p. 12


BRITAIN MOSQUITO ROUTES IN THE. FOR US, THE LIVING SYMPATHY BROUGHT HITLER FACES TERRIBLE BOMBER CAUCASUS THEM DEATH DILEMMA We are met on a great battle new powerful technique The Caucasus range extends field. We have come to dediEarly in the morning of June The title heading this article of attack has been worked out like a barrier across the Cau cate a portion of that field as a and put into practice by the casian Peninsula, in a final resting place for those 29th. 1941 a young Greek wo was the statement recently made by Mr. Vernon Barlett British Bomber Command, direction from who here gave their lives that man and her thirteen year old the peninsula well known political reports Colin Bednall, the of Apsheron on the Caspian this nation might live. It is brother left their home in their writer, in London News Daily Mail air expert. One Sea, to the mouth of the Kuban altogether fitting and proper daily search for food. As they of the decisive steps in the River on the Black Sea. Total that we should do this. But, turned into University Avenue, Chronicle. He pointed out.
achievement of air superiority length of the range is about in a larger sense, we cannot they saw coming towards them that the German generals in dedicate we cannot conse a group of British prisoners Russia are in desperate need by the was the un 930 miles, and its width varies escorted by German armed of reinforcements, but the paralleled degree which the from 30 to 140 miles. From a crate we cannot hallow British pilots and aircraft de height of some 4, 000 feet in the this ground. The brave men, guards. The girl and boy im manpower shortage inside the signers developed in night portion flanking the Black Sea, living and dead, who struggled mediately drew into the side Reich is so great that their only bombing, he goes on to say, the range rises in the central here have consecrated it far of the road and waited for the remaining source of supply is Hitler Gestapo army Half and later on the giant Lan sector to 10, 000 and even 12, 000 above our poor power to add men to march past.
a million picked young men of caster bombers carried out their feet, gradually decreasing again or to detract. It is for us, the As the batch of prisoners the Guards. Mr. Bartlett record breaking mass day raids until it dies away in the pe living, rather to be dedicated on the Le Creusot works and ninsula of Apsheron. The cen here to the unfinished work drew level with them, one of writes: The Nazi leaders can Milan by means of a technique tral and highest section is also which they who fought here the men caught sight of the not afford to see the nien of the narrowest, and it is here have thus far so nobly advan couple, turned his head and removed from the key pesitions that two of the three military ced. It is rather for us to be smiled. The girl stepped for in the police force in the acto the great ward impulsively, and smiling cupied countries or in Ger highways in the Caucasus here dedicated The many. Therefore, foretask remaining before us that ly held out her hand.
PROTECTIVE CROSSFIRE The Georgian Military Road, from these honoured dead we boy scowled at the German sees a keen struggle over de fate of this highly efficient reportedly the best and most take increased devotion to that guards and shook his fist.
force of half a million men.
spreading a circumference of important, crosses the range at cause for which they gave the The struggle will accentuate Two shots rang out and the last full measure of devotion; death which no fighter aircraft its narrowest point. From the dared to approach. This tech town of Ordzhonikidze, the that we here highly resolve young woman and the boy fell the dislike between the Nazis and the military leaders nique is being pursued with road runs generally south that these dead shall not have dead. It was later explained by Hitler dilema is this: Shall excellent results at shorter climbing to the Krestovaya under God, shall have a new died in vain; that this nation, the German authorities that a similar fate would overtake all he be keeping his Guards range by the American Flying Pass where it crosses the ranbirth of freedom; and that gothose who showed undue at home and hasten Germany symFortresses in their day raids ge åt an altitude of 7, 695 feet.
defeat on the war front, or shall over France. Now, Bednall it then descends quite rapidly vernment of the people, by the pathy for British prisoners.
he send them away thus precireveals, the British Bomber still in a southerly direction, to people, for the people, shall not pitating the internal collapse Command has added a third Tiflis, southern terminus of the perish from the earth. Abraof Germany?
arm of incredibly swift and route. Recent press reports in Tham Lincoln, Dedicatory AdSAYINGS light day bombers, the Mos dicate that the higway must dress at Gettysburg Cemetery, November 19, 1863.
quitoes. which operate at have been considerably improvTHE UNSCALED HEIGHTS ground level The Mosquito ed in recent years, although squadrons are manned by some precise details as to its condi One occasionally hears idle of the most highly skilled and tion are of course lacking.
words about the decay of the When the peak comes in sight offensive minded pilots in First hand reports from travelleys to the town of Loti, where country, about the approaching through a break in the misl, the whole By means llers on the road, as late as it again becomes suitable for break up of the great world the climber calls upon his mus of the 1937, stated that while the wheeled traffic.
group we form. What folly and cles and his lungs for an extra lower stretches were in fair ignorance, what misreading of effort. And tired though the shape the road narrowed to On the southern side of the the real signs of the times! In may be, thé glimpse of the goal MOST SPECTACULAR carttrack width as it reached (Caucasus the snow line begins some quarters what wishful makes them respond. It is no FLYING the top of the pass. Innume at about 9, 500 feet, on the nor thinking. Field Marshal time to relax. The climb is not rable hairpin turns, lack of thern side at some 10, 800 feet, Smuts, Prime Minister of South over. Indeed the last of the guard rails and frequent wash owing to drier climatic condi Africa.
climb may be the steepest.
yet seen in the war they flash outs made vehicular travel tions on the north side of the So it should be with us. Who in out of the sun like bullets, slow, difficult and dangerous. range. In view of the heights among us does not go forward deliver their attack skimming At that time the trip from one of the three passes it may be with a lifting of the heart and the housetops and then dis end of the route to the other lassumed that blocking by show Like all things that are really a firmer tread? News of victor.
appear as swiftly as they came. took about twelve hours, with drifts must blem for a good part of the understanding needs an effort. effort, a wholehearted acceptane constitute a pro worth while, Anglo American and of daring initiative leads As an example, one of the luck.
to greater output, renewed pilots, after attacking an objecyear. The only reports ava. The British people are detertive in the Ruhr, whipped his Second in importance, it is iable on this point indicate mined to make that effort with ce of necessary restrictions.
plane under the main arch of said, is the Ossetian Military that up to this year at least a deep sincerity and a finer ever many the rocks and how For, look! there ahead haw a bridge, and flashed down on Road. This route runs roughly the Georgian Road he conviction than ever before in the river hedgehopping over south and west from the town only one viable in winter. On all our history. Mr. Anthony ever steep the ascent. is the some coal barges. Sheltering of Elkhotovo, climbing through the Ossetian Road the best Eden, Foreign Secretary.
peak of Victory and the Light between the vine clad slopes river valleys and gorges until travelling season is said to be of Freedom is shining on on both sides of the river, he it reaches the Mammisson Pass in July and August, while the summit.
made it impossible for the at a height of 9, 265 feet. The Klukhor Pass on the Sukhum 17 German fighters to even ap pass is stated to be the highest Road is stated to be snow free look to your young people proach him. Although details suitable for vehicles of any sort only in August.
and to our young people to be DO YOU KNOW THAT of the Mosquito are still secret, in the Caucasus. Again, detailthe kind of people most of us it is known that they are the ed information as to state From the military point of would like to be, and really to the road is not available, but view, the region of the Cau achieve some of the things we 1, 000 Women have taken up it is apparently considered to casus is one of the most dif hoped to achieve twenty odd war time allotments in urWORLD FASTEST be inferior to the Georgian ficult to imagine for operations years ago, and which we now ban areas in England and BOMBERS Road, and unsuitable for motor with large forces and mecha must achieve at the end of the Wales in response to the traffic over most of its length. nised equipment, which is the war. Then hope we will win Minister of Agriculture The higher levels are said to reason that Hitler effort to the peace. Mrs. Roosevelt. recent appeal?
today. They have proved their be at least partly unsurfaced conquer this strategic territory great operational range when so that mud and dust, in season never were successful beyond 3, 400 Fruit Preservation Cee they flew one thousand two add to the difficulties of the the occupation of the foothills.
tres are now being opera hundred miles to bomb the route.
The Russians put up a most ed by the Women Inst Gestapo headquarters at Oslo determined resistance and the tutes in Britain for with perfect accuracy. As Far to the west and roughly Germans were never able to The victories of three years Ministry of Food?
tactical weapon, says Bednall, paralleling the coast of the Itake possession of the impor ring hollow to the Germans.
the dive bombers are antiquat Black Sea runs a third route, tant oil fields of Grozny, They are surrounded, hemmed Air Transport Auxiliary, ed by comparison. The deve the Sukhum Military Road. although they were able to in. There is a great ring around ferry pilot service has a lopment of this new British This road runs south from the seize those of Maikop near the them, and our aims must be to livered 100, 000 plan technique in bombing means town of Sukhum, through a Black Sea. The present keep the German air fleets and flown 225, 000 that the time has been brought chain of valleys to Klukhor Ba southern drive of the Soviet armies at full stretch, to strike 30, 000, 000 miles?
appreciably nearer when every rracks. From this point the armies is seriously endangering from all sides of the ring and single town in Germany will route is described as a mere the communications of the to crush with our bombs the Timber Production in Britain be exposed night and day to bridle path which crosses the German armies in this region, structure of Germany war has increased eight fond the menace of the British mountains through the Klukhor and it is quite possible that they industry and transport, which since war broke out?
planes bringing sudden death Pass at a height of 9, 235 feet. will have to withdraw with nourishes the German army. minning timbers, used from the sky.
From the pass the road runs out having gained any of their Sir Archibald Sinclair, Air Britain is now home Isouth through mountain va lobjectives.
of a covence Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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