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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, January 23rd. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN er at one SMASHING THE BOAT BRITAIN REMAINS SLAVERY FOR EUROPE UNITED NATIONS NAZI DEFEAT NEAR CAMPAIGN EUROPEAN POWER NATIONS OFFENSIVE LENINGRAD LONDON, Jan. The greatest LONDON, Jan. Britain LONDON, Jan. submarine Analysing versus convoys determination to play her full the Nazi plans for the reducLONDON, Jan. The German battle LONDON, Jan. The Nazi has started.
It part in the reconstruction defeat near Leningrad is even Berlin is deter Europe after the war of tion of the conquered peoples leaders realise that it is no shows that mined to attack the unceasing stressed by the Parliamentary abject slavery, the Swedish the German people the knowwas of Europe to the condition of longer possible to conceal from more important than their defeat at Stalingrad, points out flow of Allied shipping, while Undersecretary for Foreign newspaper Nytid on the other hand London ani Affairs, Mr. Richard Law, in One can form an idea of what advances are only a part of the the North, he said in Thurswrites: ledge that the great Russian the military correspondent of the Evening Standard. In Washington have developed a in London last Wednesday, things would be like in the general offensive of the Unitmajor plan to jointly smasn The United Kingdom is and new ordered Europe by exa ed Nations. One German paper the Germans have had 65 diday edition of the paper, the Boat peril. Since what. must remain a European pow mining the statements of the wrote that it would be a inis visions holding 400 miles ever happens on land is go of within the Common Nazi politicians and the con take to assume that Stalin verned primarily by what hap wealth, he said, but that ditions in the occupied coun now staking everything on the actual front over 20 miles pens on the seas, now more special relationship with Eur tries. The Swedish Now that the per division.
paper eastern offensive, and that if than ever, it is necessary from ope does not weaken our mem points out that the result is a he does not achieve a decisive outflank the German defences Russians can use Leningrad to the Axis point of view to force bership of the Commonwealth, picture of Europe consisting success he will break down their Boat packs to stil greater exertions.
Germany be of less service to it. On the the other peoples are rated as dangerous the paper said the correspondent goes on to nor does it mean that we will of one dominant people, while next summer. It would be around Lake Ilmen, this is no longer sufficient. Moreoveroriginal aim was to contrary, our services will be second class and third class, as to indulge in any illusions greater, because we shall form well as some peoples are con about the enemy forces, be Leningrad is specially serious say. the German defeat STARVE BRITAIN INTO bridge and an interpretative sidered as unworthy of belong cause we are now compelled to because the area now threatSUBMISSION mechanism between the con ing to the European commu direct our efforts to the south ened by the Russians is peritinent of Europe and the great nity, and that they are only of our continent as well. In lously close to the Reich terby smashing the convoys and ocean continents overseas being tolerated for the sake other, words, the German press ritory. Veliki Luki, for exam.
sending the imports of food Commenting on Mr. Law of their labour. This result is admits that the so called For ple, is little more and war materials from over speech, well informed circles being obtained by the process tress of Europe is now being miles from the borders of East than 300 seas to the bottom of the ocean here point out that quite apart of systematically exterminai attacked from all sides, and With this end in view, Ger from the material help which ing the leading classes in every that its defences Prussia are being many sacrificed the building, Britain together with the Unit country, or reducing them to breached by the armies of the of freighters and warships and ed States will bring to the the proletarian level in order United Nations.
NAZI DEFENCES WERE concentrated on the mass pro stricken peoples of Europe that there shall be only TOUGH duction of Boats. Her first after the war, the political ruling class the German aircraft carrier, Graf Zep. example provided by the HERRENVOLK.
The paper DUTCH CATHOLICS In connection with the above, pelin. was laid down nearly British Commonwealth which goes on to say: It is frethe London Times Moscow seven years ago, but so far she is perhaps the greatest prac quently said that the present FIGHT correspondent said in last Wed has not appeared in the zone tical example of democracy in conditions in Europe are due nesday issue that the Gerof the sea war.
The aim to the world will be of immense to the hard necessities of war, man fortifications around Lestarve out Britain has so far value to the European peo but this excuse is unjustified LONDON, Jan. Catholics ningrad were as tough as Gerfailed. Lord Woolton, Britain ples in solving their post war for it is evident that the Ger in Holland who have already Iman military skill could devise.
Minister of Food, told the Brit problems.
mans have already gone suffered heavily from Nazi Hitherto the Germans sufferish public recently that the beyond the demands of the persecution, are continuing to ing mne defeat after another food position was better now hundred. This allowing military situation. This shows fight valiantly to defend their had found their refuge in the than ever before, and that that one third of Germany their urgent desire to realise religion, admitted the German belief that their defence posis tions. at El Alamein, in the submarine strength is in the their ideal Europe as rapidly broadcaster from the nazi THERE ARE GREAT front line, and that the other as possible. The writer sums controlled Hilversum station. Dón area, and now at LeninRESERVES twothirds are resting, repairing up the situation in the follow The speaker described how the grad impregnable.
and off patrol. links up with ing words: Serfdom is again Catholic priests have gone This belief has been destroyed available all over the country, the American estimate that arising in the heart of Europe, from house to house in the by the United Nations who Meanwhile the Merchant Navy and We know that our country Dutch towns have smashed the Nazis most villages is carrying a tremendous bur 100 BOATS ARE AT SEA would be treated in exactly the enrolling members for carefully prepared defence poThat den There is no complacency same way if it were occupied Dutch party to fight Na sitions at every point.
about that in Britain Avast always. Against that it the strongest defences have is by the Germans tional Socialism. Within amount of shipping has been known that Britain has more chort time, he said, the num now been breached is doubly diverted to meet the aceils of than 500 front line anti subma use of aircraft to fight the ma ber has reached more than significant in view of the final the military plans. The giant Trine warships, made up of rauders. The Boat crews are half a million. Just as the Na great offensive which will soon be launched by the United nature of the part the British about 300 destroyers and more well aware how deadly all zis are determined to exterm Merchant Navy plays in the than 200 corvettes built since craft can be when employed nate the Christian Nations against Germany soFaith in called Fortress of Europe.
military operations is indicat the war started. New flotillas for the protection and destrue which they see their most imed by the news that in the of destroyers and corvettes as tion of submarines. Recently placable enemy, so the Church OUT FOUGHT AND OUTshort period from November well as other submarine craft they attacked a large convoy realises that it can only conGENERALLED 8th to January 8th, nearly one are constantly leaving the to Britain thirty five times in tinue to exist by fighting thousand transports and sup building slips. This does not four days, but were beaten oft Nazism.
The same paper states that ply ships as well as other ves take into account the anti sub not only hy British, American the once ommipotent Wehrsels totalling seven million tons marine strength of the United and Nortwegian warships, but had carried important supplies States. Germany says that also by British, American and SAYINGS macht has been out fought and lout generalled in every way by and reinforcements to despite the intensive bombine Canadian aircraft specially the Russian armies. In the of the Boat bases and build equipped for fighting Boats mighty trial of strength which NORTH AFRICAN PORTS.
ing yards, she is producing a The Allies are increasing their has taken place on the Leninnew Poat dvery day. Against measures to fight the subma. The Home Guard has grad front, the Red Army, as Therefore, important as it was this is the knowledge that the rine danger. Merchant vessels earned the admiration of elsewhere the Eastern for the Boats to attack Allies are mass producing anti carry fighter planes, new secret everyone by magnificent Front, has proved its present Britain food supplies during submarine vessels faster than electrical devices have been example of citizenship in ae superiority over the German the first three years of the war. Germany is massproducing discovered, and it is most, siguion. Mr. Vincent Massey forces in generalship, organi it is even more vital for the Boats. In fact the Boats are nificant that the famous liner High Commissioner for Comu zation and in fighting ability.
Axia to try and smash the lines now undertaking a new role Duchess of Bedford. the la If after the smashing of the of skinping now diverted to In the early stages of the war 20, 000 ton Canadian Pacific Afrika Korps by the British the more aggressive military they bent on isolating Britain liner. a great plum of a tar After three years of war. VIIIth. Army in North Africa operations. Both sides in the from her Allies by attacking get when seen through the it is hard to believe that so proof were still needed of the struggle are facing some hard the food of the British people periscope of a submarine only many people fail to understand with of German invincibility, facts about the forces oppos Today German propaganda 400 yards away. should have that their duty lies in helping that proof has been provided ing. Iliem Britain and America makes no attempt to disguise turned around and sunk the their country by saving and by the successful Russian of.
face the fact the Boats are the fact that the Boats, lika Boat. The rate of submari lending to the State instead of fensives on the Eastern Front beins mass produced faster the Luftwaffe. are bent on ne sinkings is steadily increas. spending thoughtlessy, there than they are being sunk, and keeping the.
ing and so is the rate of by hindering the war effort, turies been the conscience of gigantic efforts are being made building new merchant vessels prolonging the war and becom Europe Dr. Hertz, Chief to reverse that position. To WAR. AWAY FROM to replace those which are ing the allies of Hitler. Rabbi.
fau 25. the possibilities of the CERMANY being sunk. There can only be Lord Kindersley.
opposing forces in this battle one outcome to this campaign. Progress in the ultimate, for convoys, one must first. Therefore, they must attack namely, the United Nations Public opinion must be means the increasing predomi.
der the resources of the hen Allied. Shiping with greater will eventually cope with the roused to the satanic crime of nance of goodwill and love ferocity than an nation over selfishness and greed.
estimate puts the figure the Allies are countering tirei destroy Hitler last chance for We turn to our beloved Eng. That is the only criterion.
of German Boats at three offensive with an ever greater victory if he ever had one land that has for so many cen The Archbishop of Canterbury. were a a on a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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