
Saturday, January 23rd. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE A SECOND SOLICITUDE cuesta mucho menos lavar toda la ropa con Jabon AMERIKA rendidor y espumoso AGUSTIN CASTRO Cía.
its We NOTICE ROIG There is an old adage which runs He who has the raw meat watches the fire. In line with this, Liverpool is effecting, througlt this medium, second solicitude to the highly regarded Manager of the Northern Railway 36 Company for the erection of a covered platform at this very important point of sic freightage. The loss we con inue to suffer in connec0 tion with our incoming and or outgoing perishable goods is seriously effecting our al DEATH OF COLONEL VICTOR SARTORESSI ready hard pressed economie situation.
Limon join in lamenting deavour of an uplifting cha.
We understand a plat the sad passing of Colonel racter launched in our Pro form is being erected at Victor Manuel Sartoressi vince. His principles were COLONEL THE PRINCESS ELIZABETH WITH HER GUARDS Castro which, to our pract which took place in the Oa markedly democratic.
REGIMENT. The British Crown Princess Elizabeth, Colonel il knowledge, is not as pital the earlier part of the remember his displaying sa mewhat of the wisdom of a. in Chief of the regiment, inspected a batalion of the Gre distinctive a shipping cen week in, course.
nadier Guards in the South Eastern Command. The King and ter as Liverpool. Though, His was a life of great modern Solomon at the tiQueen were with her. She was wearing the regimental badge seemingly, our previous pe worth and of outstanding me of one of our sporting on her hat. Colonel the Princess Elizabeth shaking hands with tition has not received the value to the nation and hu engagements on behalf of an officer of her regiment.
favourable attention we ho manity in general. We le a Drive for funds in aid ped it would, we are earnes all with sincere affection of Allied War Charities. Co La Princesa Elizabeth, saluda a uno de los guardias del tly awaiting our turn and and profound respect his te conel Sartoressi has left an regimiento delcual ella es coronel efectivo trust it will not be far dis nure of duty in this com nonoured name which will tant.
munity as Commander of go down to his posterity. Villager Police. Justice and equity The Atlantic Voice ten were ever his goal in the ders its profoundest condodispensing of his official du lence to his family in this Address all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajos Private School Teachers ties. He always wholehear their hour of great grief.
ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a tedly supported every en May his soul rest im Peace.
to Convene Meeting KNOWLEDGE OF SELF BOX 523 Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE The Managing Personnel It cannot be of the Private School TeaCharges Reasonable. Precios Módicos reasonably diagnose his own moral and chers Association adopt this denied that Knoweldge in mental self. At the base of medium to notify all the general, is Power. The an all intellectual and spiritual discriminateachers of this Zone, who cient Greek injunction says growths lies a are identified with the As Know Thyself. It is a ting appreciation of present AN EMBARRASSING SITUATION sociation, that they are re matter which deserves cons attainments and of future La Voz Atlantica learnsced in a most embarrassing quested to attend an imtant emphasis. Ignorance of possibilites. Knowledge of that circulars have recently situation as since the aban portant session which will self not only produces vani self is essential to fixed prita been issued to some of the donment of the Banana in be convened in the Recrea ty but is a precedent to faiſciples of right as well as to lure.
the formation of tenants on lands owned by dustry their the Tomas definite Cacao trade tion Hall of While it may not be clas and wise purposes of life.
the Costa Rica Banana Com has been their only means Guardia School, in this cipany along the Zent District of earning something like a ty, on Sunday the 31st. of med that the proper study Drifting is a source of fai calling attention, to of mankind should be limilure in every avocation. the livelihood.
the present month, commen practice of drying Cacao on cing a p. sharp.
ted to man, it nevertheless vessel left to drift, without cannot be denied that a pro pilot or chart, or compass, their residential holdings We are confident that and tempesand stating that this must the General Manager at In passing, we beg to say per study of the individual on a stormy be discontinued or if not, tention being now called to that the information given the best advantage the powrecked; for sooner or lais self. No one can use to tuous sea will surely be their rental privilege would the matter, he will find it in our last issue, regarding be cancelled and the remo possible to have the matter the newly established school wers he possesses if he be ter it will be drawn into sowithout a knoweldge of me whirlpool or landed val of their dwellings from settled in a manner wh ch tuition fees, is for the guisuch off the property requested. will not bring further hards dance of all the recognized must be discerned before it fed by the mad billows. We Weakness mong the breakers or ingul.
It is understood that the hip on our long suffering schools throughout the Pro can be supplanted by stren may suffer these unpleasvince parties concerned are pla people.
gth. Had not the British ant experiences if we go ON THE VAR EASTERN WAR FRONT Commonwealth of Nations through life without a.
and her Allies discerned knowledge of self. It would In pursuance of their re panese have suffered the Their military weakness, be well for us to bear in cent successful activities, loss of NO of their war they could not have sup mind that our oresent state the allied forces are repor planes in the Salomon Isle: planted it with their now of being is only probationated to he rapidly advancing campaign.
outstandingly effective po ry to our entry into the stain the region of Sanananda wer.
te eternal. Moses in his litin New Guinea and realing New Delhi reports tha The physicion who is able e ark of bulrushes the enemy a series of heavy North American planes ro to diagnose correctly, is safe: only because the hand blows. General Mc Arthur centiy attacked the whari far more liable to cure the of God had been its guide declares that the remaining at Bassein, located 144 afflicted than the one who while it drifted on the cur.
Japanese forces in this re lometros west of the city o: does not know and must rent of the Nile No human gion are rapidly disappear Rangoon as also other ene therefore proceed on a hit being can expect to drift ing due to the violent at my bases in a more north or miss kind of treatment. continually without eventual tacks by the North Ameri westerly direction. groupe Complete mastery is im ly meeting rack and ruin.
can and Australian forces, of British planes are also possible until one is able to ably assisted by the air reported to have effectively fleet.
Effective bombings raided a Japanese aerodro When in Limon fromthe Line Towns, Branches or Coast are also stated to have been me in the interor of Burma.
you should have your hair cut or shave at Dixon Barber carried out over the enmy The important enemy base Shop West of the City Market.
bases in New Britain, La of Akyab was also subjecand Balamaua.
ted to an attack and wbly Uu to the present the Ja damaged.
INFRUCTUOSO ATAQUE A, sudeste de Inglaterra ametrallan BRITISH AIR FORCE PILOTG COMPRAMOS LEMAN SOBRE INGLA do poblaciones, no se sabe si! FROM INDIA. Many young TERRA arojaron bombas, pero no se Indians are serving as pilots COCOS. COPRA ACEITE DE COCO registraron bajas, fueron derri with the British Royal Air ForLONDRES, 22. UP Aviones bados dos aparatos enem gosce, and many more are in train Apartado 362 enemigos cruzaron anoche ei por las baterías antiaéreas, seing. Our photo shows a young Canal de la Mancha y LIMON.
lanza observó la caída de uno de ellos Indian pilot officer in flying ron un ataque contra la costa en el mar.
awas wo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica: 599 289 boot tisuyo We war riman vival tigil


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