
3 PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, January 23rd. 1943 evit eru e!
The STANDARD CONVALESCING LARGE SCALE SP ECIAL SERVICE IN MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS AND BUILDER THE ORIENTAL BARBER MEMORY OF DEAD ARCHITECT It pleases us exceedingly Years of practical knowledge, SHOP DEPORTATION to learn that Mrs. Margaret efficient, neat, accurate. These Located in front former Lewis of Toro is convalescAt the hour of 30 Wed my bighest ambition Any design Motive Power Club in 3rd.
ing at the home of her pa Almost all the enemy na nesday morning, four days in wood turned out with gratiin lying results. Office and shop Avenue is the new parlour of rents, Mr. and Mrs. Stee tionals detained in the Re ago, special service was 5th Avenue, North the only Oriental Barber Shop le, our highly regarded citi public concentration camp, memory of the dead, in this city. All sanitary zens. Mrs. Lewis is said to are reported to have been celebrated in the St. Mark CHAS RODEN.
arrangements. Barber with have undergone a very de sent out the country. The Church by the Rev. Ja years of practice in all classes licate medical treatment in group consisted of men, womes Evans, the Rector. It THE RESETTER WITH IMPROVEMENTS clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. trial San Jose. She had the com men and children, and num was solemnly observed and late Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most paný of her mother while bered more than one hun pieasingly attended hcated on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
there. Her husband was al dred. They are suppose to Among those whose lives almost opposite Teatro ArrasLIONEL MONDON so at her bedside during have departed during the were specially remembered ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
the critical period of her il early hours of Tuesday mor were Henry Hylton, who ervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT ning last. Their destination during his very useful canair Specialist.
CABINET AND UNDERTAKWe wish her an early has not been released.
reer was a catechist of the ING SHOP. Specializes in makand complete recovery.
parish, his daughter, Miss EDIBLE OILS Ing and repairing furniture and Winfield Aurelia, who joiEvery other branch of woodned him in the great be of the Costarrican Oils and work. Coffins always stocked.
yond two years later, Mrs. Grease Company (Alajuela) vee as before going elsewhere.
Marion Lee, a devoted mem Enquire regarding quality Prices moderate. 4th. Street, ber of the denomination and and Factory prices of ontrance to Gamez Lumber her husband, Felix Lee, who Paris, Apdo. 537, San Jose Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, preceded her into Eternity.
Manager WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND HARLEM ECONOMY. Everything in ma NEW BAR AND Some Recent Deaths chinery made or repaired, from RESTAURANT. The Best drinks The following persons who a Pin to a Crane. See us. We prepared by Crawford and were conected with this Zone carry an assortment of Beds, Grant, Genuine native and for are reported to have died in Springs and other useful things eign liquors. stocked Our Cusithe San Juan de Dios Hospital at all times. Building No. 89 ue service the most up to date.
San José.
North Fifth Avenue.
CRAWFORD AND GRANT, Abred Gayla Stool, 52 years THOMPSON, Proprietor. Proprietors old, formerly of this city, a son of Albert Gayle and Mary Stool, he was admitted to the institution on the 14th. DeA PRODUCT OF BRITISH INGENUITY THE STEN cember last and died on the TOMMY GUN. This is Britain new tommy gun. the 9th. instant. Sten.
Jose Lobo Romero, 51 years If you are every particular Manufactured by methods unorthodox to an engineer, it old, late of Guacimo, is statwas designed and built within a month by two inventors, and ed to have breathed his last ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES is now being turned out in tens of thousands weelkly. Its cost in the ambulance in which he is but a fraction of an ordinary machine gun.
was being taken from the AIf you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at Picture shows: British Home Guard testing out a Sten tlantic Railway Station to the gun. It can be fired as an automatic from the hip, or used for hospital.
single shot with sights.
Guillermo Cruz Gonzales, 43 THE STANDARD years of age, formerly of 16 is certain to please you THE LEAVING CERTIFICATE FOR PRIVATE Miles, a son of Juan Cruz iriand. SCHOOLS whose death is said to have NELSON and SON TAILORS We gladly release, for the information of all concerned, a taken place on the 12th. of specimen of the Leaving Certificate recently established for the present mont.
75 Yds. NORTH THE POST OFFICE IN FRONT use by all the English Private Schools in this Zone those which THE CITY MARKET are recognized and under the jurisdiction of don Carlos Barrantes International Shorts Mora, Inspector of Private Colleges and Schools and are associated with the Teachers Asociation.
So critical has the situation Under this new ruling, we understand that before a scholar become in the city of Paris on No Squeel, no scolding nor complaint from Mothers, Wives can be transferred from one school to another, the parent or, account of a lack of foods or Sweethearts when the hair cut or shave is done at Diguardian is obligated to apply to the teacher of the school the tuff that the Nazi authorities xon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
pupil is attending or last attended for such a certificate, as in are said to be arranging for the absence of same the child will not be admitted to any other.
the evacuation of one million DEATH OF ANOTHER OF OUR PIONEERING THE CERTIFICATE of the inhabitants.
This certifies that has been a scholar CITIZENS By way of Switzerland the in in the formation is released that an, by Mrs. Eliza Barrett for a The sufferings experienced School during the year 19.
epidemic of typhus exists in very long period came to an tizen left nothing undans and is reported on as follows: northern Italy and is spread end on the night of the 13 th to have her remains deposited Grade Attendance. regular or irregular. ing alarmingly. Extraordinary instant when death claimed in their last resting place in General Conduct.
precautions are being taken its own. The deceased was a a befitting manner. Her cofStudies. Diligent?
it is said to prevent its spread native of the parish of West fin, designed and built by Mr Ambitious?
across the frontier moreland in the Island of Ja Chas. Roden, was of surpas Progressive?
maica and long resided in this sing beauty. Its design of circommunity, where she was wicle head and foot, with curve Reasons for leaving.
English Tweeds Sergs has been stated that having ed with oval and handles of dely known and regarded. It on top of circle panel furnish Date of last attendance.
Bad or Good reached the advanced age of cove, five on Method of payment each side, monthly or weekly. can still be had at seventy eight years, her death through which bars passedAny Payments due. Reasonable Prices at was hastened by the loss of and with two additional coves Parent or Guardian.
her son, Mr. Alexander Goul fitted with handles to the JACK ORANE Sucu.
bourne, about seven months head, completely polished, Date ago.
presented a novelty.
Mr. John Goulbourne, her The religious service in the HE PEOPLE HOUSE Director or Directress surviving son, and our good ci St. Mark Church was conduct Limon ed by the Rector, the Rev. James Evans, and concluded Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso. We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back at the grave by Catechist Days de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: ley. The floral wreaths and other tokens were This bill must be paid at our office before evidence Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro of tribute to the life which was the 10th of the month extinct. concourse of mourn de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not ners end sympathizers attendLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ed the funeral. She has left her de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
son and severed grand chidren to mourn her loss. Among the latter are Messrs. Vincent of San Jose and Ferdi of this ci ty. May the soul of our depart ed citizen rest in Peace Eternal COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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