
PAGE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, January 23rd. 1943 CIVIL MARRIAGE FRATERNAL ORDER THI THANTHIRUNTHHHHHHHHHHHHHI Two of our widely appre, Thusday, ten days ago. TO INSTALL OFFICERS HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA ciated citizens, Mr. Allan We sincerely congratulate LIMON CITY Hylton, son of the late Hen and wish them the cho. cest The knowledge has been This Ho:e. with its airy, cool and comfortabie rooms fac.
ry Hylton, and his wi blessings of a happy and obtained that the Scotch Liog toe sea, its Bar and Re: taurant, with an excellent dow, Mrs. Susan Hylton, prosperous union. As a son ly Lodge, of the Indepencuisine se. vice, disir lo advise its esteemed patrons that and Miss Ina Williams, and brother, Mr. Hylton dent United Order of Scotit is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. has always demonstrated entish Meghanics, will cona fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient Federick Williams, took the nobling virtues. We are su duet its Installation Ceremo service at all times by its new Proprietor.
solemn vows of matrimonyre he and his wife will ha ny on Wednesday night the in the office of the Gover ve the hearty goodwill of 27th. instant. The Adminis ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS nor of this Province on our entire community. tration will, it is said, be они шоппинисти headed by Miss Irene Step GAMEZ LUMBER YARD hens as Worthy Mistress So many mothers could not be wrong when they say and Mrs. Adora Brown as Our 4th Street toward the Northern Machine Shops Deputy Mistress. The eleva boys get their hair cut at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE tion of several members, to Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to higher degrees will also ta ke place, we are told. 500, 000 GERMANS KILLED IN TWO MONTHS A MEZ LUMBER YARD cordial invitation has We never have a dissatisfied Customer been extended members of During a celebration in Mo more than 500, 000 of the Axis he Order in good standing PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET sw to morate the 101 mon power had been kiked th their respectives lod anniversary of the death and 200, 000taken prisoners SHORTSMUSEET ves.
Lenin, it was announced tha on the Russian battlefronts setween the 19th. November FILIAL TRIBUTE last and the 19th. in: tant.
It was also stated thai dur sanse period 4, 000 tanks, 12, 000 CORT. and The time has come, the very hour, 3, 500 aisp. anes were seized As death, life onery, austere, oy the Srits.
In countenance and cruel power, Drives out the breath of mother dear.
PERSONAL BRIEFS And then the change, the very hour, Mr. Oscar McFarlane, Assails my manly breast. Too weak son of Mr. and Mrs. Far Am to and about the room lane of Beverly Farm. La Weak kneed, upset, cannot speak.
Estrella, after spending the Yuletide Season with his There lies the form, to rise no more, raren, relatives and friends, returned, during To call me to her side again, the week in course, to the To give me counsels like before, Canal Zone, to resume his For which weep but all in vain.
ing the Mr. Alberga of No more to hear her coming home Miles was a week end visiam From market, church and garden farm, tor to our city It is very And cell me to the gate to come pleasing to know he has To greet her in affection warm.
completely recovered from his recent illness and resumed his industrial activiNo more to see her toiling hard, ties.
With songs that made her duties light, ones About the house, about the yard, We also weicome Miss Ja From early morn till late at night ne Howard, a former citizen, who now resides in the Oh precious mother, mother sweet, Capital.
You ve gone beyond all mortal view; BRITISH WOMEN BEHIND THE LINES: RAILWAY MAIN We very much regret haTENANCE WORKER.
But bye and bye let hope to mest. Much of the responsibility for run ving to mention the illness ning Britain railways now lies in the hands of women. Close of our widely regarded toIn spheres where heaven is ever new, on forty thousand railwaywomen undertake tasks such as pain wnsman, Mr. Jos. Brotting locomotives, cleaning stations, acting as porters, guards, herton, of the Universal Then fare you well; but this we know, railway police, and maintenance engineers. Much af this work Barber Shop of this city.
Our parting is only for awhile.
entails heavy manual labour.
He effected transportation God bless you wheresoe er you go.
by air to seek medical aid NAZI AIR ATTACK KILL BRITISH SCHOOL Good bye sad tears. hail welcome smile.
in San Jose and returned CHILDREN AND TEACHERS last Saturday by the regular passeiger train. We Cho. Al must die, by and by.
In retaliation for the anteust Forty children and five tea wish him the speed est reBut in Christ it is the happiest day fied attacks the RAF have been chers were reported killed and covery.
When we die, by and by registering over Germany 2nd fifty children injured. The ma Mr. Reggie Steele, one of For with Crist tis blissfulness for aye.
the occupied teritories, the inn jority of the Children, who lost the outstanding meat cutzis recently resumed aerial in their lives, were the smaller ters in our city market, is HOWLETT, Guacimo, cursions over England. Che ones, as they were having lunch confined to such made a few days ago des with their teachers at the tune as the consequence of his residence illtroyed a three storey building of the attack, while the bigger ness. His very courteous ser in which a school was being ones had gone to their respecticonducted tes and pleasing manner sms are greatly missed. It is Reggie soon be up and.
The follow ng informa thousand tons of medicines tion, issued recently from were among the vast ALMACEN a transportation from England London, gives a true indica mount of belligerent and and the United States, destion of the very valuable other material to reach Rus pite the preventative efforts aid the British and Northsia by ordinary marine of the enemy.
MATERIALES DE ZAPATERIA American governments are giving Russia and which mi litary experts declare has RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO largely assisted the Soviet EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, CALZADO successes.
The release states that LIMON prior to the month of No When in this city from the Line Towns and Coasts come vember last year thres thou to the above named Restaurant. the service you have LIMON APARTADO 150 sand planes, four thousand zong desired Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool tanks, thirty thousand moto drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders rized Vehicles eight hunOPEN DAY AND NIGHT For a better or more presentable hair cut or shave go to dred thousand tons of proWe buy Costa Rica Lottery Stanley Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market Day jectiles, machinery and COSTARRICAN Proprietor and Night Service.
foodstuff, as well as three Avelino de la Peña Co. Sucs. IMPORTANT ATTILO AMERICAN AID TO RUSSIA Hope Perth will com Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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