
THE THOUGH FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE 13 SA Piety practised in solitude, like the flower which blooms in the desert, may give its fragrance to the winds of heaven and delight those unbodied spirits which suxe Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 vey the works of God and the actions of men; but it bestowe no assistance on earthly things, and however YEAR VIII LIMON, JANUARY 30th. 1943 VO:59 free taints of impurity, yet wants the sacred splendour of beneficence. You Dr. Calderon Guardia Profoundly Thankful for Alten PRES. ROOSEVELT tions of Government and People of Panama VISITS LIBERIA WORTHY REMINISCENCE during his recent Visit It has been officially an We today recall the great celebration indu ged in the ounced from Our most distinguished ne. As an additional homa that on his way back from just one year ago, when our democratic country extennd highly respected Presi ge a squadron of the war his historic war conference ded homage to His Excellency President Franklin ient, Dr. Calderon Guar planes of the United States at Casablanca, North Afri. Rcósevelt of the United States of America on the occasa, returned to Costa Rica flew over the air port while Pre dent Roosevet pa sion of the sixtieth anniversary of his birth.
on Thursday greatly plea the customary national sa id a visit to Mr. Edwin Bar Though not in, magnitude, yet in magnanimity, our ed with the attent. ons the Lute was being effected.
cay, President of the Repu city participated in the praiseworthy event as sponsored Tove Jament of our ne gh Literalla, almost every blic of beria in the coun by ou: highly esteemed Governor and his Committee.
souring Republic and its minute of the Distinguished ry capital, Monrovia.
yeople had paid himse and visitors time was occupied We particularly call to mind the colourful procession is party during the period in activities, social and othmade up of the Civil. Military Authorities, the Cleargy, si of their visit.
erwise, which demonstrated Municipal Fathers, Representatives of the Auxiliary Red Landing at the Panama the sincere frindship which JAPS STILL Cross, members of the various religious Denominations. it Air Port last Monday the exists between the two naDoctor and his Party were tions. In addition to visiting BEING HARD HIT Lodges and other Organizations, Sport Clubs and the Pored and welcomed by ana inspecting numerous general pub ic.
President Ricardo Adolfo de points of interest on PanaWe are also reminde dof Roosevelt Day because a Guard a of Panama, with man. an territory. they were Under the Supreme Coniwhom were associated the aken over the defenses of mand of General Douglas of its illustrious merit. for has not he whom it hon members of the Republic he Canal Zone in the com McArthur, the Allied acti ours pjoven himself one of the greatest torch bearers of Labinet and the Diplomatic pany of the Governor. Ma es in the south Pacific the established Solidarity of our Hemisphere, and a first Corps, other highs functionajor General Glen Edgerton regions cont nue favourably line defender of human freedom, rights and liberty?
as well as representati and other high officials. for the United Nations. When the world shall have regained its peace and trans yes of the Army and Navy We are confident the visit The past week informa quility, and its people their freedom and God givens the United States of Ame vill further cement the tion tells, inter alia, of th on headed by Lieutenant warm and cordial relat ons annihilation of 15, 000 Ja rights, then the name of Franklin Roosevelt will be General George Brett, who which exist between the, paneise which brought the emblazoned as one of democracy mightiest exponents. Es commands the Caribbean Zo two countries and peoples. Tenemy menace in the Sana On this his 61st. anniversary we desire to associate manda Zone to an end. The its cominemoration with his indelible expressions at their KEVERE KREDITIERELLE DELLE REECE TERRACE HERSTELLERS TEEN enemy base of Rabaul is al time or promulgating the Lend Lease Bill. He saidso said to have been badly If your neightbour house be on fire and you possess NOTICE hit by a squadron of allied ur units.
the necessary water hose it should be loaned to extinAddress all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajos North American air units guish the re and prevent its spread to your dwelling.
ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a aš uked and severely da. There was much prophecy in those words. It was not so ROIG maged a Jap air base newly long after that the Pear Harbour attack took place and constructed a short stance confirmed the vision of President Roosevelt. His prooff Guadalcanal. BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 The important Japanese phetic expression also undoubtedly enhanced armament SAN JOSE arbase at Toungoo, Burma, production in the United States of America and placed Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos was the object of an intense his government in a position to outstandingly aid the bombing by RAF units, du nations with whom his country is allied.
HI MATTITAITOISUUTTARITTO. ring the night of the 26th.
January 30th. 1943 finds us more optimistic and instant. river transport much nearer the restoration of World Peace than tha Additional Gains on Russian Battle Fronts was also seriously damaged ai. a position occupied by were twelve months ago. The war activities disclose!
Further advices regarding Voronezh and 129 off Kursh. enemy forces in the Akyab that the free and united Nations are daily marching to the victories being almost in the northern region ward a final and permanent victory.
area bombed.
of We extend our dai:y gained by the fight. ng the Caucasian sector, The North Amer can heartfelt wishes to President Roosevelt on the comple: forces of the Soviet Union Kuss an troops ceptured the troops are continuing their tion of another year of his illustrious life career. May on all their battle fronts, important petroleum center dvance toward Cabo Cruz he enjoy many more anniversaries.
in the Salomon Islands discjose that the more re jof Neftgorsk and the city cent offensive in the Stalin of Apsgetonskaya. The for group grade sector was the mear from mer place is located 64 kMilitary release of one German general, lometros northeast of Tua. Australia States that AlliGAMEZ LUMBER turee colonels, four lieute se and only 32 southwest ed Air ünites were engaged YARD 4th Street toward the Northern Machine Shops nant colonels and a large the great petroleum district a attacks against the Japs number of other officers bel of Maikop.
ten distinct areas which FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE ing captured, while the rem threaten to The important position of disorgan ize Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to nants of the twentyt two di Rostov is said to be part y their war bases.
visions were being steadily surrounded by the approach have concentrated 60 naval The Japs are reported to A MEZ LUMBER YARD exterminated.
of the Soviet armies from We never have a dissatisfied Customer Enemy resistence on the three separate regions; one units aff Rabaul with the PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET Don front was also being su hundred and eighty thous probable intention of launrely distroyed a further re and Nazi troops are announ china attack against port stated.
ced trapped in the near yici north Australia.
20. Оила?
Three thousand nazis were nity. PROPOSAL TO STIMULATE AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS aptured in an encounter to Moscow claims that 700.
the north of Stalingrade. 000 enemy soldiers and of been njured in Russia while hundreds who ende ficers have lost their lives during the past two months.
avoured to check the Soviet In keeping with the produstry, generally.
advance were killed. Alar.
gramme of. Dr. Calderon The forms on wh! ch the Guardia Government to do required information are to ge quantity of arms and other material were seized. PRAISEWORTHY INTEREST ne greatest good for the be written will be supplied On the Voronezh front, togreatest number of the in to the Governors and Police Amid the over changing ice whom were observed several ward the north, where the nes of life habitants of our democratic Agents in all the urain youths; and as not even chescultivatRussians occupy the eastern worthy services whica. never cordant note was detected, the country, the Secretary of ed areas of the Republic.
margin of the River Don, fail to attract attention. thought arose that the Gads griculture proposes. thro On the invitation of our high five thousand Germans were In this connection, we recent were being effectively od ngh the medium of the De ly regarded Governor, don taken prisoners, and many ly experienced a momen of in the great Art.
partment of Economic Agri Abel Robles, the Secretary townships and districts re thought arrest when we came The highest compliment is due culture and Production Sta of Agriculture will visit this captured. Among these was abreast the city Band on its four much esteemed Colonel Vic tistics, to gather all the da city and attend a meeting in Gorsechnaya, one of way to the Cathedral for the tor Sanabria, the Director ei ta possible in Connection connection with the matter principal stations of the rail usual military Mass. co nra the Band, for the praiseworthy with conditions as they exist on Wednesday next the way which runs through this sition by one of the great Nas interest he is manifesting in the in all our agricultural re 3rd. February. The assemregion and located about ter was being captivatingly lads who will be our Men of gions with a view of institu bly will, we are informed, 80 kilometros southwest of played by the musicians acions Tomorrow.
ting measures to aid the in be at the Governor Office.
we an пісаннансиране there we was Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyNazismPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaSovietStalinURSS

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