
23rd. 1943 DICE LONDRES, 21. UP. va Jithe price the ingreases inner in which the cost omane antbe ow THE GIMNASTIC. JUPITER FOOTBALL MATCH ANOCHE LOS ALEMANES SATISFIED COLLABORATOR LAST SUNDAY TRATARON DE INCURSIO Dear Mr. Editor found it possible to carry on have read the article in at the old ratings notwithsNinety minutes of play for supremacy left the issue undecided, NAR EN INGLATERRA your issue of the 9th. ins tanding the alarming: manthe result being a no goal contest tant anent at whith your ry conceivable thing has Last Sunday afternoon, in his usual standard of play. rio aeroplanos alemanes ataca well established and highly soared.
continuation of the Season Roy Hayling, the right extre ron esta noche la costa sureste regarded Weekly will from Football matches, the Gimnas me, on the samia side was outs de Inglaterra. Las baterias de noton be offered the pu As it is, think the new ticas and Jupiters, who eained tripped at every siage by his artilleria antiaért a un equal number of points, marker. Borador of the Ju con toda violencia al enemigo the least. In fact it has al per copy and seventy five recibieron blic. am not surprised in ratings of twenty centimos met tor a deciding game. Gim piters. Frank Rivers threw Las primeras recib das acerca de la incursión a la di ways been a wonder to me centimos per month to regu rastica took the field a po away a swell chance, present en de combas.
how your Management iar subscribers, de not repre pular favorite, according to ed at the outset of the match, sent the paper real value.
the remarks overheard, but to have earned in goal for the St. MARK SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY None canadany people have they were confronted by Garron, the Jupiters vince its worthy atíacking and defend forceful forward, could not lo benefitted in many respects in foe, Many attempts to cate his stirrup. Ulloa, the very presentable Those who successfully pierse the reservations were fast shooter, failed to find the dience was evidenced in the passed the examinations in as the result of the laudable efforts pursued by way of thrillingly repulsed by either trigger of his rifle. Wade, Hall of the St. Mark Parish Scripture were the Misses its columns. As our commu side. Osmond Evans, the Gim and Vegas were the stars in on Monday evening the Blake, 1st. Blake, nity neds its services, at nastica goalie, proved himself addition to the goalkecpers. 18th. instant on the occa and Forde, 2nd. and Ire this time, more than ever, a veritable Gibraltar. Seve It is hoped that at the next sion of the celebration of me. Blake 3rd, as well as sincerely hope all will con ral of the well known pa encounter we shall be present their anniversary by the Delpratt and Hazel Grant. tinue their wholehearted yers, on both féans did not ed with a more appetizing children of the Anglican Masters Wade, 1st.
come up to exectations. Ca manu with plenty of Pi Sunday School.
Gray, 2nd. Edwards, T: support, despite the small in sasola, Gimnastica center mienta.
Thomas and Dobson wa creases in its prices. The Director, Mr.
back, was noticeably Daysley; the re the successful pupils of SuperintenA. Satisfied Subscriber the Junior Grade.
dent, Mr. Ruben Samuels; THEIR EFFORT WAS NOT IN VAIN as also Mr. Davidson and teachers undoubtedly merited the very warm apThe response by the Wo other five, not having any rrobation and gratefulness men Federation, associa: oil in theirs, had to spend showered on them by the ted with the local Baptist some time securing same Rector for their valuable Church, to the request for and on their return they services.
the re staging of their De found the Bridegroom had The entertaining features, cember Concert, was not in departed. This was penetra over which the Rector prevain, as was witnessed by tingly portrayed. The com sided, earned much distincthe appreciable and largements by the Rev. For tion, Recitations were contri audience present on thede on the spiritual signifi buted by the Misses Delnight of the 18th. instant. cance were particularly im pratt, Gardener, GayThe artistes re demonstra pressive; he said in conclu nor, Herma and Hermilina ted their effective presenta ding, My sincerest desire Davis, and Shaw, tion some even earned hig hin this congregation will Edwards, Thomas, her distinction. The closing and praver is that all wit Hunter, Cole, Forde, playlet, based on the scrip have their lamps trimnied Dobson, Goulbourne, tural narrative of the Ten and burning, and be fully and. Blake, Masters Virgins. five of whom are prepared to meet our Lord Robinson, Davis, stated to have had their and Saviour Jesus Christ, Bramble. Gray, and lamps trimmed and burning whose coming is much nea Calder. The soloists were when they went out to meet rer than many are think the Misses Grant, Cal the Bridegroom, while the ing. uder, Hilda and Edith Blake.
Impressive choruses songs were rendered by tho se who comprise the School Choir. Messrs. Ruben Samuels and Davidson were the platform speakers.
The recipients of certifica tes were the Misses Mr. CHURCHILL ON TANK, DURING VISIT TO EASTERN Grant, Delpratt, Goul COMMAND. When the British Prime Minister inspected an bourne, Blake, armoured division attached ot the Eastern Command. He rode Wright. Dobson, Bla down the ranks on a Covenanter tank and saw a mock tank ke, Verma Cole, Verna Co battle Mr Churchill was accompanied by Dr. Evatt, le, Gardener, Cole, Australian Minister for External Affairs Mr Winston ChurH. Blake, Forde, chill seated on a tank, talking things over with Lieut. General Smith, Ford, Thomas, A Anderson, Eastern Command and another Smith and Masters senior Officer Wade, Myrie and Blake. These were issued in EI Premier Británico Winston Churchill durante su visita al order of merit for attendan Comando Británico en Oriente, charla con los oficiales sentado ce at Sunday School.
sobre un gran tanque.
and LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS LIMON SOAP FACTORY ALLIED AND ENEMY AIRMEN LIVES MAY DEPEND ON THIS MAN. former British fisherman now member of the Air Sea Rescue Service which watches for and picks up airmen who have been forced down into the sea. He is a Petty Officer skipper of a former luxury yacht, now run by the Royal Navy as a rescue boat.
NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS VISIT: The best assortment of first class lumber Laurel and Cedar GARRON e HIJOS Administrador in LIMON, Juan, Abdelnour Saw Mill in Siquirres We buy Logs APARTADO 417LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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