
on On every hand there is heard the cry for increases the earnings of our workmen. Had there been that siprocalgoodwill, so very 358 atialibetween the two portant factors Capital and Labour. neither the Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 y nor the solicitude would, we think, have been neceiry. The turbulence of the raging world wide YEAR VIII LIMON, JANUARY 16 th, 1943 357 ct has abnormally augmented the cost of living, readjustment of wages, even after the rate of PRES, CALDERON ALLIED ARMS CONTINUE CHASTISEMENT OF JAPANESE ty per cent, woúla not be in proportion with the outGUARDIA TO TRAVEL nding rises in the prices of our imported and locally Allied forces are reported general offensive in three duced articles. It cannot be expected that the preto have made further and distinct sectors in Túnez.
We note the rates of remunerat on can be regara ed outstanding gains against The Russians continue ments anent the visits which he Japanese in the Sout! their advance on all fronts table, under present day conditions. Due to the wide His Excellency President Pacific war front. num with outstanding gains, par arity between income an expenditure large num Ca deron Guardia ds to ber of aerial attacks were ticularly in North Caucasus of our working people are being plunged into a pay some of our sister Red rected with such decisive and the Stalingrade sector.
acat of serious difficulties wihch must eventually publ cs.
results over an area of over So serious has the situation He has expressed his in 500 kilometros in New Gu. them if no relief be forthcoming.
become, it is reliably an: tention of visiting our neigh nea that military authoritie nounced, that it is expected It readily admitted that the Cap talist too is expe bouring Republic of Pana believe enemy resistance in that it is expected the 22 riencing certain difficulties, but having regard to the ma in the near future and that sector has been elimi Nazi divisions located the fact that he is being paid much higher pr. ces for his also attending the marr age tated. The enemy air base region of Stalingrade will products, and that he bases the financial values of his ceremony of a daughter of of Munda in New Georg suffer annihilat. on. caragua Pres dent, Gen investments on ex sting conditions, we are inclined to was also subjected to inten Anti Nazi movements and eral Somoza, in the city of se attacks. North Americar guerilla fighting are said to She op. nion that if he would give the matter a little Managua.
forces are also said to be be assuming vast propor more serious consideration he would find himself in a Rumour also has it he will initiating an intense offensitions throughout the Balkan position to, at least, alleviate, the unfortunate position be going further north to e against the enemy garri countries and other occupiof the workers. It should be ever borne in mind that the Mexico some timt later.
son still located in Guadaled territories Fearing an all changeless laws of justice bind all mankind His Excellency will together learn leave for Panama on ied invasions Mussol ni is and at as sure as sin and suffering last we ma. ch to The eighth British army, withdrawing all his men the 26th of the present under the Command of Ger from Russia and the Balkan fate abreast.
month and for Nicaragua on eral Montgomery. is prepa regions in order to have the the 21st, idem.
ring, we are informed, in maximum number at his dis coniunction with the large posal in Italy.
TWO TRANSPORTATION SUGGESTIONS re inforcements recently re Another naval action off We have heard very heall be forced to go back that BISHOP WILSON ON ceived, to start a new and the Salomon Islands result thy expressions of apprecisame day as the Monday VISIT tion with respect to the re morning freight and pasintense offensive against Geed in the sinking of three Ja neral Rommel and the rem panese destroyers while on cently established omni senger combination for San ains of the might army with their way with supplies and bus service between the rose would not enable their His Lordship Bishop Wilson which he commenced his ad soldiers for the twenty thou city railway station and Pen reporting on time for work. of the Anglican Diocese in varce against Egypt. It is sand men isolated compleisht the (Östra la We are, in cnsequence, as once again with us for a brief confidently expected the retely in the northwest of Ġua Branch Line. Under its pre ked to say that if the genial stay. We are indeed glad to sult of the encounter will, dalcanal.
sent set up, it operates, we Manager of our Railway Sys have him During his many be Rommel expulsion from Swinyang, one of Japan understand, on Mondays, em will give consideration visits to Costa Rica he has so Tunisia. The French forces most important bases in the Wedne days and Fridays to the matter and, if found endeared himself to all who under General Le Clerc gai province of Honan has faand is greatly facilitating feasible, concede a special have contacted him that he ned a big victory against ilen under Chinese control.
frequet that region.
our travelling public who service, to start from Siqui is regarded as one of our own the Italians in South Túnez The enemy offensive in the rres say about p. each He is the guest of the Rev. and after capturing Murzuk east of Central China has In view of the fact that La Saturday, and leaving our and Mrs. Evans at the the Cap tal of the Province virtually failed it is reporEstrella is a vast and mpor city, on the return trip, a St. Mark Rectory.
of Fezzan are continuing ted, while the defending for tant agricultural district round 30 on Monday mor their advance toward Tripo ces have recaptured almost with a constant need for ning he would greatly ex1 li. With the assistance of all the principal po nts ocfreight accommodation to tend the utility of the Sysse directly interested. We the French forces, the Al cupied by the Japs for some facilitate the transportation tem he controls and be as are told there are more than ied troops have started their time.
of products to our city, we sured the wholehearted gra one hundred men ready to learn an appeal is under titude of our general citi guarantee their support of wav for a light freight at zenry quite apart from tho this service.
AN IMPORTAMT REMINDER tachment to the present utility. We hope it will be pos Holders of Residential Cer under the provisions of the sible for the concession tificates are to GREATER CARE SHOULD BY GIVEN OUR reminded the governing law, they are requir be granted.
ed to present the Certificates CITRUS TREES to the authorized officials of Our attention has also bet ieir respective localities for en invited by several of our To one, interested in plant of production, they should cents for a single lime.
All fruit trees shou be renewal within the first three citizens employed at the life, who visits the difefrent also be kept free of destruckept free of the caterpillar nonths of each year, Cairo Rubber Plantations agricultural regions of this tive elements.
or grub, the beetle or moth We urge all concerned to and the Abaca Industry bet Zone, nothing, perhaps, arRegarding these destroy and other pests. As there is strictly attend to this requirween 25 Miles and Monte pears more prominent than foi, ement of the law in order to Verde, to the inconvenience the existing large variety of ing elements, it must be re an increasing demand called that some plant these and others of our lo avoid inconveniences which they are suffering in conse vegetation. The splendid ca their quence of their inability to re being take of a large per need bands of tail trees to cally grown fruit at very fa might seriously affect spend the week ends with centage of the plants will screen them from excessive vourable prices, we gather interests.
heat and wind: while oth too, their families and other rela also be noticed though we urge that all the As far as we know, the optives in this city on account great number seem by trees be carefully attended; portunity is still open for those ers, if interfered with badly of the local and passenger negleeted among these the presence of alien vegi ompensation of a financial who have not yet taken out nature will surely follow. theirs.
tra from Jose passing are the orange, lime and tat on, will not thrive. Th their entrainning points grapefruit trees. The latter condition seem to be life prior to the close of their ad healthy krokth of sapping the vitality of weekly labours.
plants depend on light, heat large percentage of our ci BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT The y mention, also, and healthy growth of trus trees; as passing thro that even if they availed course, not in the same de ugh the different districts themselves of the Sunday grees. In order to enable in our Province, grapefrui.
Guapiles train, they would them to give the maximum lime and orange trees car be seen over run by the Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket TIETOA harmful myst etoe paras te.
Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
Owners of these valuable plants should give them the runes, lb. 25 Starch, lb. 40 erosene, bot 60 Wire Sponges. 25 best care possible. The fa lure in this respect not only alt, lbs. 35 Potted Meat, tin Address all your EngPara todos sus trabajos 75 ice, Ib. 30 Sweet Oil, bot. 75 ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a prejudices their individual apolio. 00 Klim, tin economic prospects, but that 25 jugar, Ib: 25 Oats, lb. 00 also of the general agricu tural advancement of th We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 Zone. It is no wonder, that Merchandise SAN JOSE the city consumer is faced Charges Reasonable LA PROVEEDORA Precios Módicos with the price of twentyfive cents for three locally LIMON produced oranges and ten a option a LA PROVEEDORA NOTICE ME. 112. COM ROIG Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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