
mous Atlantic Zone Planters Seek Indemnity for three serious lanthreatened the important oil wells of the presence of Nazi forces THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK In preparations for wars, every man should think as if the last event depended on his counsel, In batile, he should fight as if he were the single champion. None con tell what discoveries are within his reach, or how much he may contribute to the public safety.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 THE WEE. WEE ANTS PEST YEAR VIII LIMON, JANUARY 23rd. 1943 NO 358 If we are to continue our agrricultural activities, not SOME RECENT HAPEMINGS ON THE RUSSIAN cnly in our own instersts and those of the general commu BATTLE FRONTS nity, but also as an aid to the country war contribution, it is evident that unless the Government comes to the aid The advises which have rea taken will signify moral of the mall farmers in many parts of this Zone, we shall be ched us from the battle fields blow to the Nazis.
of the Soviet Union disclose a compelled to lay down our arms These were the expres The inevitable liquidation series of gruesome happenniy of the twenty two German sions of a very conscientious agriculturist of Cuba Creek, for the Nazis during the past divisions, gotted up in the a district along the Zen Line, during a recent conversation week.
Stalingrado area, is fast In a three days offensive ef approaching. As the result fected some eight days or He declared that among the most destructive of plant so of an attack by a column of ago the Russian advance in the the Red Army on a fortified plagues are the Wee wee ants which are now in open war Voronezh sector covered 90. position west of the city, fare against their cultivations their invasion had gone kilómetros and included the 300 Germans were killed, for beyond the farmers ability to halt their march.
occupation of six hundred and 97 captured in addition As these parasites destroy everything the farmers cultowns and districts, the taking to seven tanks, cannon, 39 of 17, 000 prisoners, the killing field guns, and a large quan tivate, they not only retard their activities but cause the of 15, 000 enemy officers and tity of other material. Betabandonment of cultivations to the serious detriment of all men and the sizure of an enor ween November, 19 th. and concerned as well as the community economic interests.
quantity of supplies.
If the necesscry chemical or insecticide were secured which, in part, the 10th. instant more than consisted of six hundred German supply Genl: MONTGOMERY, by the goverment and sold, at a reasonable rate, to the 910 cannon, 490 motors, 14, 000 formers, we aresure condition woul be battered and our rifles, 520 camons, 150 tractors Planes have been reported and a considerable number oi destroyed in the neighbour in command of the British forpeople encouraged to continue their worthwile pursuits. May air planes hood of Stalingrade, This ces operating in Libya.
we hope the matter will reach the attention of our highly The troops operating under deprived the attacking forregarded Minister of Agriculture and the appeal of our the command of Gernal Vatu ces of much needed food tin over a forty mile frontage and seattered panic among cultivators given an early and favourable consideration. The By a joint major offensiin the Donetz River region ha them.
preaction of our agricultural industry is imperative at this ve movement from within ve arrived to a point about 80 time more so since we cannot depend on importations.
kilómetros south In the Caucasian sector, and outside the city, the viof Rostov. the Russian advance is nea tally important port of LeThe important centers of Khar ring Arnavir direct west of ningrade has been freed of if Maikop. Should Armavir be; who had besieged it for se: Damages suffered by Acts of War pertv, thot a memorial will occupied, the enemy forces venteen months, at a cost In the Spanish section of It has also been stated that be addressed to the President located in these oilfield a of more than 250. 000 of our last week impression we the Costa Rica Banana Compa of the Republic and consulta reas will be complete! y iso their man power, it is cal released the information that my will be asked to make re tions had with the lated.
govern the Banana planters of this Zo presentation before the Jun ment Authorities in Washing Be wise, join the increasing number of satisfied clients who ne ho held a meeting in the ta in Charge ow Enemy Pro get their hair cut and shave at Dixon Barber Shop. West Cap. ts and after, fully discus of the City Market.
sina the critical situation, which had arisen as a conse.
ALLIED AERIAL CFFENSIVE ON INCREASE quence of the suspension of our fruit trade, had named a The Royal Air Force have the property loss wass excepti Cor: ttee to seek an indem intensified their activities. nally high. the local authorit nification on their behalf from against the Nazis and Fascists admit the loss of more thar.
the Junta in charge of th in all the more important sec 100 lives. Enemy Property. It was held tors. One of their recent ob Allied air unity are also cazz that as the damages and pre jectives was Lorient, Hitler judices they had suffered and principal submarine base. Se tinuning their slaughterin of Gre still suſiering, were caus rus damage was caused by the fleeing Ronnel army who ed by the acts of those witt, the many tons of heavy bom se line of travel from Tripo whon the nation is at to Tunez is said to be covered discharged on the city.
war they are entitled, by virtue o The Ruhr regions in Germo with the bodies of Germans Italians and destroyce the law which deals with the nv also had their coses, nator, to an indemnity from well as Berlin where it is said vehicles.
the enemy assets held by the Junta. meeting was held a TRIPOLI MENACED BY ALLIED FORCES few days ago by the Committee Latest advices regarding, may of the coast, have ar and we learn that the fo low the operations in North rived at the city of Homs, ing gentlemen were named to frica, indicate that the 8th. about 90 odd kilometros off specially represent the interets British army has reached Tripoli. In London it is of the planters. den Jose the near vicinity of the im believed that the other for Rossi for the section from La portant enemy base and ce advancing from the Junta to Linton, don Ricardo capital of Libya. the city south are about 30 kilome Villafranca for those of Paris of Tripoli. According to the tros from the capital.
mina and Rio Jimenez and despatches from Argel the In view of the report that VETERAN SOUTH AFRICA REGIMENT IN LIBYA: RHODEdon Ricardo Gutierrez for the forces of General Montgome the weakened army of geSIANS OF THE KING ROYAL RIFLES. Rhodesians have Old Line.
ry, who are advancing by neral Rommel have crossed served with the 60th. King Royal Rifles since Lord Kitchener the frontier of Túnez it is put them there during the war of 1914 18. Many veterans of BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT thought the Axis Command that time are now serving with the regiment in Libya side by have abandoned the the iside with theyounger generation of their countrymen, all volun dea of defendming the. Li teers. They are living up to the tradition of the regiment vyan capital.
through gruelling Western Desert battles.
Dur ng the nights of Sun PICTURE SHOWS: Rhodesian Bren gunner of the King Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket day, Monday and Tuesday Royal Rifles in action.
Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
last, British naval units des MINNIE troyed a total of thirteen Milk, evap. large. 00 Wire Sponges 25 enemy ships in the Central GRAND OPPORTUNITY Kerosene, bot 60 Potted Meat, tin 75 Mediterranean, without exsait, lbs. 35 Sweet Oii, bor 75 periencing any casualties or SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC Sapolio 00 Klim, tin 25 damages to their ships.
Sugar, Ib. 25 Dats, lb. 00 It is off cially announced can be purchased at very low prices.
that the French forces, unWe offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh der the command of GeneAll In serviceable condition.
Merchandise ral LeClerc, heve joined the LA PROVEEDORA 8th. British army in Libya. Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon. last minute advice an LIMON nounces the occupation of JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella Tripoli by the Allied army.
as and LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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