
Saturday, January 16th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 REAL PROFITEERING In Unblemished Remembrance Mr. Editor: pect to be accorded the good: COSTA RICA SODA Time, in its revolution, has brought us, the Fourth Do you know that during wil of our citizenry and that Anniversary, mingled with the sorrows of life, when the week days prior to the amount of generous support the Call was effected for our beloved Husband and 25th. December last, certain on which the success of thels WATER FACTORY Father of our commercial traders business largely depends.
charged the exorbitant Those of us who can do so will HENRY HYLTON amounts of 00 per pound certainly take our patronage Fábrica de Hielo y for Butter and 50 for elsewhere.
and his spirit took its flight to Him who gave it on Flour? The price of Pork also As you emphasized some JANUARY 20th. 1939 scared to 1. 75 during the time ago, Mr.
Refrescos Editor, there Two years later another Blow struck our hearts when some period. This was due, of still continues an urgent need our darling daughter and sister course, to the increase in the for an Official Junta to Limón demand for these commodities control the prices we poor sur WINFIELD AURELIA for the making of Cakes and fering dwellers in this Zone Tamales for the Christmas should pay for our every day FLORIDA ICE AND passed into Eternity, in a strange land on festivities. was real profi necessities.
JANUARY 16th. 1941 teering!
Yours with thanks, How can those who indulge FARM CO Two precious ones from us are gone, in such unscrupulous acts ex. Sufferer.
The voices we loved to hear are still, LA FIORD Their places at home are vacant And never can be filled.
MADERAS OUR CONGRATS WIDOW. SON. DAUGHTERS FABRIL The birth of a future Medico Sergio Antonio 27 December 1942 BAPTIST TO RESTAGE NEWS VIEWS Sergio Vindas. Hilda de Vindas CONCERT (By Drummond, Cristobal, Canal Zone)
Limon, Costa Rica.
The Vomen of the Federa.
The above is the wording and Mrs. Sergio Vindas, our tion associated with the city Baptist Church gave a concert In her latest book, THIS on the equisitely designed and widely esteemed citizens.
In contrast to Mrs. Roose richly finished Card which IS AMERICA. Mrs. 11 eo velt statements, Mrs. Clara released the information Doña Hilda and the future on the 15th. ultimo, and so of Medico are reported to be enjoyable an affair it was that nor Roosevelt once more em Boothe Luce, Congresswo the great after Christmas Git: enjoying good health. The numerous requests have been phasized the importance of man, and wife of the public which the proverbial Stork ATLANTIC VOICE extends made for its restaging. in acracial equality, and assured sher of LIFE, TIME, and ceding to this token of high better post war world FORTUNE, pointed out that deposited in the home of Dr. lits sincerest. congrats.
appreciation, the Federation for the people of colour. the American of colour For a better or more presentable hair cut or shave go to Management have arranged We hope. she said, that should be better treated and Stanley Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market Day for its repetition on the eventhe bright and cheerful fa given equal opportunities in and Night Service.
ing of Monday the 18th, insces of little colored children, war industries and other tant.
happy in their schools, may fronts at home. Every time BUTTER AND CHEESE FROM NICARAGUA Those who heard the side never be clouded by the kno a colored American is desplitting manologues of Miss wledge that equality is not nied a war job. declared In view of the abnormal which the imported stuffs will Susana Allen, the wonderful always as real as it sounds, Mrs. Luce, we are helping amounts the general consum be offered the public will of recitation of Mrs. Sarah Riceven in this land of free. Hitler and Hirohito, and er now has to pay for Butter ford our people a sensible re ketts designated Advice to dom.
postponing the day of vieto and Cheese, due, it is claim lief.
the Young. the pathetic ren In our land. she went ry.
ed, to the scarcity of the nadering of their poems by Mrs.
on, the colored American It is in this tragic way. tional primaries, we note the Spence and Mrs. DaCos.
has accomplished much, and she said, that the chickens announcement that the govern SALOMON CHIN to, the gripping memorial to has to day an increasing of racial prejudice will coment will permit importations the Federation first Presichance to get an education me home to roost, or rath of the two articles from the Estrada dens, Mrs. Spencer Alick, by and to broaden his scope in er the cultures of prejudice neighbouring Republic of NiMiss Naomi Taylor, as well as the arts, the professions and which are even now picking coragua the other splendid renditions, industry. Mrs. Roosevelt white the bones of our sons LA IBERIA It is also understood that are surely, we opine, yearning added more truth by stating on the battlefields.
arrangements are underway to hear them once more and but ancient prejudices and do say. she continued for further importations of Abarrotes y Licores Gre urging their friends who oppressions are hard to that right here in America Rice.
did not attend the earlier fung down, and we can achieve there is still too great a gap It is hoped the rates at Precios Económicos tion not to miss this coming our ideal of equal opportuni between our professed ideal ty only by exercising eternal of a war for freedom, a peo Mrs. Luce continued, we vigilance. Like Abraham ple war, a war for demo are still guilty of practicing Lincoln, Mrs. Roosevelt ad cracy, and the way we prac some of the same hard dismitted, nation cannot tise what we preach. The criminations, and perpetua exist half slave and haif Congress woman clearly po ting some of the sam ecruel free. and pointed out that. linted out that she was not loppressions for which it is the goal and pledge of saying the Axis combine condemn our Axis enemies.
our democracy that we can would treat the coloured ra of many more americans all live together in a spirit ces any better, but emphasi would make similar dogma of good will and mutual reszed the necessity of equall tie statements good results pect.
ty. For here at home, would not long be delayed.
a one.
Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS GARRON e HIJOS APARTADO 417 LIMON Las mujeres británicas prestan valiosos servicios como foógrafas militares. En la foto vemos a dos WRENS llevando una cámara aérea después de un vuelo de reconocimiento sobre el territorio enemigo.
20 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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