
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th. 1943 PERSONAL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS WOO а mer Among the several stran ARCHITECT AND BUILDER THE ORIENTAL BARBER gers who have been with us Years of practical knowledge, SHOP during the past months, efficient, neat, accurate. These Located in front former mainly on account of world my bighest ambition Any design Motive Power Club in 3r wide activities and Nazi agin wood turned out with gratiAvenue is the new parlour igression, is Mr. Arthur fying results. Office and shop the only Oriental Barber St Philp of th Crusader 5th. Avenue, North UNIA.
CHAS RODEN in this city. All sanitary Seizing the opportunity of arrangements. Barber the company of a few friends THE RESETTER WITH IM years of practice in all clas he left a few days ago to PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. ti country. Seen by arepresentate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most tative of the Atlantic Voi heated on Commerce Avenue fastidious. ce in the Capital, our visi almost opposite Teatro ArrasLIONEL MONDON tor declared he was pleasing ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
ly attracted with what hervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT had sen and greatly appre inair Specialist.
CABINET AND UNDER ciated the marke hospitality ING SHOP. Specializes in m: extended him by all.
EDIBLE OILS Ing and repairing furniture. every other branch of of the Costarrican Oils and work. Coffins always stock Grease Company (Alajuela) Xee as before going elsewhe 4th. Stres SEVERAL RECENT DEATHS Enquire regarding quality Prices moderate.
Factory prices of Rentrance to Gamez. Luz Paris, Apdo. 537, San Jose Yard. SYDNEY BECKFOI Manager.
Among the many unfor WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND HARLEM BAR tunates who died in the San ECONOMY. Everything in ma NEW Juan de Dios Hospital, San chinery made or repaired, from RESTAURANT. The Best drir We prepared by Crawford Jose, recently, are the und a Pin to a Crane. See us.
La senda de la derrota llaman los rusos al camino que ermentioned, who were as Springs and other useful things eign liquors stocked Our Co carry an assortment of Beds, Grant, Genuine native and han tomado los alemanes en su precipitada fuga. Unsociated with this Zone.
at all times. Building No. 89 ne service the most up to da soldado de caballería ruso pasa al lado de un tanque De fipe Dixon Chavarria, North Fifth Avenue. CRAWFORD AND GRAN nazi destruido por la artilleria soviética.
46 years of age, late of Almi THOMPSON, Proprietor. Proprietors rante and a daughter of Lu Dixon and Manue a No Squeel, no scolding nor complaint from Mothers, Wis RESTAURANT FOR PROGRESS Chavarria. She entered the or Sweethearts when the hair cut or shave is done at. institution on the 16th. De xon Barber Shop. West of the City Market. EASTERN END FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY cember last and died on the LIMON 31st. idem.
SHORTS OF INTEREST level where they are mai Look out for the opening of the Restaurant and cool Juan Fletes, 76 years of drink counter which you have long desired: everything facturing submarines. age, formerly of Siguirres. The announcement has plant is supposed to be pa will be on hand to satisfy the appetite: well cooked meals He entered the hospital on ben made that, after a se tected by a bomb proof ce special mondongo soup (Creole Style) Frescos of all kinds the 23rd. November last cret reunion in France, theering with a thickness will be prepared according to orders: Prices to meet every year and died there on the Communist Party have from 90 to 120 feet pocket: Good and courteous service: We will buy Costa 27th. ultimo.
agreed to adhere to and an additional protection Rica lottery and fruits of all variety.
Lazaro Salazar Bardici, fully assist the DeGaulle sand.
THE COSTARRICAN. PROPRIETOR 59 years of age, also a for movement.
In a recent discourse resident of Siquirres In a locality near Brest, First Lord of the Admiral and the wife of Luz Romero France, it is stated the Ger declared that, despite MARRIAGE FMISS MARY GOLDSON AND MR. Ramirez. She died on the mans have constructed a heavy losses sustained, 9th. of the present month. plant about two hundred British fleet posses sed DAVID CHISHOLM and forty feet below water day more airplane carryi ships than at the start of A most exquisite wedding, teverages, dancing climaxed MALABARDAHAN ARTHA KIUME TANTRISTALOTERBONDEN war.
ceremony was presented in the the event.
Una gran 1943 oportunidad para adquirir los servicios CONCENTRACION NAZI BO township of Siquirres on Wed competentes de confianza y de muy larga experiencia BARDEADA POR LA RAF nesday the 30th. December To Mrs. Rubie Mclntish Señor GEORGE LAZARUS lost. The religious rite was belongs the enconium for hay EL CAIRO, 15. UP. Se anun performed at the St. Mary ing so artistically effected the como administrador de propiedades en la provincia de oficialmente que la aviación al Church of the Anglican Cure. ensemble. The newly weds left Limón. Se habla español e inglés.
da atacó ayer intensamente a centraciones de vehículos ener by the Rector the Rev. the following day for San Jose.
Dirección Postal: Apartado 449 Limón James Evans, most impressigos de trasporte y un aeródroi NO OLVIDE QUE LOS EXITOS COMERCIALES vely. The Choir, led by Mr.
The Scribe.
avanztado. La actividad en tie, Des Landes with Mr. Ferdie at DEPENDEN DEL FUNCIONARIO.
se limitó a operaciones de las trullas, the organ, greatly enhanced the occasion.
The bride was princessly FORMER RESIDENT VISITS US.
sowned in white completed by o coronet of plush roses. Her In very appreciative lan with Dr. Trusdell, he had co shimmering shirred all over guage we were recently enter ducted a Dental Clinic duri of rich falange of organza trimmed with silver tained by a distinguished visi the years 1903 1905.
lamme tor who formerly resided in Among those still with was of added beauty. Her bou our city. Accompanied by his who had the pleasure of quet was of lillies and tulips.
Mr. David Howell gave grand daughter, Dr. George Dorand earlier acquaintanc her Dorand, an American Den is our highly regarded citiz away in marriage. Mr. Oliver tist arrived here from the of pioneer days, Mr. Thos.
McIntosh performed the duties of Best man. Miss Winefred neighbouring and friendly Re. McGuinness, and with who Charles was Chief Bridesmaid public of Panama where he the Doctor exchanged the is engaged in his dental pro mest and most cordial grel and the Misses Dolores and fession.
ings. Doctor Dorand was ple Lindsay the Train Bearers. The Dr. Dorand said that as hisingly impressed with the reception was held in the hall grand daughter was on her neral progress Limon had ma of the Progressive Lodge, when school vacation he had brought during the past thirty yea the accustomed toasts were her to know Costa Rica, while Our visitors went up to showered on the happy couple. After an exceedingly enjoy he refreshed his affection for Capital to further enjoy the our country, and particularly vacation, which it is hop able time at the festive table, which was appetizingly our city where, in association they did.
laid with rich edibles and delicious NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA JOSE ACHION Ng.
Comerciante detallista The best assortment of first class lumbe Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Artículos de Ferretería y ElécLaurel and Cedar tricos; todo se encuentra en este establecimiento. Los armeros británicos en Libia, no carecen de trabajo Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour PRECIOS DE SITUACION en la reparación y cuido del armamento británico. He Saw Mill in Siquirres. We buy Logs aquí a dos de estos expertos llevando rifles a su taller.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismCommunist PartyFranceNazism

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