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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, January 16th. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN his ries.
MODERN WOMEN UNDER NAZI HITLER NEW YEAR BRITISH WAR DOGS BLIND PUSH VICTORY INFANTRY 1943 YOKE The contrast between Hitler The dog sentries appealed for Binded men and women ar When we think of the British Since three years of war have New Year Day proclamation by the British War Office Jast playing an increasing rart Army the picture first in our drawn heavily upon Germany yesterday and other proclama May are now guarding air fields the giarcals. e tunition minds is surely of the foot sol. manpower, the Nazis have been tions which he has issued at stores, factories and gun sites. in Britain. In one factory, 13 mg dier, with his long traditions drafting their women for war this time in other years is too besides going out on patrol and ed people are now producing from the archers at Crecy to the work in ever increasing num sharp, one would think, to be carrying messages.
thousands of nattresses for the infantry of 1914, shooting bers. No estimates of the size missed even by the dullest eye At first the Army asked for and hospitals. At anostraight at 15 rounds a minute of this recruited woman labor in Germany. Two years ago, at Alsatians, Airedales, Bull Te. ther workshop, wicker covers with their rifles at corps are possible, but there the turn of the year following rriers and Collies, or crosses for Navy rum iars are being Mons and Fir Ypres Then are sure indications that its for his triumphant sweep through between these breeds. Later made by the blind, also pwy. pas the Western Front congeal ce is tremendous, so vast indeed Western Europe and his first they recruited from a wider strainer baskets for the Natioed into two vast trench sist that its reserves by now are tremendous aerial bombardment field, including Norwegian nal Fire Service, basket panniems his initiative was bluntêd. about exhausted.
of Britain, Hitler declared to Elkhounds, Himalayan sheepers for tanks and the Red Cross.
his interest dulled, and his Rhodesian In search of manpower, the his then undefeated army: Sol dogs, ridge backs In this same factory blind worenthusiasm Killed, reducing Nazis have cast an eye on female diers! the year 1941 will bring (used for lion hunting in Afri kers are weaving ships rope him to a stolid and cynically labor in their occupied territo consummation of the greatest ca. and Dutch aayittunds or fenders, weining from seven humorous acceptance of Consequently, there are victory in our history. Not only barge dogs.
pounds to a ti. anat a half mainly squalid lot. The effect already an estimated half a would it bring an end of the Amy dogs are extreniely well Ms. Wind men and wonen of that four years degradation million foreign women working war; it would bring the beginn cared for. Thousands of swners work in their own homes der of the status of infantry perrist in the Reich. They are of va ing of a peace in which Germa remembering the high standard the supervision of the Home ed into two vas french syst rious nationalities, but chiefly ny was the master nation: The of treatment in the last war, said Industries. Department of the Mechanization of the conscripted from Nazi occupied year 1941 will be the histori goodbye to their pets for the National Institute for the Blind, Army, including the infantry, Russia. They were drafted by cal year of the great New Order duration without any and under the care of the lvimisgivwas the real beginning of the Gestapo boards and shipped like for Europe.
nistry of Health. Among che arOne year ago, with a weary cattle into Germany, where they RESTORATION OF HIS ticles which have been paroduc well trained guard dog can labor under the Nazi yoke. German army spending its first PRESTIGE scent a stranger two handreded by these workers are potato Their lot is pitiful. They have Winter deep in Russia, Hitler yards away, point to biri, and picking baskets for the Ministry Far from degrading the infantry lost their homes and have the did not venture again to pre tackle him if necessary all in of Agriculture, operational man further by making it unne status of slaves.
dict the end of the war within silence. Training takes about stockings for the Army and the cessary for him to learn even To cope with the ever increas twelve months; but he did pro four months, the including and doormats for time how to march and to shoot strai ing demand for labor the Nazis mise, within that period, the taken for the dogs to get War Office.
to ght, this warfare with machines are now reported to be mobilizdestruction of the Russian Ar know the men they will finally meant a need for quicker think ing volunteer female wor my: In 1942, with all the work with ing, quicker reactions, and quickers in their western territo preparations we have made, we SAYINGS One of the dogs now on actiker movement when on foot, ries. Dutch and Belgian women will again seize this enemy of ve service had a peacetime job than had ever been demanded have not yet been drafted for mankind and beat it until the with a gas company; his spe believe, lies in the acceptance by Our hope for the future, of the infantry before. work in Germany, but are being desire of the Jewish capitalistic cialty was pointing to leaks in women and young people of The complete foot soldier of used in war industries in their and Bolshevistic world for des the pipes.
their responsibility. think we to day is a man unencumbered native lands. However, a great truction is broken.
Now, in 1943, he does not failed before because we could by overmuch equipment: a man number of French women, supthe New not think on international lines alert and fit above all, fit. posedly 30, 000, are in the Reich, promise victory in SPIRITUAL TREASURES Mrs. Roosevelt.
master, more or less, of 14 we and the Nazis are throwing out Year. He does not promise the apons (if all the types of gre bait to catei more of them. It destruction of the Russian Ar In the heat of battle the sanade are He does not even speak included) and the is highly doubtful whether they my.
of Russia. great tree draws its nou crifices of the peoples of tactics of them in the field. He will succeed. Laval coopeHe does not speak the He does not speak rishment from the sun and the United Nations could not be is wily in the use of ground and rative efforts failed to fill the of Rommel.
material cover and of artificial conceal German quota of French wor of the British and American ar air and through the roots that compensated by any ment for himself, his weapons, kers. It will be infinitely har mies landed on the shores of the strike deep into the undersoil. reward. No pay, no wages, no nation too has its roots. The conditions of work or of fightMediterranean within striking and his vehicles: quick to reco der to convince French women social structure men see de ing could ever repay the debt we gnize aircraft and armoured that there is a better place than distance of his partner, Mussovehicles, whether his the lini. Instead, he warns that the pends for its vitality upon un owe to every man and woman them beyond own or home for Rhine.
of the enemy, and to struggle will be hard. And, as seen beliefs and secret sources who is helping and has helped, if driven on remorselessly to of moral and spiritual strenght in the salvation of our civilizaThe Britain we love has deep tion. Sir Stafford Cripps, ACT CORRECTLY AFTER THE TRUE GLORY answer the question which his people do not yet dare to ask roots in the long traditions of Lord Privy Seal.
RECOGNITION Lord God, when Thou gi openly, he promises that Ger its past. And not least of its vi Those who maintained their He must be able to march far vest to Thy servants to endea: many will never be conquer tal stores are those great Chrisstill faith in the British Army and and fast if necessary on road vour in any great matter, grant ed and never will capitulate. tian standards which we What must be the frame of honour as a nation, even when its leaders have been amply reor track not in columns of us also to know that it ss not the mind of a German people who we fail fully to live up to them. warded. feel that the tide has fours with his own singing or Beginning but the Continuing Among the deep convictions now turned. Mr. Ernest Bewere assured two perhap years ago drums or pipes to of the same until it be Thorou keep the step, but (much more ghly Finished which yieldesh that a triumphant peace was as on which our roots lay hold are vin, Minister of Labour.
of exacting even with his lighter the True Glory. Sir Peaneis good as won and are now told the over ruling moral law This is not the end: it is not bodily burden) by little sec Drake, 1540 1596.
that the hardest tasks still lie God to which dictators and goahead?
are subject, the even the beginning of the end, tions in single file, strung We do not know the vernments out answer to that question. Cer worth of the human soul, the but it is perhaps the end of the irregularly, silent and alert against possible the beginning. The Prime Minise attack to use a field dressing, and look tainly we cannot afford to build love of equal justice and from front or flanks or rear, or from after his feet. If he is in one of our plans on the expectation of obligations of a common above.
In battle he must be the platoons that tend to spean early breakdown of Ger therhood.
But in millions In proportion as the nation ITALIANS PLAY SAFE fit to run, crawl, climb, and cialize, he must know, further, man morale.
how to wade getting semehow (and pre carry on field com of darkened homes from Ham draws upon such deep treasures serving life and limb while munications; to use and main burg to the Black Forest there of the spirit will it stand untain tracked carriers or whee must have been strange and moved in the fiercest tempest, There are many thousands of doing it) across any kind of led trucks, or and be a shield and a succour Italian prisoners in Britain who New country, and to come troubled thoughts to his Year Eve, as the German peoto the oppressed. Never has are helping with agricultural objective strong enouga and TO SHOOT EFFECTIVELY Britain been truer to her noblest work. By international agrecollected enough ple contemplated the holocaust with the big infantry mortar of German life in traditions than to day.
ement, if they work they get TO KILL HIS ENEMY Russia, Thus wider and wider grows the the paid.
in a trench, a the growing power of pillbox, or a range of qualities demanded British Air Force to deal deadly One day recertly a group of house in a street. Nor is that of and tasks imposed on the Britain Italians came to the commanall that is required of the in common soldier. whethec cni! resources of America and the aerodrome land in New World.
are under cultivation? Next year dant of their prison camp and fantryman to day lie musted guardsman. fusilier. ri.
it is expected that all home made the startling request that know something about the war fleman. or just private. We based stations will be they should be allowed to inhow to deal with have to look among the best of DO YOU KNOW THAT self supporting in vegetables. vest part of their earnings in their effects on himself and his our young men again for our German civilian el acnees British War Savings Certifiweapons: how to make a road infantry, and having found them from bombed German towns. of cates. The camp coromandant block; ambush a tank; and to imbue them first with the old, Sixty seven tons of saivage whom there are about 50, 000 explained to them that by puttto lay down and to upstanding pride in their pui have been collected up to date at in the Paris and Dijon regions, ing their money into war savings the best advantage a smoke celess arm of the service. The one station? For the peak have German ration cards giv they were directly assisting the screen.
These are in ad right spirit has returnert to our month of June last the totai was ing them priority over the war effort against their country.
dition to most of the old in foot soldier: he is his own 1992 tons. including tons. French?
The prisoners were undeterred fantry requirements, like the man once more as the enemy cwts. of old motor and aero Waste wood and coal mixtu by the protest. We still want right way to dig, to put up wire, is finding and will continue to tyres, 12 cwts. bottles aadl jars, re, now being used by some to put our money in British War to cary out a patrol by day or find till the end of the present and 11 cwts, of waste naper. locomotives, will probably Savingswell, at any rate, the night, to cook with a mess tin, chapter of war.
More than 3, 000 acres of save 25, 000 tons of coal a year? money will be safe.
bro ter.
on gases and use Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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