
Saturday, January 16th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE GONE ON SHORT HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA LIMON CITY VACATION GRAND OPPORTUNITY This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac.
SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent After getting through cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that with the rush of the Festive can be purchased at very low prices.
BA it is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with Season, Miss Edna Lord, the a fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient popular sales clerk of the All in serviceable condition.
service at all times by its new Proprietor.
widely Known Little Paris ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS establishment, is off for a Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
short vacation. She left for the Capital last Wednesday.
JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella The Atlantic Voice hopes RECENT MEETING OF PRIVATE SCHOOL she spends a most enjoyable time. MILK FOR CHILDREN OF ARGEL TEACHERS ASSOCIATION The North American Red ge number of 25. 000 chile special session of the the school last attended. 2) MEMORIAL SERVICE Cross are reported to have dren are at present being English Division of the Na. The President here substarted the distribution of benefitted by the free distritional Association of Educa mitted a model leaving cer Another anniversary of the milk obtained from the Uni bution it is stated.
tors wa sheld in the Salva tificate which was approv. passing of the late Henry ted States by the Allied Com It is also stated that a la tion Army Schoolroom on ed by the meeting. Printed Hylton, who was well known mand for the children, un ge carg oof second hand cloFriday afternoon, last week, copies will, in due course, in our educational circles, der fourteen years of age, thes is on the way from the commencing at o clock. be sent to the different will be in effect on Wednes in the city of Argel, North United States for the same Present were Mr. Jos. schools. The teachers day the 20th. instant, when Africa. The exceedingly lar place.
Thomas, Pras dent: Mr. of unapproved private scho memory o fhim will be min.
Davidson, Assistant Treasu ols could not come under the gled with the regular service rer; Major Lynch, Mem scheme and their case would at St. Mark on the morning TEXT OF LETTER TO NATIONAL EDUCATORS ber of the Advisory Board: have to be dealt with by of that day. Remembrance will Mrs. Carnegie, Mrs. Sin the Eduactional Authority also had for his daughter, Miss clair Weekes, and the Se of the Province.
ASSOCIATION Aurelia, who died in the neigh cretary. Opening prayer The teachers expressed bouring Republic of Panama was ofered by Major Lynch. satisfaction regarding what on the 16th. January 1941.
The sole purpose of the se had been done and the se Mrs. Susan Hylton, her son Port Limon, Costa Rica We attach a report pussion as pointed out by the ssion was brought to a close and daughter, adopt this meDecember 15th. 1942. blished in the local weekly President in his brief ad with a short prayer by the dium to specially invite all La Voz Atlantica in its dress, was to determine on President.
friends and acquaintances to Sr Prof. Don issue of the 12th of the presome definite line of policy Cyril Corniffe attend theservice which is Carlos Monge sent month, by which you before entering on the new in Secretary the form listed to start at 30 o clock.
Secretary General, National can observe year work. He referred Edụcators Association, which was carried out the specially to the teacher CH San Jose process of the election and were they obliged to accept GAMEZ LUMBER YARD installation of the Adminisremuneration. For too long Esteemed Sir: trators a time, he contended Look for this Sign on 4th, street toward the By the resolution through We are very thankful to the left overs. Parents, on Northern Machine Shops the medium of the telegram you for the kindness of the the whole, were not consideof November 4th, ult. for information, which, without rate toward the teachers The best assortment of native lumber, laurel and Cedar. wardded by the Ins.
Gen doubt, actuated for us to who had to train their child Prices to meet the economic situation. Courteous and prompt eral of Private Schools to merit your confirmity, and ren; as a rule, they left them serv. ce assured all purchasers.
our delegate, Señor don we utilize this opportunity for the very last to be paid, Juan Peralta, the tea to manifest that all the team GAMEZ LUMBER YARD if paid at all. The teacher chers of the private schools chers of the private schools fee, in fact, was never inScato acumica of this zone hav preceeded of this zone are ready to cluded in the budget. It was and elected the following accept the General Constitherefore time that sort of RE OPENING OF ENGLISH PRIVATE SCHOOLS Provincial Administrative tution of the National Eduthing come to and end. The Personnel cators Association and have meeting fully endorsed the By the mutual agreement directorship of Mr. Davidsigned the coupon of adhePresident remarks and una of the Teachers of our English son; the Methodist. with President sion.
nimously adopted the follow Private Schools, Major Thos. Mrs. Jessie Wright as DirecMr. Jos. Thomas With the greatest respect ing scale of fees, as from the Lynch, was privileged to re tress; the Seventh Day Ad Vice President we subscribe to be yours re opening dates in January open the Salvation Army ventist. under Mr. Ab Mrs. CC. Bernard very attentively and assur. Junior Grade, 50 cents per school last Monday the 11th bott; the West End. with Secretary ed servants: week; First Grade, 75 cents He is said to have guaranteed Mrs. Weekes as Directress; Mr. Cyril Corniffe per week; Second and Third that no new scholars would be the St. Alban Primary. un Assistant Secty.
For the Administrative Grades, colon per week: admitted until after the other der Mrs. Carnegie; the Ex Mrs. Jessie Wright Personnel of the Teachers Fourth Grade, C1, 25 per schools began functioning, celsior. with Mr. Corniffe Treasurer of Private Schools of the week; Fifth and Sixth Gra and then only on presentation as Diarector. The Children Mrs. Chas. Mason Province of Limon.
des, 50 per week. of the Leaving Card autho. of Mary. attached to the Ca Aux. Treasurer The following other derized by the Teachers Associa tholic Parish, under the direc Mr. Davidson Jos. Thomas cisions were reached. 1) tion tress, Mrs. Bernard, and Members of President.
That no scholars be ad The following schools will the Progressive. operated Advisory Board mitted in any school with start their 1943 educational in the St. Mark Hall, by Mr. Major Thos. Lynch and Cyril Corniffe, out a Leaving Certificate. terms on the morning on Mon Jos. Thomas, will comD. Abbott.
duly filled in and signed by day nexi. the 18th. instant. mence their periods on Monthe Director or Directress of Alpha Cottage under the day the 1st. February proximo.
SABE AHORRAR We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, Elegant Fittings.
Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds, East Unidad Sanitaria.
REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA requiem Mass for the late Among the teachers of the Miss Cormenta 1 was held Government Schools of this last Monday morning in the city, who have left to attend Cathedral, the Rev. Fr. John the Teachers Winter Course was the celebrant, and a pleos in San Jose, are the Misses ing number of friends and Abdelnour and Claris Wenmembers of the church con dorf. They are listed for a six gregation attended the solemn week corseu. We wish theno service in addition to the sur both an enjoyable and beneviving relatives.
ficol stay in the Capital.
LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO boog tudistno obnoH Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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