for An Observer Glasgow, the sad event hav Joyce Bryan. The Misses Lin tion of Engineer Jaime Brespace. ing occurred in Los Angeles, nes and the efficient manA. Passenger California, ulic Many years ago Mr. Glas GAMEZ LUMBER YARD No Squeel, no scolding nor complaint from Mothers, Wives gow, a native of one of the or Sweethearts when the hair cut or shave is done at Di. British West Indian Isles, re Look for this Sign on 4th. street toward the xon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
sided in this community for Northern Machine Shops a short while, and afterThe best assortment of native lumber, laurel and Cedar.
NATIVITY PLAY EXCELLENTY PRESENTED wards contracted marriage Prices to meet the economic situation, Courteous and prompt Robertson, The St. Mark with Miss Rita Church Messrs. McCreath and Roservice assured all purchasers.
otie of the most widely Christmas Programme in ta. binson, the organists, and known and popular of GAMEZ LUMBER YARD bleaux, entwining the birth Mr. Gray with his violin, of the Babe of Bethlehem, as enhancing factors, added private educationalists and was excellently presented spice to the portrayal. Mrs. an ardent Catholic worker.
She survives him and we exin the Parish Hall on the Doris Gray accomplished GIRLS LEAGUES SEWING CONTEST AND tend her our deepest sympa evening of Sunday, Decem the reading of the Scriptuthy for the great sorrow ber 20th. The entertainment res at the commencement of EXHIBITION which has overtaken her.
was preluded by the singing each of the twelve scenes, We also offer her aunt and The anxiously a waited Se yed by the Misses Grant, of the hymn little town with grace and efficiency and Exhibl. Stennette, Smith, of foster mother, Miss Wilhelwing Contest Bethlehem. followed The cast of characters with prayer by the Rev. were Dorothy Tyndall as mina Robertson, and her sis tion, under the auspices of Mullings, Rose, Bla the ke, Wallace and Evans, who also introdu the angel Gabriel, Ruth Go ter, Miss Douglas, who the Girls Leagues of Methodist Circuit, had its Brown was a revelat on of ced Mr. Jos. Thomas as ulbourne as St. Joseph, An are with us, our sincere con brilliant presentation in the youthful talent. The item the Chairman for the even hela Mohs as the Virgin dolence. May the soul the departed find rest eter Church at Siquirres on Tues Mr. Johnson Pig, preing Mary, Veronica Messam as nal.
day evening the 15 th. De sented by Miss Wollery and The cast of characters, the Infant. Violet McFarlacember last. Mrs. Inez Hol Mrs. Barrett, was most corresponding to the ancient ne as St. Elizabeth, Greta Co mes, the President, is said to thrilling Mr. Hine con participants, demonstrated leman Rebecca Tyndall and been the magnetic tributed a tuneful solo. On all the pathos and devout Lurline Dixon as the Shep Xmas. Sunday mind behind the canv. behalf of Estrada Miss spirit of the Play. The ta herds, Norma Hines as the There was more than a ca Smith gave two splendid vio belaux were produced and first King with gift of gold, effectively directed by the Dorothy Gayle as second In tune with the solemnity pacity audience in attendan lin selections. Cairo goodwill was delivered by Mrs.
Rector. The Church and Phil King with gift of incense of the commemorative Season, The entertaining features Findlay in a recitation and a harmonic choristers, under and Claris Heron as third the Evensong at St Marks are said to have been splen solo by Miss James.
the combined leadership of King with gift of myrrh: Christmas Sunday was of a didly rendered. Among the After a very keen contest Mr.
Daysley, with the attendants very Maud great import. special them items were duets by the Mis among the girls of Estrada, Douglas Veneta McCalla was stirringly reached by the ses Wallace and Limon, Pacuarita and Siqui WAR and Norma Alvarez. The choristers Dayley solo Brown, Rose and Bla rres, the artistic work of were impersonated was Miss Edith Grant, represenCASUALTIES by Inez Forde, Thelma dea service contietei hv the ke, Grant and Smith Under date the 6th, in cias, Logan, White, Rector, the Ra J Evans Mrs. Thomas rendered ting the city, snatched the stant the war information Wright, Lynch, Gard and his serion was in secial the solos The Gyrsy Dance Shield from Estrada by one Goulbournne, harmony with the Christens and The Open Road. Mrs. point. Miss Ivy Smith con department of the Iris Williams charmed the tribution, in defence of the tide.
Joan States releases the informa Shaw, Janet Heron, audience with a recitation Shield, is said to have been tion that the casualties suf Heron and Cole.
and an address on Sewing. a close challenge. The Judfered bythe armed forces of The climax representing er as France (fighting. Ivy The discourse of Miss Edith ges were. Mrs. McGregor that nation since she enter the countries of the United Taylor as Norway, Louise Grant was of an enobling of Siquirres, Mrs. Joseph of ed the war have reached Nations, was a noble gestu Forde as Holland, Verna quality. The Masquerade! Cairo and Mrs. Iris Withe total of 61, 126, includ re. The Lasses attired in the Cole as Belgium, Fennell a dramatic play, portra lliams of this city.
ing the killed, the injured respective ensigns made an as China, Isaac as Russia, and those taken prisoners.
admirable display, they we Loney as Poland, Sore. The Misses Pearl Spencbers as Yugoslavia, He HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA ronas Czechoslovakia, Edwards as Abyssinia, LIMON CITY RESTAURANTE LA GOLONDRINA Reid as Greece, Fenell as This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable roens fac.
ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with anscellent additional display of the Cómodamente situado. El mejor servicio de toda clase.
cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patron that Buenos alimentos, sabrosamente preparados.
Stars and Stripes, Fennell it is at their orders in the present year as in the past with LOS VISITANTES NOS PREFIEREN POR as Costa Rica with a display a fixed purpose to give the very best attention and er icient NUESTRO AMBIENTE FAMILIAR.
of a beatiful national Emstrvice at all times by its new Proprietor.
ABIERTO DIA NOCHE. PRECIOS DE SITUACION blem. Fuller with the ad dition of the Union Jack reARTHUR PEARSON. Propietor ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS presented the British EmpiEven have song at St. Mark се.
United ner, Fi os OS 1re.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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